Chapter 67 : Looking

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I sat there crying in the chair . Waiting . I know I shouldn't just be sitting here but what can I do . Go in my car and search . The thing is I don't know where they would go . I don't even know why they would leave . Someone must of took them . Wait they are all pretty strong . Four against one . What if there is more then one . What do I do and didn't that person said it was going to text me where to go .

Now to think of it who would it be . The only people I could think of it is old friends . My mom couldn't she would be to weak to do it . She can't take on four tall guys on her own . Next thing I knew my phone was going off . I looked at it quickly to see if it was the message . And it was . It said the adress of the place and a map so I know whhere to go . If this is where the guys and Elena are then why would that person give me directions to them .

So many questions and so many answers . I got up quicky and grabed my keys and ran out the door to my car . It was mine and Luke's car . I try to text the person that I'm coming but it wouldn't let me . Maybe because it was a blocked number . I started to drive in  that direction . But then I got a text from the same person saying '' good job just follow . '' Ok how does that person know I'm coming . I tried to text it but it didn't work . There is defineitly more people involved . Then I though since that person is ahead of me with everything then they can obvious hear me so I decide to ask out loud . '' Are they with you ? '' I ask .

'' Yes . '' The text said . I know I shouldn't be texting while driving but I can't help it . I need to find out more . '' Are they ok ? '' I ask . '' Yes but not for long . '' Oh god I need to hurry up . But this stupid red light . It makes me think of when the baby felt like coming . I can't explain to the police why . '' I can't do that because then everyone would know about 5sos getting kidnapped . '' I say out loud forgetting that the person could here what I'm saying . '' You will never tell or they're dead . '' The person sent . I didn't say anything but I got another text . It's a vocie one . I could here Michael and Calum but I couldn't hear Luke and Ashton and not even the baby . I started to cry . '' Where's Luke ? '' I ask while crying . The light finally turned green . I speed to where I was suppose to be going . '' Don't worry he's ok now but don't you care about Ashton and the baby too . '' That text confused me . What is the person talking about . Wait then I remembered . What no I'm wrong he is in jail he can't be doing this .

The map said it was one a few blocks away so I kept driving and dring intill I found the place . The house looked old but new at the same time . It was a big house . A one story house . No cars are here . So I'm starting to think that this is a set up . But  then I notice a light on . I pull into the drive way slowly looking at the house one more time before I go in . I sit there try to whipe my eyes . But my tears kept coming . I got out of my car and walked to the front of the door . I was about to knock but then I realized it was open . I lightly pushed the door open and went inside . I wasn't sure what I was going to see but then I saw it .

A/N = Hi guys . How are you ? We are getting closer and closer to the end . Which I shouldn't say that because there will be a sequel that has more to come . I'm so excited . two more chapters left ! Don't worry you will find out who has been doing this the next chapter . Can you guys guess who it is . What do you think that person means when it says in the text '' Don't worry he's ok now but don't you care about Ashton and the baby too . '' That would give you a clue just saying . I feel like this is like Pretty Little Liars . where they are giving clues to find out who A is . If you watch that show tell me who you think A is . I think it's Andrew . But he's cute so if he really is A then I realized why do the cute guys always have to be the bad person . Like getting in trouble or killing someone .

But please tell me your thoughts about this and I know there needs to be correctins and things . I will try my best to fix them . I might start the sequel earlier then I thought I would . Not sure yet . Since it's spring break for me I have more time . Who's excited for dancing with the stars . I am for sure . I love watching Riker dance . But anyway Vote and Comment what you think .

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