Chapter 27 : Therapy

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                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

I lay beside Katherine watching her . Wondering why Katherine is coming to e for help and not Ashton . Its like she needs me more then him . But I do enjoy having her hangout with me or by my side . It's not the same when she isn't with him . It seems very weird .

I deside to get up slowly and quietly to go get Ashton . Since Katherine is asleep she can hopefully be able to be around him with out her freaking out . I still have a key for the other room . When I open it I see Michael asleep of course . Calum laying in the bed on his phone . Probably looking at tweets . And Ashton is in the chair on his phone . He looks up at me . I look at him . '' what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be with Katherine . '' '' she is asleep . I was thinking you should be sleeping with her and maybe she will come close to you or something . '' Ashton just gets up . When he is walking he bumped me in the arm making me fall . I could tell he was mad .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I open the door seeing Katherine sleeping . All curled up in the blanket . I go over to her . I realized that  Luke was laying by her on top of the blankets . I just remove the blankets slowly to get under . I am in and the first thing I do is roll over to look at her she is so cute sleeping there . After a while I get sleepy . But when I start to fall asleep I feel her getting close . Her head in the middle of my chest . Her whole body touching me . I finally feel good . I feel her breathing on my chest . Her lips gently on my shoulder . I put my arm around her . I go to sleep .

Morning I wake up first like always . I slowly move her arm and quietly get up and dressed . Out of know where . I hear her say Ashton . I look at her . She doesn't smile but she just looks . I smile at her anyway . I told her about the therapy seasion . Katherine just gets up and gets dressed .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I  am getting dressed and all I think about why am I going or even agreeing to go . I have been once . It wasn't good at all . Ashton just looks at me . I know he wants me back to normal . But he needs to realize this is me he just hasn't seen it yet . After we both get dressed we head out to the car . I hust sit in silence in till we get there . Ashton is driving .

Ashton and I pull in to the parking lot . He turns off the car . '' can I try something well to see if I can do this . '' Ashton nodded his head . I lean him to kiss him . I do . He kisses back . I don't feel the freack out part just yet . I don't know why but I open my eyes . I look over and see a guy in all black . Same thing I saw when it was the sound check for boys . He is writing something . I think hes just writing things . So I look away but when I look again . He is watching me . I can't see his face so I don't know who it is . I pull away from Ashton .

We head in . I check in . I am sitting in silence . Not sure what to say . When I look over to the right I see the same person but closer to me . I watch him trying to figure out who he is . But I can't see . The therapist calls my name . Me and Ashton walk in . '' Whats going on sweet heart . '' I sit on the coach telling her . Ashton just listening . '' I am going to run some test on you . '' The lady tells me to go in the room with Ashton . We could hear in the room saying what this test is for . She is mostly saying for Ashton to do things and see how I react . I have wires all over me to see my feeling and how I react .

'' kiss her and do what you would normally do when you see her . '' she tells Ashton . Ashton comes over to me . Leans in and kisses me . I try to act normal as I can . But it's just weird . I do kiss him but barly . All of a sudden I am enjoying it . Ashton slowly kisses down my neck . I start to feel like I can't do this so I move very quickly across the room . Ashton is in shock and looks scared at the same time . I just can't believe what I just did . I am surpprised as much as Ashton .

The lady ask us to come out . We do the next test we do is to see what I feel . I stand in front a machine . It snaps a picture . It says love . Well of course it is I love Ashton . Those were the only test we did . The three of us all sit down . '' well from the tests you are not crazzy and the memories you had when you were younger aren't the problem nothing is . It's just the way you feel . You body can feel and react to things you might not understand yet . But don't worry you will someday . Your mind might not feel the same way as your body does . It's ok if it doesn't and you don't understand what I am talkinking about it . Like I said before you will realize it sooner or later . ''

I was so confused of what she said . Well I understand half of it but now it's all mixed up . Everything after another was going through my head right now . I didn't know what to think any more at this time . Me and Ashton just left in silence . I wanted to just burst out crying in the car . But I couldn't . I use to be able to do anything around him but nothing is the same as it was . We pulled into the hotel . I didn't want to get out I just stayed in there . Closing my eyes trying to not cry . Ashton got out without saying anything I could tell he was mad to . I look up and I see Luke walking to the car . I locked it I didn't want anyone coming in . He knocked I agnored him . He still knocked and knocked . It was getting annoying after a while . So I let him in . I told him what the lady said . '' help me Luke I have know clue what she ment . '' He just pulled me in I started to go to sleep . Before I went to sleep though I went upstairs to the room . Ashton was sitting on the bed .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

When that lady sad that I was scared . Because what if she is talking about Luke . I can tell by the way he looks at her and he is always there to help her . Doesn't she have me well some times it is my fault . I wouldn't blame her because I have been an ass lately . I didn't realize Katherine was there staring at me . I was in my thoughts . When I looked at her she smiled . Came over beside me . '' I know today has been a sucky day but lets make tomorrow better . '' All she did is nodd her head . The both of us just curled up on the bed together and went to sleep .

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