Chapter 49: Test

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                                                                             Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up again not really getting any sleep . I'm just thinking about if I am pregnant or not . I don't want to be a mom and I bet Luke doesn't want to a dad . I will hopefully decide what I want to do when the answer comes . I look over at Luke he is sleeping like he was yesterday . Another thing is how is Ashton going to react to thing . I am scared he will hurt me or Luke . Well Luke pretty much . Ashton just needs to realize I can't go back .

I start to close my eyes to get some sleep but right when I do my phone goes off . It's Bethany . I get up and grab my phone and answer it . '' Hello . '' '' Hi are you ready to go ? '' Bethany asked . '' No I am not ready and you could of texted I didn't want to wake up Luke . '' I tell her . '' Sorry just text me when . '' ''Ok . '' I hung up . I crowled back in . '' Who was that ? '' Luke asked . I didn't know he was up or heard any of it .

'' It was Bethany . '' I told him '' Why aren't you ready ? '' He heard that man I don't want to lie to him . At the same time I want to tell him the truth . But I can't . '' We were going to go somewhere but it was a little early for her to call . '' I told him '' Oh . '' Luke smiled at me . I smiled back but it was fake . I wanted to smile back that was real but I just can't . I rolled back the opposite way with my back facing him .

After all that I couldn't go back to sleep . Well I didn't really sleep anyway . I just got up . Went in my suitcase grabed some clothes . Luke started to put his hands around my waist . I didn't really want him to because that will make me feel more bad about what I said that wasn't all true . '' Luke please don't . '' Luke slowly let go . I finished getting ready .

                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

It was weird Katherine is acting different I don't know what to ask or do . I wonder what she has to do with Bethany . After she told me she was really acting different . I just want to help her . '' You know if you need anything or anyone to talk to I am always he for you Katherine . '' '' I know thats why I love you but I will tell you later today ok I promiss . '' Katherine says . '' Ok is it why you have been acting different ? '' Katherine nodded her head . '' Well I should get ready are you going to be with us during rehersals or are you going to be with Bethany ? '' I ask her '' Being with Bethany . '' I grabbed my clothes and changed . As I was about to leave I gave a hug and a kiss on the forehead to Katherine . I opened the door and there was Bethany about to knock on the door . '' Oh hi Luke . '' Bethany said . ''Hi I am going to go Katherine is inside . '' I told Bethany . '' Thank you Luke . '' She says to me . I walk to rehersals .

                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

'' Ready to go ? '' Bethany ask me . '' Yes lets go . '' I walk out the room . Bethany shuts it . The both of us walk to the car . Its her car . As Bethany starts the car I start to have tears falling down my face . Bethany looks at me '' I know this is hard but we are all here for you . '' '' I know you are but I'm scared how Luke and Ashton will react . And I don't want to be a mother and I'm pretty sure Luke doesn't want to a father . '' '' We will get through it together . '' I nodd my head . We pull in to the drug store . I walk out slow . Bethany is in front of me . I look around the store to find where to bye it . Bethany found it . I grabbed one then we went to the cashier . '' So you think you are pregnant ? '' The lady ask . '' Yeah I might . '' As she gives it back after we payed for it she says '' Good luck . '' I rushed out of there . I kept tapping on the door on the way back because I was nervous . I checked the time making sure we had plenty of time to do this . And there was . Once we both got in the room I ran in the bathroom . I peed on it and just waited intill it gave an answer .

I sat there on the counter swinging my legs . But then looked at it . It had a plus sign on it . I started to freak out and cry at the same time . I didn't know what to do now . The door opened it scared me . I was scared it might be Luke or one of the boys but it was Bethany which I was happy it was . Bethany ran over and gave me a hug . I showed her it with out talking . '' It's ok you will be a amazing mother don't think of all bad things and if Luke and who ever else don't go with it I will help you and help them undersand you need them . '' That meant a lot of what Bethany said . She is right I can't just leave her or him . I want it to have a better life then I did growing up .

A/N= What do you guys think of about her being pregnant . How do you think they will react . I'm talking about the boys reactions . Vote and Comment what you guys think . Do you think she will take care of it . Like she said she will .

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