Chapter 65 : Unknown Caller

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I get waking up by arms going around my waist and kisses on my neck . '' Stop ! '' I say while lauging . Being tickled by Luke . '' Never . '' Luke says . '' Shh we have to be quiet or we are going to wake up the baby . '' I tell him but it doesn't seem like he is listening . '' Well if you just be quiet we willn't have to worry about it . '' Luke says after every kiss he gives down my body . I started to moan .

All of a sudden I start to hear the baby cry . I get up from the bed . But Luke stops me from grabing my thigh . '' Not yet . '' He begs putting out his pouty lip . '' Luke that's what you get for not listening . '' I tell him . I walk over to the cribe and grab Elena and rock her . Luke gets out of bed and walks over to us . I pull out my phone and take a pic of the three of us . I only did it because we need pictures .

'' Her eyes are like yours . '' I tell Luke . '' But she as beautiful as you . '' Luke tells me . I have a smile on my face but I don't look at him . '' Are you going to hide that smile ? '' Luke asked me . '' I don't know . '' I look back at him and kiss him . '' Today is a new day and a new start . '' Luke tells me . I wanted to believe that myself but I have a feeling it's not going to end . I don't know what started that hasn't finshed but I feel like it's something .

'' I'm hungry . '' Luke just blurts out . '' There's food in the kitchen . '' I tell him . '' But I love your food . '' Luke says . Of course he had to say that . Elena starts to make cute noises . '' What's that . '' Luke says in a baby voice . Not going to lie it was cute . '' I think she's saying she's hungry . '' Luke says .  '' Did she really say that ? '' I rolled my eyes at him . '' Yes she did and I could help you . '' Luke says . '' Fine but let me put on some clothes ok . '' I tell him . '' But you have my shirt on . '' Luke says begging me to come down stairs . '' Ok ok I'm coming but you hold Elena and warm up milk for her . And I'll make yours . '' I tell him . '' Thank you baby . '' Luke says . I hand over Elena over to Luke we both walk down stairs . I go in the kitchen and grab eggs , bacon , salt , ketchup , bread , chesse and butter . I put the oven on . I go back to the sink and crack the eggs . '' How many eggs ? '' I asked Luke . '' Just put about three . ''

I put those in the bowl and mix them . I hear someone come from up stairs . It was Calum . '' How is it being back here ? '' Calum asked while sitting next to Luke a the counter . '' It feels weird I probably wouldn't be back here if it wasn't for you guys . '' I say while stirring the eggs to make them hard .

'' Can I have some ? '' Calum asked . '' Ok when did I become the cook in the house . I'm making eggs for me and Luke but Ashton could make you some . '' I tell him . I didn't really want to make any food in the first place but Luke got me to do it but Calum can't . '' Well someone is grumpy today . '' Calum says . Luke is just laughing . '' I'm not grumpy I'm just getting tired of making food . '' I fianlly finish the toast and eggs . I hand Luke the plate . Now I just have to make mine .


I finished making mine . I put it in the spot of the opened seat next to Calum . As I was about to sit down Michael took my seat . '' Thanks for the food . '' Michael said . '' Get up . '' I tell him . '' Mine now . '' I push him over . He almost fell over but caught himself by grabing on to Calum . '' What's going on here ? '' Ashton asked from behind me . '' Oh god you scared me . '' I turn facing him . '' Are you always going to always where Luke's shirts . '' Ashton says . I look down and realize I still had his shirt on and just his shirt . '' Wait did you guys have sex last night ? '' Michael asked . '' No we didn't . '' I tell him . '' Well I'm going to go change I'll be back . '' I tell him and walk up stairs . I go in my closet and find a shirt . I don't really care what shirt which I don't know why I'm looking through my whole closet .

I got my favorite Al Time Low shirt . Which is my weightless shirt . I grabed skinny jeans . My phone started to go off . I grabed it and saw it was that unkown number . But instead of a text it was a call . I answered it . '' Hello . '' I say . It didn't sound like a voice . It sounded like a machine . '' Hi it will never end meet me as soon as you find the place . '' Then it was just this loud peeping noise . I ended the call . I started to freak out . I have to figure out what it means .

A/N= Hi guys what do you think . Do you know who the person is thats calling . Guess who . Lets just say someone from her past that doesn't exactly like her life now . The next last few chapters will be happening all on the same day . four chapters left . Man thinking about how it was when I first started making this book . I never would have thought of where I am at this part of the story . I don't really think anyone does when the make a story enless they plan everything out . Guess what will happen next . Vote and comment what you think . 

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