Chapter 48 : Missed

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                                                                               Katherine's P.O.V.

Just laying in bed staring at the celling thinking about what will happen next . Everytime I am around Ashton I don't feel right and we always yell or get mad at each other . But now I am getting tired of it . I need a break from that . Well I really want it to be over with all that . Since I was already up . I decided to take a shower . Luke looked like he was in a deep sleep .

I went in the shower . I took my time I didn't rush at all . As I was washing my body . I forgot what day it is . I knew the day but not the number . I had a feeling something was going to happen . Either Ashton or something else . I don't feel myself today . I got out of the shower feeling the cold air . I dried off . Went to grab clothes . When I went out there . Luke was slowly opening his eyes . '' Hi beautiful . '' Luke says to me .

'' Hi did you have a good sleep ? '' '' Yeah I guess so . '' Luke says . I walk over to the bath room . Before I walked into the bathroom Luke asks why I am so earlier . I didn't know what to say because I don't really know myself . '' I . . .  don't know . '' He didn't say anything back so I walked in the bathroom .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

Something has gotta be up . Normally she isn't up yet . She is acting different then any other time . I would ask her . But I probably know she is not going to tell me when she is ready to tell . I can't force her to do anything or say anything if she doesn't want to .

I got up because that was on my mind . I stode in the mirror and fixed my hair . I felt something hit me in the back . I turn and see Katherine standing there . I keep looking at her . She keeps looking down . I look down and realize that she through me my clothes . I put them on quick . As I put on my clothes Katherine goes back in the bathroom .

'' Ready ? '' I ask Katherine . I don't hear a response . So I go in the bathroom and I find Katherine sitting on the counter of the bathroom . Just staring at her self in the mirror . She looks at my reflection in the mirror . Then looks at me . I walk over to her . Katherine turns to me with her legs around my waist . '' What's wrong babe ? '' I ask her '' Nothing is wrong I just want to stay here and not go this time , I'm scared something else like yesterday might happen again . '' Katherine says '' It's ok baby you can stay here , just text when ever . '' I say '' I will . '' I kiss her on the forehead and leave to rehersals .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I am all alone now . Thats what I kind of want right now . I just look at my phone . I wanna know what number it is today . There is two dots that I put on my calander . I put it there because it's when I have missed my period to long . I start to worry myself because the only reason why I haven't started it yet because I am pregnant . I hope not . I go in my contacts and call Bethany to come and help me figure it out .  Ring , Ring , Ring . Bethany finally answers . All I can hear is music and laughing . She is probably at the reharsels . '' Hello . '' She says . '' Hi I need to talk to you can you please come here . '' '' Yes of course see you in a few minutes . '' '' Ok . '' I just sit and wait intil she comes . I can't tell Luke about this intill I know for sure .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

We all start to practice Heartache On The Big Screen . I try to keep my head in but its lost in my thoughts . About how Katherine is acting different . '' Hay Luke . '' Calum says . Then he says it louder . I snap out of my thoughts . '' What ? '' I say '' Are you ok man you sure seem different ? '' I laugh because thats how I was wondering about Katherine . '' It's nothing . '' '' Tell us you know you can tell us anything . '' Calum also says . '' Fine it's something about Katherine . ''

'' Then tell us . '' Ashton says . '' I don't know what it is and if you guys wanna know so bad ask her yourself . '' I snap . '' Well I thought she tells you everything . '' Ashton says '' She does but its different and I know you are still mad but you should just get over it . '' I snap again . I was annoyed . '' Can we just play some songs please ? '' '' Yes but before tell us how you feel about her not telling her . '' Michael says . '' I'm not mad at her for not saying anything , I am just worried about her ok and her exuse that she had to not come was of Ashton and I know thats part of it . '' After I got that off my chest we played more songs .

                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I sit there and talk to Bethany about all this . '' The only we can prove it and get a answer is the test . '' I knew that I had to do that but I didn't want to do it today . Tomorrow I did . '' Can we go together tomorrow to get it please . '' '' Yeah sure . '' After we were done talking . Bethany got a text from Calum . '' Calum said they are coming back so I am going to go I will help you through this . '' '' Ok . '' I sat there as she left . A few minutes later Luke came in the door . I had a huge smile on my face . '' There's that smile I know . '' Luke sits beside me . I grab his hand and put it in mine . '' Are you better from earlier ? '' '' Yeah I'm a little bit better then I was . '' '' That's good to hear . '' Luke says .

'' So what happened at rehersals today ? '' I asked Luke . '' Nothing really just same old but they did ask about you . '' '' Oh what did they ask ? '' '' Why you weren't there and they asked why I was acting different all I did is think about you . '' Luke says . That was sweet about him thinking about me . '' Aww. '' Luke layed back but his legs still hanging off the bed . He's looking at him . I'm looking at him . I lay back like him with ours hands still between each others . I turn my head and look at him . He looks at me too . '' I love you Lucas . '' '' I love you too Katherine . '' I lean over him and kiss him . I pull away but before I can he kisses me back . We just stay there kissing . I pull away . '' I know that just happened but can we watch a movie . '' '' Yeah sure but don't act like that was something big you know we have done more , remember ? '' Luke says as he pulls me back down now he is on top of me . Right when he said that it made me think of why I was upset . '' I know we have but can we not talk about it . ''

'' Sure . '' '' Luke can you please get up I need to put the movie in . '' '' No I will do it . '' Luke gets up off of me and puts the movie in . But before he could put the movie in I grabed his arm and said '' wait . '' Luke looks at me . I kiss his lips . Luke puts in Maze Runner . As the comericals play I get comfortable and so does Luke . I don't feel tired I just feel like I need to close my eyes . I actually do fall asleep . But Luke wakes me by saying my name . I look at him . '' Sorry did I wake you ? '' Luke asks . '' No I am fine , just closing my eyes for a bit . ''

A/N= Sorry its been so long . I just have been busy with school . I hope you guys like it . Do you think she is really pregnant or not leave it in the comments . Will Ashton get mad at Katherine . Or will he just be fine with it and forget it . Vote and comment .

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