Chapter 30 : Concert

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up in Luke's arm's waking up from a weird dream . It was me in a corn maze trying to get out but hearing their voices . But it wasn't a nightmare . Which is really surprising . I just lay there . Thinking about what have I done to my life .  Luke moves . I look at him and smile . He smiles back . '' hay . '' '' hi . '' I say back . '' do you know today is the concert right . '' Luke tells me . '' oh my gosh I forgot . '' '' what would you do with out me . '' Luke says . I just roll my eyes .

I get up but right when I do Luke puts his hand on my thigh . I look where his hand his then at him . '' please stay in bed just a little longer . '' '' fine . '' So I get back in bed next to Luke . I face him he faces me . '' so what about us ? '' Luke asked me . I just look at him not knowing what to say . '' umm umm umm I don't know . I just- '' I told him but before I could finish he said '' its ok if you don't know I know you stiil love him , I know you are hurt . '' I just smile at him and give him a hug then said '' thank you Luke for understanding . I bet if Ashton said that he would get all mad . '' We pull apart . '' don't say that Katherine . And you are welcome . '' We both hear a knock on the door . I hear Ashton he is calling my name . Luke is getting up . I pull him to say . He also was about to say something but I covered his mouth . Tears started falling down to the pillow .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I needed her . I can't be with out her . I love her . Michael and Calum tried to cheer me up but it didn't work . So I decided to get up and go see if she will talk to me . I knocked on her door a few times . I should say Luke's and Katherine's room instead . Out of know where I said '' I'm coming in . '' I didn't mean to say it but I did . I see the door opening . It was Luke . Of course it was Luke it is always Luke . I pushed him out of the way . And went to Katherine who was laying in bed . It Looked like she was under the covers . I pull them and there she is looking at me . '' its so good to see your face . '' I tell her . She just gets up and hugs me . I am surprised at first but then I huged her back . '' so can we meet up later and talk about this whole thing ? '' I ask her . She looks over to Luke . '' I can't me and Luke are going to a concert tonight sorry . '' '' did you just plan this ? '' I ask her . '' no he got me tickets on my birthday . '' '' oh . '' I just kissed her on the cheek and left . Her just standing there .

                                                               Luke's P.O.V.

'' are you ok . '' I ask her . Katherine nodds her head yes . I just tell her we have to get ready to go .  So me and her get ready to go . Before we leave the hotel room I ask her if she is ready . '' yeah I am . '' She tells me with a big smile on her face . I could tell she was excited . We left the hotel and went in the car . I opened the door for her . Before she gets in she kisses me on the cheek . Of course I smile . I look up at the window and see Ashton looking down at us . I just stop looking and ignore him .

As we are driving Katherine just has the biggest smile ever . '' I can tell you are excited . '' I tell her . '' yeah I am can you tell . '' I just laugh . '' I haven't seen that smile on your face ever . '' '' well its All Time Low this is different then anything else . '' I just roll me eyes . We finally arrive to the concert . As I get out she gets out . The man puts the rist bands on us and I hand him the tickets . It was crowed with people . All Time Low start to play and of course me and Katherine know the words .         

                                                                Katherin's P.O.V.

In the middle of the concert which I am enjoying so much . Luke's and my hands are right beside each otherss . He starts to pull my fingers with his fingers . My hand now is in his hand . Our hands kind of let go because everyone around us were moving around a lot . The crowed that was on my left started pushing me over to Luke . So I decided to go infront of Luke . And yeah I think this is better then being beside me because he is so tall . As I am in the music I start to feel his hands go around my waist . I turn my head . Luke was looking at the stage but then at me . He goes to my ear and says '' can we take a picture of us ? '' '' sure . '' So he grabs his phone and takes a picture and of course it has it where you see one of his hands on my waist .

I hear my phone buzz . I pull out my phone and of course he posts it on instagram and tags me in it . I don't go on it that much I just have one to post my feelings . I put my phone away and then look back at Luke well his eyes then his lip ring . His eyes look cool with his blue eyes with the orange and read lights from the stage . Then turn around facing him and kiss him . He kisses me back . His hands tightly around my waist and my hands around his neck . With my fingers through his hair . Luke lifts me up . Us still kissing . We both hear and look at Alex talking about someone in the crowed . Then realize he is talking about us . I have a big smile on my face . He says our names . After he was down talking . I looked back over at Luke . '' did you like that surprise ? '' '' oh my god did you ask him to do this or something . '' I ask Luke . He nodds his head . I just rap my arms around him and say thank you like ten times . As we get back to listening it was the last song .

After mostly everyone left . Alex comes over to us . Of course I acked all quiet . I ask for some pictures . I took one with just one with me and him then one with then band . Then one with Alex and Luke then one with the band but with Luke . I was freaking out . I am so happy that me and Luke came .

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