Chapter 20 : Heartbreak Girl

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                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and I don't see Katherine any where . I didn't feel her around me or touching me . I thought she went to the bathroom last night but I guess she didn't come . I opened the curtain . She was laying on the ground besides Michael's bunk . She was moving around . Kind of screaming but it was quiet though . I slowly got down so I don't fall on her .

I am just supprised I didn't hear her or any of the boys did . She was screaming louder and louder . I shoke her to wake up . When she woke up she screamed . I put my arms around her and katherine put hers around me . My shoulder felt like it was getting wet . Every one opened their curtains and they looked at us .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I held him tight and I didn't want to let go of Ashton . I started to have tears fall down my face on to Ashton's shoulder . Every one was getting out of their bunks . '' could you please move out ther way so I can get out of my bunk . '' Michael said . Ashton helped me up . We went to the back room and closed the door . I sat down and Ashton sat right beside me .

I started to cry . '' what's wrong . '' Ashton asked '' It's nothing . '' I said quietly '' then why did we come in here . '' He asked again . I just shruggled my shoulders . Trying to calm my self down and not cry . Ashton kept staring at me . Probably waiting for me to answer .

Luke came in . '' oh sorry . '' '' it's ok I think we might need you in here . '' Ashton stode up and said '' no I think you should leave . '' Luke just left in a sad way '' what was that all about ? '' I asked him . '' it seems like hes always the solution for everything that involves you . '' I was shoked that he said that . He has never said anything like that .

'' Do you wanna what was that dream about ? '' '' yes . '' Before I said anything I paused there thinking of how I am going to say it and what I am going to say . He asked if I was going to say it . '' I had a dream about Crash , there are you happy now . ''

'' wait what was the dream about Katherine ? '' I told Crash that I loved him . He got mad . But walking back and forth in the room pulling his cute curly hair . '' why are you so mad . It was a nightmare and I said that . ''

                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I have no clue why I got mad that she told me her dream , well a nightmare . It was a good thing that she had has a night mare nothing else . I don't want her going back to him . He is so bad for him . I just stopped getting mad and kissed her . Katherine just held my cheeks . Our lips were barly touching . She asked me why I had tears coming down my face . '' I just love you and never want to lose you to anyone . Especially no one like Crash . ''

Katherine laughed '' you willn't ever . I love you and that all that matters . ''

The both of us came out of the room together . Michael , Luke and Calum looked at us . We mostly just messed around on the tour all day . Calum kept eating the peanut M&M's . They were full when we woke up but now they are almost gone . And it hasn't been a whole day yet . Katherine was laughing at Calum of how he was eating them .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

Man Calum was eating those up fast . I asked him if he wanted to talk to Bethany . Calum jumped up and nodded his head yes . I grabbed my phone . Dialed her number and called her . It took a few minutes for her to pick up but she finally did . I told her where we were and Calum wanted to talk to her . I let him take my phone to the back room to talk alone on the phone with her .

The both of them talked for hours . I went to go check on them talking . Calum was asleep with my phone in his hand . Under him . I tried to get the phone my self but he was to heavy . I called Ashton or anyone to come in here and help me get my phone . Luke came to the rescue . Luke kicked him . Then reached for my phone with his long arms .

Later that day we fell asleep watching a movie . Ashton was beside me . Luke was on the other side of me . Calum was still in the back room . Michael was across from me but more Ashton's side .

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