Chapter 38 : Work With

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up facing the ceilling . I look around I see everyone sleeping except when I look down I don't see Ashton . I know that Luke is beside me because I feel his arm beside me . Michael and Calum are sleeping . I hear the shower come on . I realize that he is in the shower . I turn over to face Luke . I just stare at him . Ashton comes out of the shower . I lean up and look at just Ashton in a towel . '' that was fast . '' I tell him '' yeah I wanted to be ready for us to go work with Alex Gaskath . '' When I said that I didn't really care but then I looked back up at him and smiled because I was going to meet him again . I fall back on the bed all happy . Probably moved the bed . I turn my head to Luke . Luke opened his eyes . '' why are you so happy ? '' '' you guys get to work with my favorite person in the world . '' Luke had a confused look on his face . Then looked at Ashton . '' wait we are ? '' '' yeah . '' Ashton tells him . I was still smiling .

'' well get dressed then . '' Ashton tells us . I quickly get up out of the bed . I grabed my clothes and ran to the bathroom . I accidently grabbed one of my Green Day shirts instead of All Time Low . I went back out of the bathroom . I saw that Michael and Calum just woke up . I grabbed the right shirt this time and ran to the bathroom like I did before . I changed . I brushed my hair and teeth .

As I come out the are changing . I turn around and wait in till they are done . Luke comes over and whispers in my ear '' we are done . '' I turn around to face him . '' are we all ready ? '' Ashton asks all of us . Everyone said yeah . We all walked out and headed out to the car . I sat in the back with Luke and Calum . Ashton drove . Michael sat in the passenger seat . '' I can tell you're happy . '' Calum says to me . '' will its better then yesterday . '' I tell him '' can we please not talk about yesterday . '' Ashton asks . I just stare at him . I finally say yes after about a minute . We pull in to the parking lot . I start shaking and remember I was like this the first time I met him . Also remembered I was with Luke . Hopefully he doesn't remember . I say to my self .

We walk to the building . Ashton opens the door with us . Alex is just waiting for us . He slowly comes to us . I try not to smile but I do anyway . '' oh I remember you , you came to the concert with Luke and yu guys looked like you were in love . '' Alex Gaskath says to me . Everyone looks at me . I look down not knowing what to do . '' I thought you said nothing happen . '' Ashton says . I look at him regreting that I lied . Ashton started running straight . I had to run and follow him . '' sorry I didn't know everything . '' Alex says to me . Before I ran I said to him '' its ok you didn't know . ''

As I start to run Luke pulls my arm . I look back at him '' let go Luke and I mean it . '' I look where I was going . I see Ashton turn . So I run as fast as I can .  I finally stop . Ashton running to a door . He tries to open it but its Lock . I stand there . Ashton turns back . Looking really mad . As he walks back to where we were . I stop him by putting my hand on his chest . '' move or I will hurt you . '' Ashton says to me . '' I know you will never hurt me . '' I try to tell him with out crying . He backs up in to the room . I follow .

'' why didn't you just tell me the truth ? '' Ashton ask me . '' I didn't want to hurt you . '' '' well I rather hear the truth and get hurt from it it then get hurt from a lie that you have told me . '' '' I'm sorry Ashton I really am . '' I say that crying '' normally I would just hug you and everything be ok but this time I can't after everything has happened .  You know what since it seems like you have been with Luke who then . '' '' what do you mean ? '' I was confused what he ment by that . '' Luke or me who is it ? ''

'' I don't know . '' '' since you don't know I'll pick for you . '' Ashton just walked past me and left the room . I started to just cry and cry . I slide down the wall . After about a few minutes . Luke comes . I don't look at him . I just put my head in my hands . Luke comes straight towards me . '' whats wrong ?'' '' just go away from me . '' '' I'm not leaving you . '' I look at him . '' no go away you are the reason this is all happening . '' '' wait what do you mean ? what did Ashton say to you ? '' '' we argued about you he's acting like this cause of you . Ashton asked me who . '' '' what did you say ? '' Luke asked me . '' I said I don't know . Just please leave me go work on the song or what ever you were doing . '' '' like I said before I am not leaving you . And how can I write a song and all I can think of is you . ''

Alex comes in '' sorry I caused all this but if you guys can't work today thats fine maybe next time . '' Me and Luke look at him . Luke puts out his hands to help me up . I reach fro him and grabed them . Him pulling me up . We walk where the rest of the boys are . All of us get in the car . The only ones talking is Michael and Calum . We alll get back to the hotel . I rush to the hotel room . Luke just comes in . The both of us sit on the bed . '' who saved me ? '' I asked Luke . '' Ashton . '' '' oh . '' '' please tell me thats not who you . '' '' who I what wait I know what you mean and no its not . I told you I didn't know . '' '' good but why did you say you didn't know ? '' '' because if I say one I might lose the other and I don't want that . ''

'' so you are just going to be with both of us . '' me and Luke hear someone behind us . I look back it is Ashton . '' you were listening ? '' yes I was . Well I was going to come and talk to you but I didn't want to interupt . '' '' I know you are mad but doesn't mean you have to be rude , just go . '' Ashton leaves .

'' can we not talk about what just hapened and watch a movie please . '' '' yeah sure . '' I get the movie . I put in a random movie . I lay in the covers with Luke . As the movie starts I curl up beside him . '' what are you and Ashton . '' '' I told you I didn't want to talk about it . '' '' I know but I need to know for me . '' I smile . '' I guess nothing now . '' '' so what are we then ? '' I didn't say anything I just closed my eyes as the movie was playing .

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