Chapter 36 : Room

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                                                                          Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up in the same spot as I did when I fell asleep . It was beautiful outside The blinds were slightly open . The sun shinning in . I felt movement behind me . So I turned my head and see Luke moving in his sleep .  It made me laugh . I layed on my back facing the ceiling . All of a sudden I hear Luke . '' morning .'' '' more like afternoon . '' and laughed . I turned to face Luke . I asked him if he is growing out his faciel hair .

'' yeah do you like ? '' Luke asked me and had a smirk on his face . I rolled my eyes . As I got closer Luke said '' you know you have to talk to Ashton about all this . '' '' yeah I know but please don't ruin the moment . '' '' if I don't ruin the moment then you wouldn't want to talk to Ashton and yout wouldn't know what you want and we would be doing what we're doing now . '' Luke says to me . He does make a good point . '' but I like what were doing . '' '' what are we doing ? '' '' two people that like each other . '' '' you like me ? '' '' well yeah . '' I tell him .

'' you gotta get up and go talk to him . '' '' I know I do but I have know what to say to him or what to talk about first . '' '' just say what you feel , ask him all the questions you need and let him do the talking or something . '' '' yeah that helps .'' In a sarcastic way . I just took a deep and got up and got dressed . Luke just layed back and closed his eyes . I got one of my Green Day shirts and skinny jeans and converse . Before I left I went over to Luke . '' here goes nothing . '' Luke sat up . '' it is something . '' he said . '' Luke can I ask you a question ? '' '' yeah sure anything . '' '' why do you want me to talk to Ashton if you like me and want to be with me ? '' '' you will see when you talk to him and I will tell you that after . '' I smiled at him and leaned in and kissed him on his cheek .

I got up and left . I knocked on the door that the rest of the boys are in them . Michael opened the door . He was surprised to see me . '' what are you doing here ? '' '' can you and Calum leave so I can talk to Ashton please ? '' I ask him . '' yeah sure . '' Michael looked back at Calum . He got up . The both of them just left . I was standing in the middle of the door way looking at Ashton . Ashton was just sittting there on the bed .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I look up at her . Katherine looks beautiful with her Green Day shirt on . '' is everything ok ? '' I asked her . She came over to me at sat next to me . '' we need to talk . '' '' about what ? '' I moved my legs from the bed to the ground . '' do you still have feelings for me ? '' When she asked me that I was surprised but at the same time I was happy that she did . '' yeah I do why did you ask ? '' '' ok I just didn't know after what I have done . '' '' what have you done ? '' '' nevermind its nothing . ''

'' no tell me . '' I put my hand in hers . Katherine looked down . What did she mean by she has done things . Katherine looked back up at me . '' being with Luke all the time went to the concert all that . '' '' you were with Luke because of me its not your fault and you went to the concert with him cause that was your choice . '' Katherine started to have tears fall . '' are you ok ? '' Katherine says she was ok but I could tell she wasn't . I put my arms around her . Her head in my chest . Just holding her .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

Being in Ashton's arms again makes me think of when we were back in my house and I was crying about Crash . Then I thought of every where I went there was a guy in black watching me . After thinking about that made me stop crying I pulled away from Ashton quickly . '' why aren't you mad at me ? '' I asked him .  Ashton just looked at me '' I'm not mad at you why would you think that . '' He says to me .

'' maybe I am not the wright person for you maybe I just came in just so you can see or tell what and what not to find in a girl . '' I got up quickly and headed to the door . I was about to open the door in till Ashton grabbed my arm . '' you are the wright person for me you are what I need . I am in love with you . '' Ashton tells me . I let go of the door and face him . Kind of overwelmened of what Ashton just said to me . I don't know what to think now . All I knew is I loved them both . Ashton came closer to me . I just took a deep breath . Ashton kissed me .

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