Chapter 69 : Stabbed

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

'' How about we play a game . '' Crash says . What the hell is he doing ? Why is he doing this ? I want to ask him but if I do he wont answer me . Well I think he wont . Crash moves Ashton and Luke apart from each other . Where now there is a space between them . Shawn grabs a chair and puts it between them .

Crash points at the chair and says '' Sit . '' They all look at me . I go over there and sit between them . Oh god what is he going to do this time . '' Ok so what is so great about Luke these days ? '' Crash asked me . '' You got to be kidding me . '' I tell him screaming and standing up out of my chair . I'm surprised Crash doesn't do anything . He just stands there . But then I feel and arm push me back down to my seat . That is Shawn's arm . '' Tell me or something bad will happen to them . '' Crash says

I don't say anything I just keep my mouth shut . Again Crash just stands there . Shawn grabs a hot rag and puts it over Luke's mouth . He screams . '' Ok ok that's enough . '' I tell them . Shawn looks up at Crash . I guess to see if he should stop or not . '' Ok I love Luke because he is the one person that helped me when no one else could . Out of this damn world he is the one person that got me through the my worst . '' I say . Crash just nodds his head . I look over at Luke who has a smile on his face with those burn marks .

'' What about when we were together ? '' Ashton asked . I looked over at him . I could see the hurt in his eyes . I thought he was over it but I guess I was wrong . '' I don't know Ash I did love you . I guess people change . '' I tell him . I look back at Crash . He just has a smile on his face . Why does he have a smile on his face ? '' So Ashton how does it feel to have her say that and be honest . '' Crash asked Ashton . To be honest I wanted to know my self . '' It does hurt to here her say that and yeah I do have feelings for her but now I know she loves Luke and I have to except that . '' Ashton says . Wait what he still has feelings for me .

I thought he said he doesn't have them anymore . He can't no this changes a lot between me and Ashton . '' So Luke does it hurt you that you stool Katherine from him ? '' Crash asked Luke . '' Go to hell . '' Luke said . '' That's it . '' Crash says . He goes and grabs a knife from the table and walks over to me . I was scared . I bet we all were . '' Don't hurt her . '' Luke said . '' I wont enless you answer me . '' Crash says while holding the knife to my neck . '' It did at first but now I don't . '' Luke says .

'' What's the point of you doing this to us ? '' I asked Crash . '' For the last time I'm not telling you . '' Since he isn't going to tell him I have to figure it out on my own . '' So did it hurt when you broke Ashton's heart like you did mine ? '' Then it hit me I know why he's doing this . He's just mad that I broke up with him for Ashton . And I'm happy I did . Why does he have to do all this just for one simple thing . It's not a big deal . '' You're seriously doing this because I broke up with you .'' I just blurt out .

'' Not exactly . '' Crash says . It makes perfect since all those times I have seen Crash in random places . And Shawn watching me . '' So Shawn was soing your dirty work ? '' I asked him . '' Wait have you told them ? '' Crash asked me .

'' Tell us what ? '' Luke asked . '' I have been getting text from an unkown number which is Crash's and there has been a guy following us . '' I tell him . '' Why didn't you tell me ? '' Luke asked me . '' In the text it told me if I did one of us will get hurt . '' I tell him . '' Don't worry about me . '' Luke says . I can't believe he just said that . '' Of course I'm going to worry about you I love you Luke . '' I tell him putting my hand on his knee .

I start to hear the baby cry . '' Where is Elena ? '' I ask him . I stand up . This time no one can put me down . Shawn went in the room where I guess Elena is . '' Some where our baby is safe . '' Crash says . '' Exuse me that's Luke's not your . '' I tell him . '' Yeah I know I saw your adventure when you and Luke went on your special time . '' Crash says . '' Wait what . '' I say . '' Oh nothing you need to worry about . '' Crash says .  '' Ok so we are here for one reason and that is . . . .  to pick between them . If you pick one the other has to die so you don't have to go through what you went through again . '' Crash says .

I can't do that .They can't die I love them both . '' You know I can't do that . '' I tell Crash . '' Then they will both die . '' '' You're kidding . '' I say . '' I don't kid . '' Crash says . I have to think of a way to get us out of here . I look at the back of the room and I see Michael and Calum sitting there watching us . I didn't even know they were awake . Hopefully they heard it all .

I see the knife behind Crash . Then I think if I kill my self then Ashton and Luke will be saved . Hopefully . I just have to find a way for Crash to not be here . Crash goes up stairs . I run over to Calum and Michael and untie them . I tell him the plan . '' You can't do that there's another way . '' Michael says . '' No there isn't so please help me save them . '' I tell them both . '' We will find a way to save you . '' Calum says . I hear foot steps so I rush over to Ashton and Luke . '' Have you thought of who ? '' Crash ask . '' Can I say I love them and things ? '' I ask Crash . '' Yeah go ahead . '' I walk over to Ashton first and whisper in his ear . '' I love you and I will miss you and don't forget what we had . I pull away and kiss him on the cheek . I walk over to Luke . I right away kiss him . Then I tell him '' I love you and you are the one person who I truly do love and no one can change that . '' After saying tears start to fall . I stand infront of Crash . Acting like I'm going to say an answer . Intill Calum knocks him in the back of the head .

Crash falls to the floor . Michael unties Ashton and Luke . I grab the knife and stab my self in the stomach . The pain started rushing through me . I fell to the ground .

                                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

I watch as everything thats happening . Calum knocked Crash out . Michael coming from behind untiing me and Ash . He was taking forever . Once I saw what Katherine was about to do . I wanted to stop her but I couldn't I was stuck . '' Katherine DON'T !! '' I scream at her . She does it anyway . Michael finally has me untied . I rush to the ground . Blood is everywhere . Ashton grabs a towel to stop the blood . Calum grabs the phone and calls 911 . '' Please come to 320 Addisons st. someone has got stabbed hurry please . '' Calum screams . I could hear from the other person . '' We will be there the fast we can . '' I keep looking at Katherine . '' Don't leave me please don't leave me . '' I tell her crying . '' I love you Luke . '' She says as she could barly look at me . I could he the ambulance .

They came straight through the door . We all had to back up for them to him . They but him on the carrier thing and rushed out . Using all there tools they have to try and save her . I see police officers taking Crash . So many lights . Well I can't go with her . The four of us rush in my car and go to the hospital .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A/N = Hi guys I felt like making it today . What do you guys think . It's the last chapter . But don't worry there will be a sequel . And now you know why Crash decided to do all this . I'm proud of this chapter . I wanted it to be good for the last chapter . Can't believe this part of the story is over . Just saying in The Vampire Diaries Season 6 helped with the next part of the story . I hope you guys will like the sequel . I'm excited to start making it .  I have never writen a story that has 69 chapters in to . The last one I made was only like 32 chapters and then I deleted it after . Hopefully I wont do it this time .

Since I'm on spring break the sequel will probably come earliar then I thought it would be . I never knew a story talks this long . I started this last year in August . Vote and Comment What you think . And can you guys please tell me your favorite part in this whole story . Mine would be when Luke and Katherine went on there adventure . Can you guys please read my R5 story . I'm in the middle of the one and it would be awesome if you read it . If you don't know who R5 is you should look them up . They are really good . It's  a pop rock band . I have liked them for about 2 years now . They have been together for 6 years . They are like 5SOS in a couple ways . But at the same time they have so many differences . The new 5SOS story might not happen just yet . I don't want to have so many stories where I can't keep up . So please read my sequel when ever I make it . Thanks for reading my story . Love you guys

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