Chapter 54 : Months Later

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                                                           Katherine's P.O.V.

It's been a few months since I have been pregnant . It has been good . The guys has helped me . Besides Ashton he seems like he wanted to help but he didn't . Like Luke Calum and Michael would just help and Ashton would just stand there . It would look like he's thinking . Probably if he should help me or not without getting mad . So I guess he think he will because he doesn't do anything . I wish he would be fie with all thats going on but he's not . I just wish he would suck it up and be there when I need him .

I am a five months pregnant almost six .

On the other hand Luke has been so helpful and caring . A few days ok he didn't seem like he was ok so I asked him whats wrong and he said '' I ... am kind of freaked out yeah I'm happy to be a father but it's crazy you know . '' '' Trust me I know but it's ok I'm kind of scared myself . '' I tell him back . '' Why are you scared ? '' Luke asked me '' Well what if I'm not a good mother or I do something wrong . '' I tell him trying to hold back tears .

'' Don't say that she or he will love you and it's ok if you do something wrong thats how we learn . '' Luke tells me . I turn my head trying to hold the tears back even more . My back is facing him . '' What's wrong ? '' Luke asks me as he puts his hands around my stomach from behind . '' I just . . . I just don't know what to do I want to have this baby but will it stop you from being on tour or will it mess yours up and are we even ready for this ? '' I tell him . '' It's going to be ok we are all here we will do this together and yeah there will be bumps in the road but we have to stay strong . '' Luke tells me as he pulls me around to face him . As I face him he looks down at my stomach . And binds down it looks like he is going to talk to the baby or something .

'' Hay who ever is in there keep mommy strong . '' Luke says . I look at him as he stands back up . I have a smile on my face thanks to that . '' You know the baby can't hear you ? '' I asked Luke while laughing . '' Yes but I still wanna talk to it and since you're laughing then I should maybe do it more . '' Luke says laughing with me . '' Now why are you laughing ? '' I ask him . '' I don't know . '' He says has he pulls me close to him putting his lips on mine . We stay there for a few minutes .

'' Guys stop kissing and get back on the bus time for us to go . '' Michael yells out the bus . Me and Luke walk to the bus . It's kind or hard to get up and down those stairs so Luke well any of the guys help me . '' Ashton stop ignoring her it's not good for her she needs all of us . '' Calum says to Ashton . I just sit there not knowing what to do or say to Ashton anymore . The more he ignores me the more awkward it is between us and I don't want it to be . Ashton looks at Calum then me the back at Calum . '' Well it's not good for me to be around does anyone care how I feel . '' Ashton says to Calum like I'm not even here . Luke and Michael are in the back playing video games like always . '' Well I'll be back there if you need me . '' Calum says to both of us well I think it's to both of us . '' Thanks Calum . '' I say in a sarcastic way .

I just stare at Ashton for a second . He's not even looking at me . He just has a note pad and writing things . It looks like lyrics . I try to read it but all I could read is the title Just Saying . '' Ok you are not going to pay attention to me so I don't know why I am telling you . I am sorry if I have hurt you . People change feelings sometimes change . And that happened . I need you for this baby and the baby need you . You may not get why she needs you . Well you know my past me dad walked out and my mom wasn't really there and I don't want this to happen to the baby in any kind of way . We know you're not it's father but you can least be there I want all of us to love it and it feel loved and cared about trust me I know being unloved feels like and it doesn't feel good . So just saying you need to be here and care . '' I get up fast not even looking at him and head to where the guys were .

Luke looks at me . ''  There done . '' I say out loud which I didn't realize how loud I said it . '' what's done . '' Luke ask me not paying attention to the game . '' I said about the baby to Ashton hopefully he gets it through his head . '' I tell him as I walk over to him . '' hahahahahahaha beat you Luke . '' Michael says . '' Shit . '' Luke says making me laugh . '' I saw him write on a note pad it looked like a song and it was called Just Saying . '' All three of them look at me .

A/N= Well well guys sorry its a while everytime I post a chapter . I'm just going to have to pick a day to do it instead of just doing it random days . I have been busy with school though . Just letting you guys know that this book is ending soon I have only 15 more chapters after this one . But there will be a sequel and a new book that I got an idea from watching Twilight . Yap I am a huge fan of Twilight and I'm team Edward . Guess who the guy from 5SOS will be the girls love or see who she likes something like that . What team are you in Twilight or what team are you in this book . Team Luke or Team Ashton . Vote and Comment what you think .

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