Chapter 45 : Sorry

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I walk with anger to Ashton's room with Luke close by . I had him just be close so if I hurt my self of something he could help . He seems to be the one that has been there for me and actually help . I knock on Ashton's door . I quickly whipe the tears off my face before Ashton or Michael answers . The door is opening . Michael opened the door . I was hoping it would be Ashton so I willn't get mad at Michael .

'' Hi Katherine , what's wrong your face is all red . '' Michael ask . I just stand there not knowing what to say to him . '' Please go I need to talk to Ashton and I don't want to get mad at you like I am at Ashton right now so please leave . '' Michael looks behind himself and there is Ashton standing there . Ashton nods his head . I move to the right so Michael can leave .

I walk to mad . I stare at Ashton trying to keep the tears back . '' I hate you Ashton . '' I told him . I felt my heart pounding . '' What did I do ? '' he asked me which is stupid because I know he knows why I am so mad at him . '' you know so don't act dumb . '' I say to him . '' no I don't seriously tell me what I did to make you hate me so much . '' '' Bethany told me what you said about it all how I am the love of your life sleeping with your bestfriend . Yeah none of that is true . '' '' Yes it is I do love you and I still have feelings for you and it does seem like you are . '' Ashton says to me .

'' How is that what I'm doing it ? '' I ask him . '' It is because I know you still have feelings for me you just don't want to admit it . '' Ashton says it yelling . '' Yeah I do have feeling for you but not in that way . Ok I love Luke . '' '' yeah sure you do . '' Ashton whispers . '' What did you just say ? '' '' I said sure you do Luke is so opposite of you though . '' '' Yeah we might be opposites but like they say opposites attract . '' I said to him . It looked like he didn't know what to say . '' Did I ruin it I guess you don't know what to say now . ''

                                                Luke's P.O.V.

Me and Michael are standing by the door hearing them yell at each other . Back and forth . It started getting quiet . I was about to open the door . But the Michael stopped me . '' I don't think thats a good idea . '' I look at him . Michael is right about that . I let go of the door and slide down the wall just listening . Calum and Bethany came to us . They sat by the wall . As me and Michael are . Calum whispers '' Are they still arguing ? '' I lean over and whisper back yes but it has gone quiet . I'm a bit worried . '' '' She will be ok . Katherine is a strong girl , even though it doesn't really show she is . '' Bethany says . After she said that it made me feel better then I did . We all started to hear talking again . But still yelling . We all listened closely .

                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

'' Well what is it about Luke that you like or why your mad at me or what ever ? '' '' Well he always helps me when ever there is a problem with me and you . '' '' If you say he always there for you then where is he ? '' Ashton ask me . '' Luke  knows I am here with you yelling . I wanted to do this and he thought it was a great idea . '' '' If you say he is so amazing and all tell me what happened when you guys left ? '' '' I'm not telling you that wait I will . He is so romantic . Luke knows how to treat a girl and I had the best time of my life . '' I say it to him more angrier then I was . '' You said that with a lot of thing that we have done together . '' Ashton says that quiet . I could tell he was hurt which I wanted him to feel that in the first place . I didn't feel bad . That's what I felt everytime he made a stupid mistake . '' Tell me what we have done like what me and Luke have down . '' I had to wait a minute for Ashton to respond .

 '' We . . . stayed around the house . '' Those times started to come back to me . But I didn't feel the same about them as I did when they were happening . '' Yeah those were sometimes but it's different now . '' I breathe in and out slowly . '' I wish they were the same . '' Ashton says that quiet also . '' But their never going to be I'm sorry . '' Ashton looks in my eyes . Starts walking towards me . I walk back . I hit the wall . Ashton speaks . '' I am sorry for all I have down . I know its a lot . People do make mistakes if you can't see . I wish we can be friends and have a bond like no one else . '' I push him back off of me . Ashton leans in to kiss me . But I pull right away . '' No Ashton you keep doing the same shit you always do to me . No bond no nothing . It can never be like that after all that happened . '' I walk to the door . '' Well tell me who . '' '' You should already know the answer to that . '' I say to Ashton before opening the door . '' Well if you have no feeling for me then just say it in front of my face . '' I open the door right when he says that . I look at Luke , Michael , Bethany and Calum . I turn back around facing Ashton leaving the door open slightly . So everyone can here it . I bet the could hear it anyway .

A/N= Hi this is another intense chapter . Mostly for three chapters its going to be the same day . Sorry if you don't like Katherine and Ashton yelling at each other . The next chapter is going to be the last part of the day . Are you team Luke or Ashton . Ashton definatly have some anger . Should I start giving hints for the each chapter like for the next . Well here is a hint of the next chapter ( Someone gets hurt like phsically ) Guess who leave it in the comments . Vote and comment .

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