Chapter 52 : Speak

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

Me and Luke both heard that . We weren't sure it was just noise or someone made that noise . I looked at the door then back at Luke . He did the same . I realized who it was when he spoke . '' You're pregnant . '' Ashton says . Me and Luke turn around facing the door . Ashton comes in . I try to calm my self . Luke is right its not good to have stress we you are pregnant . Luke walks forward . I try not to move forward . So I just stay behind Luke .

'' You are acting like I am going to hurt you . '' Ashton says to me . '' Well you have done it before so I wouldn't be surprised if you did . '' I tell him trying to hold back tears . '' Well it's my fault why you are isn't it ? '' Ashton says '' No how could it be ? '' Luke ask before I could ask . '' Well I did say it was ok for you goes to run off to see what Katherine wanted . Well it's actually yours , you aare the phone that can't get your tongue away from each of you guys . '' Ashton says . Part of my heart just broke .

I steped away from Luke and towards Ashton . '' I can't believe you just said that . '' I said as I felt choked . '' Well I did get used to it I'm surprised you can't get your hands off each other . '' Ashton says another hurtful thing . If he loves me that much and cares then why is he acting like this to me . I ask myself . I can't hold them back anymore . There goes the tears . '' Why ? '' I ask him trying to talk with out bursting out crying .

'' Why what you sleep with Luke . Yeah I know . '' Ashton says . I look over at Luke he looks hurt too . I didn't respond . '' Yeah she did because she loves me and I love her so why don't you just leave her alone . '' Luke says to Ashton . Ashton just runs out the door slaming it making me jump . Luke puts his hands on my cheeks with his thumps whiping the tears . '' Why did he say that . Luke ? ''

                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

When she asked me that I don't even know . I just need to make sure she is ok . '' I don't know maybe he is hurt . '' I tell her . '' Then I should go talk to him if he is . '' Katherine says to me . I thought she was crazy when she said that . '' No I will he you are already have a ot of stress . Just lay down and take a nap you need it . Let me handle it . '' Katherine nodded her head .

Katherine went over to the bed . Before I left to go talk to Ashton I walked over to the Katherine . '' Good luck . '' Katherine says . '' I'll need it . '' I lean down and kiss her . She kisses me back . I pull away . '' I don't want you to go . '' Katherine says . '' Oh trust me I rather be in bed with you but I have to do this . '' I tell her . Katherine clothes her eyes . I walked out the room quietly .

I have no clue where Ashton is but I gotta find him . I turn my head and he is outside sitting by the pool . I walk out he looks at me and rolls his eyes . '' Why are you here ? ''' Ashton asks me . '' To talk to you about what happened back there . '' I tell him . '' Well theres nothing really to talk about I said what I said and I can't change it . '' Ashton says . '' So you regret it ? '' I ask him . '' Of course I do I love her but the only way I am able to handle it is being mad at her . '' I sit next to Ashton . '' Well what you can do is be there and not have stress with her she doesn't need it . She's pregnant . '' I tell him

'' Do you think I don't know that . '' Ashton says a little irritated . '' I know you do , you made a big deal about it . Just reminding you the more you act like that the more she will hate you . Do you want that ? '' Ashton stays quiet . '' Exactly . '' I get out of my seat but before I leave the pool area I tell Ashton . '' Don' tell the guys Katherine wants to do that . '' Ashton doesn't look at me he just puts a thumbs up . I head inside back to the room . Katherine is still sleeping . Now my head hurts probably from all that yelling . So I grabbed some advil and took it . I slowly moved the blankets so I can sleep too . I just layed there for a few minutes watching Katherine . After that I got sleepy .

A/N= Sorry its been taking longer to post more chapters . I have been busy with school and homework . I hope you guys like it . How do you the boys will act to Katherine being pregnant ? Will Ashton be that way to Katherine all the time or will he forgive Katherine ? Vote and Comment what you think . I think of having a sequel after I finish with this book . I am not sure yet . I have ideas for the next book . But I might change my mind . Do you guys think I should ?

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