Chapter 23 : Keek

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up hearing yelling and swearing . It sounds like Ashton . I open my eyes . He is yelling at his lap top . Sitting in the chair . I laugh alittle . Ashton turned his head . I quickly go under the blankets so he doesn't notice .

But he does . I hear him walking towards the bed . I try to be quiet as I can so he will think I am sleeping . He slowly gets on the bed . Leaning towards me . I feel his hands going up me . To my tickle spots . I try not to laugh . You can kind of hear me . I peek out of the blankets to see if he is looking . Well he is . Ashton smiles at me . I remove the blankets from my face . '' good morning beautiful . Sorry if I woke you up . '' '' it's ok you did wake me up but I don't care . '' He leaned even closer to me and gently issed my lips .

He pulled away . '' stay . '' I said .  He just looked at me . Then jumped on the bed . Making me move . Almost falling off . Ashton caught my waist . '' sorry again . Man I keep saying sorry to you . '' I just laugh . Before he lays back down . He lifts off shirt . I just look at him . '' what are you staring at ? '' I just roll my eyes .

Ashton lays back down beside me . I put my head on his chest . Our legs in between each others . Moving my fingers around softly on his chest . I look up at him . Ashton is looking down at me . I scot up to his face and kisses him . I kiss him and again . He puts his hands around my waist . I put my hands around his neck . His hands slowly going down to my thigh . Pulling my leg around his waist . Then his hands going up to my shirt . I remove my hands away from his neck . To his hand thats going up my shirt .

I pull away getting up from the bed . Sitting on the end of the bed . Ashton comes over to me and ask if I was ok . '' I'm just not ready right now . Maybe after my brithday or in my twentys even though I am twenty . I just want to wait in till its the right time ok Ashton . '' I told him . He just looked at me '' I am ready when ever you are . '' and then he kissed me on the cheek . I smiled and laughed at the same time .

When we were in the middle of talking . The door knocked . Me and Ashton both looked at the door . Ashton opened the door . It was Michael and Luke and Calum . Wanting to come in . Luke looked at me . I only had a shirt and gym shorts on . Michael looked at both of us . '' were we interupting something ? '' he asked . '' ye- '' Ashton couldn't finish . '' no you are not we were just about to change so we will see you in a few minutes . '' I told them .

                                                                       Ashton's P.O.V.

Katherine interupted me . I could tell she did not want to talk about what we were just talking about before they came in . When she told me she didn't even look at me . I am just wondering why she didn't look at me or why she wants to wait . Maybe her past I don't know . I went in my suit case and grabed my skinny jeans and a shirt . Katherine was doing the same thing . I was done before her . She changed into a black All Time Low shirt with black skinny jeans and converse . '' I can tell you like All Time Low . '' I said . '' hahaha yeah I love this band . ''

After we got done getting dressed . The both of us came out . Luke , Calum and Michael were waiting for us . We all went out for break fast . I sat beside Katherine . Luke sat across from her . Calum sat beside Luke . Michael sat at the end . Katherine kept laughing . I looked at her . She was looking in her menu . But looking accross at Luke . She also kept moving . So did Luke . Luke was looking at her . I looked under the table to see whats going on . They both were fighting with feet . '' man now I know what it is like to sit across from a tall person . '' she said . '' we are all talll . '' I told her . She just looked at me and kissed my cheek . Luke looked at both of us . I looked at him . But when I did he looked away . The waiter came to get our orders .

A few minutes later our food came . We all got different things . After we were done eating I was fool . I could tell Katherine was . She layed her head on my shouilder . I layed my head on hers . I decided to take a pic of us . I did .

When we were done I payed for all of us . When we got back to I wanted to do a keek video for thanking all the fans for coming to the show last night . I grabbed my phone . '' hay I just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight , love you guys and heres someone I would like you to meet  '' Katherine started to get away from the camera . I was trying to hurry up and get her in it . When I finally did . The thirty seconds were over . So I tried it again . But right went I was about to Katherine locked her self in the bathroom . I knock on there a couple of times '' no I am not coming out in till you put your phone away . '' she told me . I waited for a few minutes but I got tired of waiting . I was going to secretly but I thought that was rude . So I put my phone away . I told her to come out . A few minutes later she came out .

We just talked about mostly everything for the rest of the day . Her phone kepted going off . I glanced over to it . It said Luke with a whole much of emojis . I couldn't tell which ones . I was just happy she was with me . I asked her if she could put her phone away . She did .

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