Chapter 68 : Surprise Surprise

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                                                                         Katherine's P.O.V.

I look around and see Ashton and Luke tied up . They both look at me . Tears start coming . This time I don't hold them back . Who did this . But right now I can't think of that I just have to get them out of here . Wait where is Calum and Michael . I look around to find them . They are in the back knocked out . They don't look tied up but I could be wrong . I don't see the baby anywhere . I just have to get the guys out .

As I walked up to them someone grabed me from behind . He pulled me close to his body . His chest was beside my back . He held his hands on my hips . '' Wow it's been so long since I was able to do this . '' I heard his voice then realized who it was . It was Crash . Man why didn't I believe it was him . '' Stop . '' I tell him . '' I thought you would like this . '' He says with a smirk . '' I would never . '' I tell him . '' Oh yeah what about when we were together . '' Crash says .

I don't want to answer him . '' Why do you have us here what did we ever do to you ? '' I asked Crash . '' I can't believe you just asked me that . '' Crash says . '' Well I did and now answer me . ''

'' No not intill you go up stairs with me . '' Crash says . I look over at Luke who is just looking at me . I mouth to him . '' I'm sorry . '' That's it I'm tired of him holding me . I tried pulling him away from me . '' Please let go of me . '' He let go of me . A guy came around the corner . I knew him . He is the guy that has been following me around . '' Shawn . '' I say . Everyone looks at me . '' You know him . '' Luke ask . '' You are the person that has been following me . '' I say .

'' Wait what there has been someone following us ? '' Luke asked trying to get out of the chair hes tied up in . '' Would just shut up . '' Crash said to Luke .  Crash slapped him in the face making a big bruze on his cheek . I close my eyes as he does it so I won't see . But it seems like I can see it with out looking at it . '' Don't hurt him . '' I scream at Crash . Crash comes toward me. '' What are you going to do about it ? '' Crash asked me . I have never seen him like this .

'' I'll do anything as long as you don't hurt them . '' I tell Crash but then I look at Luke and Ashton . '' Oh so you do care about him also . '' Crash says as he walks behind Ashton's chair and grabs a knife and cuts Ashton's arms . You see little drops of blood drop on the floor . 

I rush towards Ashton . '' Go ahead save him . '' Crash says as he hands me the first-aid kit . I grab and bandaid and soup and a paper towel to clean it up . '' It stings . '' Ashton says . '' Sorry . '' After I was done I got up from the ground and walked to where I was before . I'm scared if I go any where else they Crash will hurt one of them . I look at Crash he is standing there whispering stuff in Shawn's ear . The weird thing is why is Crash making us do this . Hurting Ashton then making me help him .

I look over at Luke he is just staring at me . '' I love you and don't you forget that . '' I whisper to him . He probably couldn't hear me but hopefully he will understand what I said .  '' Crash I'm going to ask you again why are we here ? '' I ask him

A/N= Hi guys whats up sorry I didn't update earlier . I had a sleep over with my friend but more like a four day sleep over . And this chapter kind of sucks for me . I had everything planned then I lost the paper for it so this chapter kind of sucks . I might update today because it was a while . But i'm not sure .  One more chapter left . Wow I can't believe it and this chapter is kind of short I'm sorry . The next chapter I will try to have it long . I know how the last chapter will be . Did you guys guess it right . It's Crash that has been doing all this .

For this chapter i kept messing up and thought it was bad so I had to erase things then redo it a few times . Maybe today just isn't my day . I was going to do it yesterday but Pretty Little Liars was on and it was going to have the big a reveal . I'm not going to say who because some of you guys might watch it and didn't see the episode so I was to excited to write .

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