Chapter 35 : Trouble

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I finally have the erge to talk to Luke without having a smile on my face . I look around to find a room or something so I can talk to Luke in private well so no one will listen . I fin a room that is up a few steps . I get up fast and walk to the door .  When I get there I look in to see what was there . There was just a bunch of desks and chairs stacked on top of each other . It looked like it was storge . And I was wright on the door it said storage . I look back at them . They are rehersing but goofing off at the same time . I try not to laugh . Trying to get the erge back to talk to him about telling Michael . Luke promissed .

'' Luke get in here . '' I yell at him . They all look at me . '' oh snap looks like someone is in trouble . '' Calum says with a smirk . I just roll my eyes . As Luke is coming up the stairs . He ask whats wrong . I just point to the room . Good thing he knew what that ment . Luke walked in . Before I did I told the rest of the boys to not listen . I said it firmly . I walked in and just slammed the door .

With my arms folded around my stomach . Staring at Luke . '' whats wrong ? what did I do ? '' '' you know what you did . '' '' no I don't . '' '' well since you don't , you told Michael about what happened when we were gone . '' '' yeah so . '' '' you promised me you wouldn't tell anyone . '' '' oh yeah I'm sorry least I didn't tell Ashton . '' '' yeah but what if Michael tells him . ''

As I said that Luke was walking over to me . I smiled which I tried to keep in but I didn't work that well .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

Yeah I know I told Michael . And I know I promissed but I had to tell one person . Especially a guy . Katherine should just me happy I didn't tell Ashton . I walked up close to her . She started to smile . '' there's that smile I know . '' I told her . I put my arms around her waist . I leaned in but right when I did she turned her head . '' whats wrong . '' '' I just don't want to do anything in till I know . '' '' least one kiss . '' I tell her . Katherine turns her head back around facing me . I smile . She smiles again . I lean in . Our lips are just a few centimeters away each others . I kiss her and she kisses me back .

We kiss for about another minute . Katherine pulls away . '' that was more then just a kiss . '' Katherine says to me . '' well sorry I can't resist . '' Katherine laughed . '' did I just hear a laugh ? '' I asked her . '' yes I guess you did . '' Katherine says . '' I knew you can never stay mad at me . '' Katherine rolled her eyes .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

Calum and Michael and I go back to rehersal . I can't stop thinking of why Katherine was mad at Luke . Which that is suprising . '' I think I knew why Katherine is mad at Katherine . '' Michael says . I just look strait at him . '' why ? '' I ask . '' I can't say . '' Michael says . '' then why did you say you think thats stupid . '' I tell him . '' It's not stupid I just can't say . '' '' did Luke tell you to promiss or something ? '' '' yes well no Luke and Katherine did . '' I got a little mad . So I got up from my drum seat . And ran to the storage room . I stopped for a minute . And thought what do I do when I walk in .

While I was thinking the door nob moved . I walked backwards fast . So they willn't think I was listening . . As I look up . Katherine is just standing there with Luke behind her staring at me . '' were you listening . You know what don't answer that I already know . '' She just walks past me . Luke just glares at me and walks in the same direction as Katherine . '' I wasn't listening I was just coming so I can talk to you . '' Katherine looks up at me . While I am on the stair case . '' I believe you . '' She says to me . I smile at her . All of us just go back to rehersal .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I believed Ashton when he said that . I have no clue why I did but I did . And I am happy that I did . The boys go back to rehersing and I just stay back and watch them . I looked at the time and it was getting pretty late . I asked the guys when we were going to go to bed . They all stopped and started putting there things away . I headed back to my hotel room . Got ready for bed . While I was doing that Luke came in . '' don't just come in with the door wide open please . '' '' well sorry . ''

'' what was with the whole thing about believing Ashton ? '' Luke ask me as we were laying in bed . '' I don't know I just did . '' '' oh ok well then maybe tomorrow you can talk to him . '' Luke said to me . I shrugged my shoulders . '' can just go to sleep and worry about it tomorrow I am tired . '' '' ok sleepy head . '' Luke kissed me on the forehead and closed his eyes . I turned away from him facing the window and closed my eyes and went to sleep .

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