Chapter 8 : Drums

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                                                             Katherine's P.O.V.

I couldn't sleep and it was eight in the morning . So I decided to get up . I didn't really feal like getting ready . When I went down stairs the living room was a mess . I cleaned it since no one was up . I grabbed cleaner . To clean the counter and the coffee table . I put the video games up and neet . Got the vacum cleaned the carpet . By the time I was done with that Ashton came down stairs . '' you didn't have to do that . '' '' yes i do yesterday was funn and a mess and I couldn't sleep . ''

Ashton asked why I couldn't sleep . All I said was '' later . '' He smiled . Then went in the kitchen to make breakfast . I watched him why he was doing that . He didn't notice I was looking . Michael scared me again today by laying his head on my shoulder '' watcha looking at . '' I looked at Michael and said '' well I was Ashton . '' Ashton looked back at me and smiled . I smiled back . Michael said '' aww . '' I just rolled my eyes . And went to the living room . Luke and Calum looked at me then pointed at the clean room . I said '' yeah I cleaned it do you like it . '' Both of them laughed .

                                                        Ashton's P.OV.

I said '' breakfast was ready . '' They all came to get their breakfast . We eat .  Then we all went in the living room . Katherine said '' I am going to go get ready . '' The four of us just sat in there waiting for her . Michael asked what were me and Katherine . I just shruged my shoulders . The said '' I want it to be more but I'm not sure if she feels the same way . '' Michael said '' don't worry she will . '' I just smiled .

Katherine came down stairs . She was so cute with her Green Day shirt on and gray skinny jeans with black converse . After she came down stairs she sat right beside me . Then asked '' can you teach me how to play drums ? '' I looked at her with a really big smile on my face . She said '' I guess thats a yes . '' and laughed . I asked her what time . Katherine looked like she was thinking . '' In like an hour I guess . '' So the whole time in til I was going to teach her how to play drums . All of us watched tv . Luke mostly fliped through all the channels in til he got to his favorite show which is How I Met Your Mother . Katherine and I just looked at him the whole time . Because he was just laughing and laughing . It was about two episodes in til the both of us decided for me to teach Katherine drums .

                                                            Katherine's P.O.V.

Ashton and I went to the garage where his drums are . Ashton sat on his drum seat . I just stode there like I didn't know what to do . He just pulled my hand . I sat on his lap . His arms around mine . His hands on mine with the drum sticks in my hand . I felt something . I stoped him . Then turned . My head facing him . The next thig I know my lips were on his . I almost pulled back . But he kissed me back . I put my hand on his cheek . His hand is around my waist . Then my hand went through his hair .

The both of us heard the door open . We both stop . It was Michael looking at us . I just got up and left the garage . Up in Ashton's room .

                                                Ashton's P.OV.

I looked at Michael like I was mad at him . Which I was . I said '' thanks a lot . '' Michael asked why I was so mad . I said '' we were kissing and you stopped us thats why . Why else would I be mad at you . '' I think I said that a little to loud that Luke and Calum heard it . They came to us . I couldn't think so I just went up stairs in my room . I didn't know Katherine was up here so she scared me . Katherine was just laying on the bed with a smile on her face . She looked up at me . I went to go sit beside her . I asked her what was that kiss about . She said '' because I like you and I mean really like you . '' Then kissed me . I kissed her back . We just layed there kissing each other .

Katherine stopped us from kissing before it got agressive . '' Thanks for teaching me how to play drums well kind of . '' And laughed . I said back '' You're welcome . ''

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I got up to go take a shower . I stayed in there for a long time . Probably because all I could think of was Ashton . I heard a knock on the door . It was just Ashton checking up on me . I was done . When I came out I was all pruny because of being in the water so long . I got out of the bath room it was around nine . I was getting sleepy so I went in Ashton's room to watch TV with Ashton . Ashton said '' I think you are like Luke in the shower . '' I laughed and asked why he said '' he takes so long in the shower but at least you don't make a mess like him . '' For the rest of the night we watched Vampire Diaries .

A/N: If You Liked This Chapter Then Give A Thanks To @jaybirdtwjb She Came Up With This Idea . She Also Has A Really Good Fan Fiction Of Ashton You Should Read it

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