Chapter 21 : Sound Check

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                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

Kind of woke up by Ashton's snoring . But not enough to get up . So I close my eyes . I realised that I my arms are rapped around Ashton and Luke's arms are rapped around me . I can't even get up . because Luke is on my hair and my legs are under the blanket and in between Ashton's leg .

As I start to get back in a deep sleep . I feel Luke get up slowly . I turn my head and Luke at him . He has a big smile on his face . I looked at him with a confused look . He leans over to me and said '' today is the first show of the tour . '' I smile at him and turn my head . Close my eyes . But then again once I do Ashton gets up . My arm fall from him to the bed . I try to act like I am asleep . Because I am so tired .

He starts to tickle me . I smile trying not to laugh . But Ashton knows where my tickle spots are . So its hard to not . '' I'm up I'm up . '' Ashton stops . I get up get my clothes and go to the bathroom to change . It was really hard because it is so small . Luke comes and knocks . I ask what he wanted . He was just wondering if I was ok . Probably because I kept hitting the walls putting on clothes in this small bathroom . I am finally down .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

Katherine comes out the bathroom . She is beautiful in her red plad shirt with black skinny jeans and her black converse . Luke walked pasted her . '' I have the same shirt . We could be twins . '' Katherine started to laugh . I realized she has a different laugh for everything . Her laugh is different when she is with Luke . '' anyway we have to get ready to go to sound check . Some go wake up Calum . ''

I take off my clothes and put on clean ones . I felt like someone was watching my so I turn around and Katherine is looking at me . I smile at her .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I was looking at Ashton . He looked cute with out shirt . All of a sudden Luke calls my name . I jump and turn around . He is asking if I can help him wake up Calum . I rush over to the back room where Calum is still asleep . Me and Luke call his name louder and louder each time . But he still doesn't wake up . I shake his head . Still doesn't . I decide to slap him . But if that doesn't work then I don't know what will . It worked . He got up and got dressed .

After every one was ready . We headed to sound check .  When we got there . They all go in there spots . I watch them for a few minutes . They mostly just played around . Which was funny . I decided to go back out to the bus . I forgot to grab my phone to take pictures .

When I got out I felt like some one was behind me walking towards me . I look and when I did there was this guy all in black walking on the side walk . He looked at me . Right when he looked I turned my head quick and rushed inside . I just looked at them and when they did . Luke and Calum were naked . I closed my eyes and turned facing the door . Ashton called my name . I turned to look at him and just him . '' can they put on some close please . '' I asked him

He yelled and asked if they could . Calum said '' no Katherine if you are going to be with us and go on tour with us then then we are going to be our selfs . Deal with it girl . '' I started to laugh to the last part he said . '' can I just see and hear you guys play some music . '' I asked them . Ashton put his hands around my waist . And my arms around his neck . '' do you know that this will be my first time watching you guys play live . '' Ashton nodded his head yes to me .

Luke ran up to us . I told him to cover that when he runs . '' fine I will . '' I pulled Ashton to practice the songs for tonight . They practiced playing Good Girls , Long Way Home , End Up Here , Heartbreak Girl , Kiss Me Kiss Me , 18 , Beside You , Voodoo Doll , Amnesia . By the time they were down practicing it was almost time for them to perform . So I go back stage with them . They all brush their teeth . Which is weird but that's them . They teach me there thing before they go on stage . I ask if I can have a picture with each of them before they get on stage . Then wish them Luck .

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