Chapter 32 : Long Way Home

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                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

I slowly waking up on the floor of the car . I didn't mind it . But I didn't know she would move around a lot . All of a sudden I start to hear screaming . Katherine was moving around a lot like she must have had a night mare or something . I get up fast . Trying to wake her up . I finally do . When I do she puts her arms around me . Like she was scared or something . I could tell she was brealthing fast . '' are you okay ? '' I asked her . '' yeah I'm fine I just had a bad dream . '' '' What was the dream about ? '' I asked her '' you . ''

'' wow you had a nightmare about me . '' '' no nothing bad but I don't really wanna talk about it now or go home but I know that we have to go home tonight . '' '' yeah we do but thats not now . '' I put my hands over her cheeks . Katherine smiles . '' what are we going to do then ? '' she asks me . I don't really know my self . Maybe I can think of something . '' what about breakfast . '' Katherine ask . I thought that was a good idea .

                                                          Katherine's P.O.V.

I was hungry and I bet Luke was too . So I got my clothes I had on yesterday . Luke did the same thing . I gave him his shirt back . We both changed . I put on my shoes . Went out of the car . Then went to the passenger seat . I didn't feel like crawling over everything like Luke did . By the time I got in he was still getting in his seat . His foot almost got stuck which was pretty funny . I tried not to laugh but it was to funny . Luke looked at me . '' what . '' '' nothing it's just funny to watch you . '' '' well I am happy to make you laugh . '' Luke says to me . I just smile at him  '' where do you wanna go ? '' Luke asked me '' ummm I don't know you chose . '' '' no you . '' '' fine umm umm umm Denny's I don't know . ''

So Luke started driving . I turned on the radio . And Amnesia was on of course . I knew every word . Luke looked at me weird . '' what . '' '' nothing its just you know every word . '' '' well I am sorry I just love this song . '' '' I'm glad you do . '' We pulled in to the parking lot . We both got out . Luke puts his hand in mine . I pull my hand away just because I don't feel like doing something that might hurt someone .

We sit down at the table . The waiter ask what we wanted to drink . '' water please . '' I tell the lady . '' same . '' Luke says to her . '' hay are you Luke Hemmings from that band 5 Seconds Of Summer ? '' The waiter ask Luke '' yeah I am . '' '' my daughter loves you she has all of you guys all over her room . '' I thought is cute what the waiter said . '' I don't mean to interupt but can I get a picture of you for my daughter ? '' '' sure . '' I just sat there while the Lady took a picture of Luke . After he was done he came back . Siting infront of me like he did when we got there .

Luke pulled out his phone . I just looked at him . '' say chesse . '' '' no don't Luke please no . '' He still had his phone out . Probably just waiting for me look . I was trying not to . I slowly turn my head . I put my hands infront of my face . '' please just one . '' '' fine . '' I just moved some of my bangs out of my face and put it behind my ear . With one side having my bangs come down . I have my hair up in a bun . He finally takes the picture . By the time he does that . Our food was here  . Luke ate fast . I took my time . We were done . Luke payed . He didn't have to . I could have but I didn't want to argue . Wright when we were leaving . These to girls came in screaming . Looking at Luke . They came over and asked for a picture . I took the pictures of them . One of the girls asked who I was . I was scared Luke was going to say something more then a friend . Luke looked at me for a sec then said '' I don't know yet . Friend yeah friend . '' to the little girl . I took a deep breathe in then out . Me and Luke just walked out to the car . '' where are we going next ? '' Luke asked me . '' can we just drive please in till its time to go home . '' '' are you ok ? '' '' its just after what the girl asked I didn't even know . '' '' well then we will just drive . '' Luke said .

As we did Luke gave me his phone to text Michael back . '' Michael asked me what we were doing and where were we . '' Luke said . '' I bet Ashton was wanting him to ask that . '' I said . So I texted back Michael saying . '' Hay its me Katherine Luke is driving we are just going on a drive . We went to Denny's . Will come back in a few . '' I went on my phone . I went on instagram . I looked through the pictures . I stop at Ashton's picture and it is over me . It says in  the comments '' miss this amazing girl wish she was here . '' I look up at Luke . I tell him about the picture . I got mad at Ashton . It was sweet what he says but still .

It was getting late . So Luke turned around to go back to the hotel .

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