Chapter 1 : Party

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                                                                             Katherine's P.O.V.

I was just in my room listening to All Time Low . In till my phone rang , It was my best friend Bethany . I answered she said " guess who is having a party down my street . " I said " 5 Seconds Of Summer ? " She screamed YES . She asked if I wanted to go . I said " why would I want to go where there is a bunch of screaming girls . " She said ' if it was All Time Low you would go . Bethany begged me and begged me in til I said yes which I did . After that she said " It is is a hour so get ready . I said " It is in a hour we can wait . " Bethany screamed NO and hung up the phone .

So I brushed my hair and teeth again . I went down stairs I waited about two minutes . In till Bethany was here . I got in the car and we went to the party . When we got there was about thirty people there . I walked in with her . She mostly just went in the crowed and started dancing . I looked around . It was alittle boring . So I decided to get a drunk . I was about to take a sip . In till a All Time Low song came on . It was Break Your Little Heart . Which was my favorite . I started dancing and dancing like I had no care in the world .

After the song was about over . I felt some one stare at me . I looked around and saw one of the guys from 5sos . He started to walk over to me . When he did he said " hi I am Ashton whats your name . " I said " I know who you are my best friend is obsesstt with you guys but she likes Calum . And my name is Katherine . "

                                                                        Ashtons P.O.V.

I just leaned by the wall looking around the party . Luke is dancing in the crowd with Calum . Michael is dancing with a few people . I spotted a girl dancing on her own . She looked really pretty . So I decided to go over to her . When I did I asked her what her name was , She said " Katherine . Which that is a really pretty name .

I asked her if the next song I can dance with her . Katherine had a really weird face on her when I asked but she said " sure . " The next song came on it was American Idiot by Green Day . So I grabbed her hand and started dancing . So she did . Man she was a really good dancer .

About three minutes later the song was over so I asked if she wanted to go out side and talk . Katherine did the same thing when I asked her if I could dance with her .

When we got out side it was all quite . Both of us sat on the table facing the moon . I asked if she can me alittle about her self . Katherine said " well theres not much to tell . I only live with my mom . My dad left us when I was about five . My favorite color is Green and Black . I dropped out of high school when I was fifthteen . Thats pretty much it for me . " I said " theirs gotta be more then just that , maybe I just have to get to know you more .

                                                                   Katherine's P.O.V.

I asked him what does he mean by maybe he just have to get to know me more ? Ashton said " well me and the band are staying here for a few weeks so yah . " I said " so your saying for me to hangout with you guys . " and made a very suprising look .  He asked why I made that face . I said " cause I am a girl that doesn't even listen to your music or anything expect when I am with Bethany , you should be asking her not me . "

" well I like how you are , where you seem like a fun person , you stick with what you have , you dont really care what happens like just going with a flow and you like the music that we all like to listen too   . " Ashton said . The both of us ent back and forth for about five minutes in till Michael came out and asked us what are we doing . i was about to say something in till Ashton started talking . He said " this girl right here is really cool and she likes the kind of music we like she is kind of like us in a way . I was thinking maybe she can hang out with us why we are here . Michael said " ummmm you do seem pretty cool so maybe just ask the other boys , I think thats fine if you can . "

I got up and said " fine if all of yall say yes then I will ok . " Ashton had a smile on his face . I walked in to the house . There was barly anyone there . By the time I walked in to find Bethany Ashton came in right behind me . I asked him hat happened he said " The party is ending . " I said to him " Maybe I should go since it the party was ending . "

                                                                   Ashton's P.O.V.

I did not want her to go in till the boys all said there answer and in till she had my number . So I asked if she could wait a little bit . She said " she will stay for a little bit longer . " By the time every one left I found Luke and Calum . I told them both what I told Michael .

They all agreed they she can hang out with us . I told her . But then she said " where is bethany . " I looked around with her all around the house . When we got up to the bath room Katherine found her on the floor next to the bath tub . Both of us were trying to get her up . All Bethany said was " stay . "

Katherine looked at me confused . The rest of the boys came up and tried to help her up . We finally did . I asked Katherine if she wanted to stay because of Bethany . Katherine was just standing there . It looked like she was thinking . She looked at me and said " I will only because of Bethany but thats it . " I told her she can sleep in my bed for to night why I sleep on the couch .

She said " no I am fine sleeping out here . "

                                                                  Katherine's P.O.V.

Right when Ashton was about to say something back Luke came over to us and said  " you do not want to sleep in his bed it has cooties . " I started laughing and laughing . Ashton said " really Luke really . " But the to me " my bed is alot comfortable then the coach . " I finally agreed to go to sleep in his bed . So I went up stairs , Layed in bed and went to sleep .   

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