Chapter 6 : The Night

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                                                                        Katherine P.O.V.

I wake up and I don't see Ashton any where . So I get up and go down stairs . When I get down there Ashton was in the kitchen making breakfest and Michael and Calum were playing video games . Luke was sitting on the eating ceral . I went in the kitchen where Ashton is . He asked if I sleep well on him . I looked and him like I was confused . Ashton said " After you had the night mare I layed by you and you fell asleep . '' I just looked at him . Started making some tea .

After I made me some tea I went in to the living room where Luke and Calum and Michael are . Ashton asked if Michael could go up stairs with him . I just watched them go up there . I grabbed my phone and asked started to text Bethany since I haven't spoken to her in a few days which I feel really bad . I texted her and said '' hay how is it going I have been staying with 5SOS because of things with Crash . '' Bethany said '' Oh I am doing good and sorry I haven't talk in a few days I have helping my mom with things and how is with 5SOS . If I were you I would be enjoying every minute lol . '' I said '' I will tell you about what has happened later when there not around because there are some things I don't know about . ''

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

 '' Michael can you come with me up stairs I need to talk to you about something . '' I asked . Then looked at Katherine .  Me and Michael went up stairs . I asked him what should I ask Katherine on a date . '' every time I feel like I should ask her something comes up . '' Michael said '' just ask her and if she says no then keep trying well thats what I would do . '' Michael just went back down stairs .

I was about to go down stairs too but Michael said for Katherine to go up stairs in my room . Katherine started coming up stairs . She asked if I was ok . I said '' yeah I am ok . '' I just asked her if she can sit on the bed with me . So she did . I grabed her hand . She kind of pulled away . I looked at her and asked if she could go on a date with me . All she did is look at me . Then said '' sure but maybe can we go on a double date ? '' I asked with who . ''

'' Calum and Bethany . '' she said . I just got up and asked Calum if he would go on a double date with Bethany and me and Katherine . Katherine was right behind me when I asked . Calum said '' yah sure it will be fun . '' Calum asked me if Bethany would be ok with it . Katherine said '' She is in love with you of course she would be ok with it . '' I just started laughing .

Katherine got her phone and texted Bethany . I asked every one what time we should go . Calum said '' well lets all get ready and leave then . '' I said '' ok . '' Katherine just went in the shower . ''

                                                                     Katherine's P.O.V.

When I was in the middle of my shower I heard a knock on the door . It was Ashton . He asked if he could come in and grab something . I let him get it . So he came in . It took a few minutes for him to find what he as looking for . I was done and he was still in there so I asked him if he could hand me a towel . Ashton did . I got out I asked him what he as looking for . Ashton said '' my brush . '' I started to laugh . Ashton just looked at me . I looked down at my self  and asked him what he was looking at me for . Ashton just smiled . And left .

The rest of the time I was in the bathroomI got ready . I put on my red and black skinny jeans and my ACDC shirt with converse .  I head down stairs and I see Bethany all ready to go waiting with Calum . When I was about to sit on the coach to wait Ashton came down stairs . I said to him that he looked really nice . He said '' thank you , you look beautiful . '' I smiled .

All of us went to the car and went out to eat .  We got inside and sat at a booth . Ashton sat beside me . Bethany and Calum sat beside each other . A few minutes later the waiter came to get our food ordered . When the waiter left Bethany asked why were her and Calum here not just me and Ashton ? I didn't know what to say I just looked at Ashton then said '' well I wanted it to be more people because if its just me and him things will happen and I don't want them to well not yet . '' I was really scared to look at Ashton so I didn't . I felt like he was looking at me .

By the time we were done talking about it all our food was here . After we were done Ashton went to go pay the bill but I was trying to stop him and let me pay . It didn't work so I decided to pay him back later .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

After I payed we left and went back to our place . Well first we dropped off Bethany so she could go home . Katherine was the first one in our house . Me and Calum walked in at the same time . Luke was asleep on the coach . Katherine starting laughing . It was really late when we got home . Katherine went up stairs . I followed her . She was getting ready for bed . So was I . Before we went to bed . Katherine said '' Thanks for asking , I had a really fun time tonight . '' I said back to her '' you are very welcome and anytime . '' She laughed

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