Chapter 39 : Travel

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                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

I wake up early from a text from Ashton asking is we can talk . So I get up quietly . Trying not to wake up Katherine . She needs sleep after what happened yesterday . After I get dressed and but on a hat I go to Ashton's room . Ashton opens the door . '' hi what do you need me to talk about ? '' '' just come in . '' I sit on the bed waiting for Ashton to talk . But before he could say anything I ask where Calum and Michael are . '' they went to go get breakfast . '' Ashton tells me .

'' ok so after what happened yesterday and I bet she told you what I asked and what she said . I was thinking you and Katherine can go somewhere so she can figure it out . '' Ashton says to me . I do have a smile on my face but I'm trying not to show it . '' so any where ? '' I ask . '' yeah its your choice . '' After I tell him that I text her saying '' to come in Ashton's room to talk . '' I hope that didn't sound bad .

                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I hear my phone go off . I open my eyes and grab my phone . It is a text from Luke . I respond back saying '' I'll be there in a few minutes . '' I get just grab a random shirt and jeans . I put my hair in a pony tail . I walk out and go straight into Ashton's room . It was cracked open . When I walk in Luke is standing up and Ashton is sitting on the bed . '' what's going on ? '' I ask them both .

'' since you said you didn't know out of the both of us I think you and Luke should go some where together . '' Ashton said . I was surprised he said that . I thought he would be mad and not even think of that . '' I have thought of some where . '' Luke shouts out . '' ok where ? '' I ask him . '' it's a surprise . '' I smiled at him . Luke smiled at me . '' we are leaving today . So we have to get packing . ''

Me and Luke left the room and went in ours . I asked him how many days are we staying ? I wanted to just have enough clothes . I started to pack but Luke kepted interupting me . About ten minutes later I finally got done . Luke was done before me probably because he barly had things to pack . Luke grabbed our bags . Ashton Calum and Michael are waiting by the door of the building . I walked over to Ashton first . I gave him a hug . I whispered thank you in his ear . I went over to Michael . I gave him as well . '' I'm going to miss you guys . '' '' I'm going to miss you too . '' Michaels says . As I walk over to Calum Michael says '' use protection . '' out loud . I roll my eyes .

By the time I give Calum a hug . Luke comes . I give him a hug too . I pull away . I walk with Luke to the car . Luke opens the door for me . I jump in . He does too . As Luke was driving I felt like I could relax . We got on the high way . It looked pretty with the sun and the trees . '' you know how I asked you who saved me and you said Ashton . '' I tell him . '' yeah why ? '' '' I wish it was you . '' '' me too . ''

'' what do you mean you wish it was you ? what happened ? '' '' well I did find you and pull you out of the water . I wanted him to do it at the time but now I wish it was me . '' '' well thats that and we can just go on to the surprise that you have . '' '' do you like surprises ? '' '' not really . ''

It's been a while since we have been in the car now . '' can we stop because I have to go the bath room ? '' '' there's no where to go besides the woods .'' Luke says . I pout my lips at him . '' fine . '' We pull over by the woods. I get out first . I tell him to stay to watch the car . He doesn't listen . '' I can turn off the car I am not leaving you by your self in the woods . '' I roll my eyes as he gets out . I find where I could go where no one can see me . Luke is in front of me . I tell him to turn so he doesn't look . He doesn't . I have to phiscally move him around . Once I was done I went straight to the car . Luke follows .

Once Luke starts to drive again . '' you don't listen that well . '' '' I don't wow . '' Luke starts to cry but not really crying . '' wow Luke really . '' He looks at me with a grin . I just laugh . '' I can tell you're different around me . '' Luke says '' how can you tell ? '' '' because you are laughing and relaxed but you're not like that with Ashton . '' I thought about what he said and he does make a good point . I start to see building . I knew we were close to where ever Luke is taking me . We pull in to the place .

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