Chapter 19 : I Tried

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                                                              Katherine's P.O.V.

Ashton woke me up so we all could go to the interview . I got up slowly and jumped in the shower . I almost sliped when I walked in . The door was wide open . The floor was all wet . Luke walked acoss and said '' sorry . '' I looked at him and put my hands out for him to help me up . He did . I asked if he could clean it up .

So I went in the shower took off my clothes in there while Luke is cleaning the floor . I didn't want him to see . I knew that if I waited till he was done cleaning we will be late . I gave him my clothes . I told him not to look . He didn't . I toke a quick shower . When I got out Luke was sitting on the counter on his phone . I scared me . I put the shower thing around me and said Luke's name . He looked at me . I told him to leave .

I got out and changed in to new clothes . Everyone else was waiting for me down in the lobby . We headed to the car . I asked Ashton where were we going . He said '' crazy . '' I just glared at him . It was all quiet on the way there . Before we were about to get out . I told them to not talk about me . They all said they willn't . Hopefully its true that they will not .

We went in the building . There was a man sitting on the coach waiting for them . I waited by the camera man . So I will not be in the interview . The first question he asked was how they got started . Luke said '' I knew Michael and Calum from school . '' Michael said '' Luke started making videos on youtube so I wanted to join in and Calum just came in without asking to join . We had a show but we needed a drummer . I imboxed Ashton on facebook and thats how it happened . ''

The next question was about Derpcon . Luke said '' yeah we will call people from different countries to come to L.A. . It's going to be awesome . '' I kept getting scared of what the next question would be . But I have told them not to say anything . I kept looking at Ashton . He kepted looking at me .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

The guy asked who is single . I knew that Katherine said not to say anything but I want the world that she is mine . Every one else rasied there hand and said '' I am . '' but me . He aske dwho was I dating ? I looked over at Katherine and read her lips . She said '' don't you dare . '' I didn't want to but I had to say who it was . The rest of the boys looked at me . '' her name is Katherine . '' I said .

Katherine ran out . All I did is sit there not knowing what to do .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

When he said that . I got so mad at him . I have told him twice not to say it but he says it anyway . I ran outside . Having tears go down my face . Sitting on the ground . Mad at him . I shouldn't be that much that he said that and now I'm scared that every fan will hate me . I don't want that . I feel someones hand go around me . I look and it's Luke . I smile at him . he asked why I got so mad . I told him that Ashton said it and I told him not to . I stand up with him .

Luke huging me . My head in his chest . Probably getting it all wet from my tears . I look up over his shoulder seeing Ashton just standing there . I put my hands around Luke . But when I do Ashton starts to come close to me . I back away from Luke . Looking at Ashton . Luke turned around and saw Ashton coming this way . He asked why he was out here .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

To see Luke comforting her and not me get me really mad . I walked close to them and asked Luke why he was out here . He said '' to see if she was ok it's your fault why she was out here all upset . '' Luke is right about that it is my fault . It always seems like I am the problem and Luke is the solution . I just look over at Katherine . She is looking at me while wiping tears from her face . I just ask if Luke can leave . He did .

I was facing Katherine . I didn't know what to say or do . I just asked why is she so mad that I said her name ? '' I don't want hate . '' I asked her how she would get hate . '' from the fans . '' she said . '' No they willn't they are different then any other . '' '' they better be . '' She just gave me a hug . I gave her a hug back . '' sorry I got mad I just get scared now . I use to be able to hold it in but now I can't . '' she told me .

I just squeezed her more . We both pul away right when we do . The rest of the boys were clapping . Me and Katherine just started leaughing . That was a really bad interview but after we were down . We had to get our stuff from the hotel and put them on the tour bus .

We all played video games for the rest of the day . I was getting tired so I decided to go to sleep . I got in my bunk . When I finally got comfortable . Katherine pulls the curtain open . And gets in

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