Chapter 60 : 9 Months

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                                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up feeling realived that the baby is healthy and it's a girl . I looked on my calender and noticed today is nine months . Right then and there I started feeling pain in my stomach . I feel like today is the day well I'm scared for that . I turn over and face Luke . '' Luke Luke wake up . '' He slightly open his eyes . He looked cute like that . He got u quickly . '' What are you ok whats the matter ? '' He asked me . While he was rubbing his eyes . 

'' I'm having constractions well I'm pretty it is . '' I tell him . '' I don't know what to do for that umm do you wanna go to the hospital ? '' He asked me . '' No I don't think we should go no but if I have more and its worse then yes . '' I tell him . '' Ok well lets go to sleep you need to sleep because if today is the day then we willn't be getting any sleep anymore . '' I laughed . I layed back down closing my eyes but I can't go to sleep . I turned to face Luke . He looked like he was about to go to sleep in till I moved . He opened his eyes . '' Can't sleep ? '' Luke asked me . '' Yeah I can't . '' I tell him . '' Just relax . '' Luke says as he puts his arms around me and I snuggle into his chest . '' I will try . ''  tell him . I lay there and try to relax the best I can . As I start to fall asleep I feel cramps again . After it was over I tried to back to sleep again and I finally did . 


'' Are they still sleeping ? '' Ashton asked . '' I guess so . '' Michael says . I hear them talking about me and Luke still sleeping . I start to have cramps again . I decide to get up . I tried sleeping the best I can . I open my eyes and just lay there . The rest of the guys come in by the door looking us . I smile at them . Michael mouths '' Are you ok ? '' I nod my head . I get up and sit . Taking deep breaths . '' What's wrong ? '' Calum asked me . '' It's just cramps . '' I get up and walk to the bathroom . 

'' Oh my god I can't no I'm not ready for this . Well maybe I have to do this . I don't know and now I'm freaking out about this when it might be to late rethink this .  '' I say to myself . I heard a knock on my door . Getting me out of my thoughts . '' Yeah . '' '' Ok I just wanted to make sure you are ok . '' Ashton says . I get up room the toilet and wash my hands . Oh no ! My water broke . '' Guys . '' I scream . Luke comes running in the door . '' What happened ? '' He asked me . '' It's time hurry . '' Luke puts one arm around me and helps me walk out of the bus and into a car so we can go to the hospital . I started to scream because of the pain . The rest of the guys came running after us . '' Hurry . '' I tell Luke so he can drive faster . I didn't mean to yell but it fucking hurts . '' The baby is pushing . '' I tell them .

'' Distract her someone please . '' Luke says . '' Ok so what's the name of the baby ? '' Ashton asks me. '' Seriously I'm not saying yet . And you know I'm not . '' I tell him in pain . We stop I look and see a red light . '' Oh shit we got to wait for this . '' I say . Michael starts laughing . I look at him . '' What's so funny ? '' I ask him . '' Nothing it's just funny to see you like this . '' He tells me . I just glare at him . Calum and Ashton just look down . '' You never say that . '' Ashton says to Michael hitting him in the arm playfully . '' Man what the fuck is taking this damn like so long ? '' I ask . '' You know what scrue this Luke go and I don't give a shit about the police . '' Luke stares at me like I'm crazy . Well I'm probably crazy . 

Luke listens to me thank god . We start to drive past the red light in till we see red and blue lights . Luke pulls over . The police officer comes up by the window . '' Is there a reason for running a red light ? '' The police officer ask . Before any of the gusy answer I just say it . '' Hay officer I'm pregnant and I would like to go to the hosptial at some point so could you stop doing your dumb ass job for one time . '' '' Excuse me mam . '' The officer says . '' I will let this go once but if you do it again I will give you a ticket . '' '' Thank the lord . '' I tell him in a sarcastic way . We drive off . '' That was amazing . '' Michael says clapping . 

We arrive at the hosptial . Luke quickly comes around the car to help me walk . I have one hand around Luke and I have one on my stomach . Taking deep breaths . Ashton comes on the other side and helps me walk aslo . Michael and Calum just carry my things for me . We arrive in the waiting room . '' Excuse me she needs a docter she is about to give birth . '' Luke says to the lady at the desk . '' Ok one sec . '' The lady says . The docters come rushing in with a bed . I land on it and they take me in . Luke running as they walk fast . And Ashton and Michael and Calum wait in the waiting room. '' Ready Ms. Katherine ? '' The docter asks me . 

A/A = Hi guys what's up . Sorry it took long for me to make it . I had exams all week and I have been busy with homework and yeah . So I hope you guys like it . The next chapter will be right what happens next just putting that out there . What do you guys think the name of the baby girl will be . What do you think she will look like . Luke's eyes ? Luke's Hair color ? Katherine's eyes ? Katherine's hair color ? I know I haven't really said that much of what Katherine looks like . That's why I  put your imagination . She as brownish redish hair with green eye and her skin color is like the same as Luke maybe a little darker . But only 9 more chapters left in this book . 

But there will be a sequel which like everyday I have been planning chapters for it and so far I think it's good but you never know . I have so many ideas for a new 5 Seconds Of Summer story . So many ideas have poped in my head and coming out so . I think I have one that I'm going to use . I just go of think of the guys whos going to be who . But I think I'm not going to start that one for a while so I can just worry about the sequel and my R5 one I've been working on . Vote and Comment what you think .

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