Chapter 59 : Docters

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

Looking at my self in the bathroom . Looking at my stomach . Hoping everything is ok . I have to wake up early because I have to go to a docters appointment today . Today I will get to see what gender the baby is . Good thing me and Luke already thought of a boy name and a girl name . '' Are you ok in there . '' Luke asks me from the outside . Getting me out of my thoughts . '' Yeah just a minute . '' I tell him .

I quickly brush my teeth . Trying to hold back my tears from what happened yesterday . I need her to help me . Yeah so I have the guys but what do they know about taking care of a baby . What am I saying I don't even know how to do it . My mom treated me like crap . Hopefully she will be able to come back .

I walk out of the bathroom all of the guys are waiting . Michael looks annoyed probably because he is waiting . I laugh . '' What's so funny ? '' Ashton asked . '' Nothing its just seeing Michael wait . '' '' Can we go now ? '' Michael asks . '' Yeah lets go . '' All of us walk out of the bus and into the car . Luke drives and I sit in the passenger seat . The rest of the boys sit in the back seat . Michael is behind me and Calum is in the middle . Ashton is behind Luke . Michael pulls up by me and asks if I'm ok . '' Yeah I'm fine I'm just scared . '' I tell him

'' It's going to be ok we will try to help even though I don't know how to take care of a baby . '' Michael says . Luke puts one hand on my thigh and says '' It's going to be ok I will always be here for you . '' '' I'm not worried about you guys I'm worried about me . I don't know how to do it , I . . . '' I start to have tears in my eyes . '' Don't worry Katherine if we mess up then we will fix it . '' Ashton says . I look behind me and look at the three of them .

'' We are here . '' Luke says . I take a deep breath in then out . I don't even realize that everyone is out the car already . Luke opens the door for me . He pulls my hand and we walk to the docters . His hand is still in mine . Michael is on the other side of me and Calum is infront of me . Ashton is beside Luke . As we walk in me and Luke check in at the office . The rest of the guys go and sit down .

We walk back to them and we sit down and wait . '' Baby I love you . '' Luke says . I turn and face him . '' I love you too . Thanks for being in my messed up life . '' I tell him . He kisses me . I kiss him back . I don't want to pull away but I have to we are in a waiting room . Calum coughs loud by saying '' Not in public . '' I look at him . '' And you were the one making ot with my best friend and it looked like you were going to take her face off . '' '' Well you're dating one of my best friends . '' Calum says '' So I'm aloud to do what ever I want with him . You're not my mother . '' I tell him . '' He looks like he doesn't know what to say . '' Well I have to approve . '' He says to me . All of us just start laughing .

'' Katherine . '' The lady calls for my name . We all get up and walk towards the door . '' Only family aloud for this . '' The nurse says . '' Well I need them and they are coming with me . '' I tell her giving a look to her . She doesn't say anything . We just follow her in the room . '' So are you ready for your ultrasound ? '' She ask . '' As ready as I will ever be . '' I tell her . Luke helps me on the bed . The reast of the guys just stand there watching us . Luke stands by me and holds my hand . I left up my shirt so she can put the jell on my stomach . She puts it on my stomach . I start to get goosebumps .  '' is it cold ? '' She asked . '' Yeah it is . '' '' So are you excited to have a baby ? '' She ask me as she puts the control thing on my stomach . '' I'm nervous . '' '' Look who I see . '' She says . I just watch the screen . I look over at Luke who looks like he has tears in his eyes . But then I see Michael who looks surprised . I can't believe a little human is growing inside of me . '' Do you wanna know the sex ? '' The nurse asked . I looked back at Luke to see if he wants to know as much as I do . '' Yeah we do . '' Luke says to her . '' It's a girl . '' I have a huge smile on my face . '' Do you know the name yet ? '' The nurse asked . '' Yes but we can't say yet . '' I look over to the boys as I say it . '' I will give you guys pictures of it . I will be right back . '' I pull my shirt down . And get up . '' Luke how does it feel to have a daughter ? '' I ask him . '' I can't believe it we have to tell my mum everything that happened . '' That scared me because Ashton's mom thinks I'm with him . '' Don't worry about telling my mom I already told her everything that happened . '' Ashton says .

'' How did she take it ? '' I asked him . '' She was upset but then realized she shouldn't be because she knew something like that was going to happen . '' I don't respond I'm just happy that she isn't mad . The nurse comes back with six pictures . She gave one to each of us and gave me the other one '' You could give that to your mom . '' She says '' Oh my mother is gone and I didn't really have a mom growing up . '' '' I'm sorry . ''

All of us walk out to the car . '' I'm going to tell my mum what the baby is going to be . '' Luke tells me as he is calling his mom . '' Hay mum . '' '' It's going to be a girl . '' I could hear screaming in the back ground . Luke hung up the phone . '' She is happy for me . '' I smile . I lean in a give him a kiss and I did not care if the guys are watching . I could hear a snap of a phone . I pull away and look at the guys . '' Yes got the picture . '' Michael says

A/N= Hi guys I just wanted to update early just to do it since last time it was a while . But I'm excited for August 5th because I get tickets to go see them in Georgia . I'm still freaking out about it . I got them for my 15th birthday and if you guys didn't know my birthday was the 18th of feburary . 10 chapters left till the end wow I can't believe it . But like every day I have been planning chapters for the next book and yeah so I hope you guys like it . Vote and Comment what you think . What do you think the name will be ? Are you happy it's a girl ?

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