Chapter 57 : Seeing it too

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                                                                   Katherine's P.O.V.

I barly got any sleep for the past days . I'm so tired . I feel like crap . I have so much on my mind . I can't think straight . I need to get out and do something . I can't stay in this tour bus for a long time . The baby keeps kicking . It hurts . '' Luke can we go out and do something . '' '' Yeah sure where do you wanna go?'' '' I don't know somewhere I just want get out and it hurts . '' Luke rushes over by me asking if I was ok . '' Yes I'm fine well not really I feel like crap and I wanna go . '' I star to cry . '' Now I realize how people are like when they are pregnant . '' Luke says making me laugh . '' Let me ask the boys . '' Luke says

'' Hay guys can we go out ? '' Luke asks the guys . '' I'm tired but sure . '' Michael says '' Yeah sure but where ? '' Ashton asks '' Yeah but when is Bethany going to be here ? '' Calum asks like some little kid asking for candy . '' Yeah I just asked her when shes coming if we go out she can come with us . '' Calum has a huge smile on his face '' If you wanna see her so bad then you call her . '' '' I can't I get all nervous when I'm on the phone with her . ''

'' Hi can you meet up with us at park . Calum misses you . '' I text Bethany . Bethany had to go back home for a day to go deal with family issues . But now shes back . The bus driver drove us to the park . It took a few minutes to get to a near park . '' So how are you doing with all pregnace thing ? '' Ashton asks while we were waiting to go . '' It's ok the kicking feels weird when the baby kicks but I can handle it . Do you wanna feel ? '' I ask him '' Yeah sure . '' Calum and Michael ask if they can touch it to . First I grab Ashton's hand and place it on my stomach . '' Kick for Uncle Ashton . '' I tell . I kind of push on my stomach for the baby to kick . '' Uncle ? '' Ashton asked why I said that . '' Yeah I want all of you guys to be an uncle . '' I say looking at the three of them . '' Wow I have no siblings and I'm an uncle . '' Michael says . I grabed Calum's hand and did the same thing for Michael as I did with Ashton .

'' We're here . '' The driver says . All of uss walk out . It's beautiful outside . I turn my head and see Bethany sitting at a table . All of us walk over to her .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

I watch Katherine walk to the table . I always ask her if shes ok . But it looks like she isn't and shes hiding it . I got to talk to her about it but I can't right now . It looks like she likes being outside . So I am going to let that be for now . '' Hay Bethany . '' '' Hi Luke . '' Calum goes over to her and hugs her and kisses her . We all sit down at the table that Bethany was sitting at . '' So why did you have to go the other day ? '' Calum asked Bethany . '' Yeah thats something I need to talk about with you just you but can we do that later and just enjoy being here please . '' Bethany says . '' Now you say that it's going to bug me all day . '' Calum says .

'' She will tell us when shes ready let her be Calum . '' Katherine says . Katherine is sitting on the table with her legs on the stool part . I'm standing beside her . With my arm around her . '' Well I'm going on the swing . '' Michael says . All of us laugh . Ashton follows him and Bethany and Calum are with us . '' Man what are we going to do with him . The baby is going to have a crazy uncle . '' Katherine says . I let out a laugh . '' Well you know everyone has one of those aunts or uncles or anyone thats like Michael and we need that in our life . '' I say looking down at Katherine . Katherine looks up at me . I lean down and kiss her . Katherine pulls away with a smile . '' Bethany there is something I need to tell you about . '' Katherine says . But before Bethany could respond someone walks up to us . It's Crash . '' Well well well look who's all happy and a diiferent guy , what did you get tired of the other guy like you did me . '' Crash says to Katherine . '' Leave her alone . '' I say walking infront of Katherine .

'' what are you going to protect , I'm so scared oh no . '' Crash says in a sarcastic way . '' Get the hell out of here . '' Ashton says thats behind Crash . Katherine stands up behind me and grabes my waist and holds on tight . '' There you are I was wondering where you were . '' Crash says turning around facing Ashton . '' Are you mad at that them being together ? '' Crash asks . '' No I'm over all that like I said before get the hell out of here . '' Ashton says with anger in his voice . '' Who's baby is it ? '' Crash asks turning back around to us . '' It's Luke's . '' Katherine says still behind me but slightly out where Crash can see her stomach . I put my hand infront of her so she can't walk forward . '' Crash so you got out of jail thats surprising and since you're out you should just go live your life and don't bother us . '' Katherine says . Crash walks forward us . He's close where he can touch her but I can't let that happen . '' You were my life you were the one that kept me living . '' Crash says as puts his hands on her cheeks . Katherine flinches . '' Don't touch her . '' I tell him pushing him back . he punhes me in the face .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

Luke falls on the stool of the table . I go down to see if he's ok . I start having tears in my eyes . '' Just go . '' Bethany says to Crash . I turn around to see Crash running back where he came from . I turn back to Luke . I grabe him and pull him onto me and kiss him . '' What did I miss ? '' Michael asks in a sleepy voice . '' You sleep throught all that ? '' Calum asked Michael .

A/N= Hi guys what do you think of Crash coming to see them . 12 more chapters to go . I have planned about thirty for my sequel the other day so I don't kow when I will post the next book after this one is over . And I already thought of the baby name see if you can guess for the first name for a boy and a girl and the same for middle name . I can't say whats the gender or it will ruin it but yeah . five more chapters intill you will know the name the baby . Vot and Comment what you think ....

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