Chapter 41 : Surprise

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                                                                           Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up from Luke talking . I roll over and see him standing by the door talking to someone . It looks like Luke is holding something but I can't see what it is from the angle I'm looking . I listen to what they are talking about . But by the time I do the person leaves . I heard the guys voice once . Then realize I have heard that voice before but I can't think of where I know the voice from . As Luke shuts the door . I quickly roll back to where I was . So he will think I went back to sleep and I was still tired . I felt the bed move so I knew Luke was getting back in bed .

Luke leaned over and stared at me . I tried to keep my eyes closed but it didn't work . I turned my face looking at him . '' morning did I wake up ? '' Luke asked me . '' no the guy did . '' I told him . Before he could answer I asked him who the guy was and why did he come to talk to Luke ? '' That is the guy I called for the room and he brought something for us . '' I made a weird look like why would he bring us things . Then I look at the TV there is wine by the TV . I looked back at Luke .

'' don't forget we have to leave tomorrow . '' Luke tells me . I look at him into his blue eyes . '' what why didn't you tell me when we got here ? '' I asked him '' I didn't want you to rush into anything . '' I rolled my eyes at him . I sat up and stared at the TV .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

I wish I haven't said that . I think it has upset her . I need to make her feel like she doesn't have to rush anything . So  sit up next to her . I grab her hand and put it in mine . I put my hands by her neck to pull her hair out of her face . I slide my lips down her neck . I start to hear a giggle . '' I knew that would make you laugh . '' Katherine turns her head facing me . I lean in and kiss her lightly .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

As he kisses me I remember I do have to take a shower . I don't pull away just yet . He starts to move to his side me following . As Luke starts to slide his hands down my body I pull away . '' what are you doing ? '' Luke ask me . '' nothing is going to happen enless I take a shower first . '' Luke has a smile on his face . I knew what he ment by the look he gave . '' alone . ''  Luke has a pouty look . Of course he does . Right before I go in the bathroom Luke asks . '' can I least get a kiss first . '' I stand there thinking if I should go in the shower or kiss him . '' please please please with a cherry on top . '' Luke kept saying . I roll my eyes and go back to the bed to kiss him . '' you're such a child . '' I tell Luke . We both laugh . I walk over to him . I put my hands on his cheeks . His arms tightly around my waist . I slowly pull away . But right when i do Luke pulls me on the bed with him on top of me . '' get off my Luke . '' '' no now I got you . '' he says to me . ''' what is going to make you get off of me ? '' I ask him .

'' nothing will . '' I look over to the pillows and try to think of how to getting him off of me . I remove my hand from in between Luke and me . I try to reach for the pillows . I finally do . I pull it over to me . I start hitting him with it . Luke pulls my pillow . He finally lets go of me . We pull at the pillow that I grabed . Luke lets go and grabs another one . Hits me back . We both go on and on . Luke starts to run around the room like a five year old . I start laughing really hard that I can't breathe . As I am not looking Luke hits me in the back with the pillow . '' you're it . '' Luke says to me . I stand up '' it's on . ''

Of course Luke sticks out his tounge . I just roll my eyes . As Luke turns around I jump on Luke's back . '' you're it now . '' The both of us just laugh . '' ok now I really have to take a shower . '' I get of his back and head to the shower . I jump in the shower because I bet Luke is waiting .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

I sit there on the bed waiting for her to come out . I grab my phone and look at tweets from the fans . The fans have been asking me where I have beem . I just tweet '' I'm on a trip . '' I don't really want to say with who because I know how she is scared about getting hate . I got a text from the boys asking how is everything going . I told them all '' everything is going great . It's going better then I thought . '' I hear the water stop . I got up and leaned by the door .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I get out of the shower . I grab a towel and dry off . After that I rap it around my body . I opened the door . I could already feel the cold . As I look up I see Luke just standing there . I jump . '' what the hell you scared the shit out of me . '' '' I just wanted to do that to scary you . '' as he leaned over and kissed me . I have one hand in his hair . And one hand holding the towel so it will cover my body . Luke grabs my hand that is holding the towel . It dropped on the ground . '' no Luke not now . '' He lokks at me serious . I tell him to turn around . I grab my clothes and put them on quickly . I ask him if we can watch the movie . Luke agreed to watch a movie . I just got a random scary movie . As I got comfortable Luke asked my if I wanted any wine . As he was pouring him a glass . '' yes please . '' He comes to the bed with to glasses of wine . By the time he gets comfortable beside me . The movie starts .

In the middle of the movie their is a scary part . I quickly grab Luke's hand and squezzes it . We both jump . '' Ashton said you're not scared of scary movies . '' Luke says to me . '' lets not talk about him and lets watch the movie . '' As I pull in to his chest . I don't really pay attention to the TV . I grab my glass and drink some of it . When I look back at Luke his is already gone . I stare at the dark window . Cirling my fingers no Luke's shirt . I slowly move my legs in between Luke's '' are you tired because we can turn it off and we can go to sleep . '' Luke ask me . '' no I'm not tired I just don't want to go I just want to stay with you . '' I tell him . '' thank you but I am in a band . '' with a smirk on his face . It was really hard to see his face . You could only see him from the TV's light . I drag my hand to his face . My hand was on his cheek . My thumb feeling his lips . All the sudden it goes black . Me and Luke look at the TV . Then the light comes back on having a scary part . The both of us jump . We both face each other again laughing . After we stop laughing . I get on top of him like a stratle . I kiss him . It starts getting deep . His hands squezzes my waist . I sit up leaning on him . He stops kissing me . Draging his lips down to my neck . Luke leans on the bed beside me . Making me fall on my back . It starts to get agresive . Luke pulls away . '' are you sure you want to do this ? '' yes . '' Luke takes off his shirt . unpuckling his jeans . Waiting for him to get done with that . After he was done doing that he continues kissing me . Luke takes off my shirt and jeans .

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