Chapter 46 : Truth Comes Out

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                                                                       Katherine's P.O.V.

I need to just say it to Ashton . I don't know why I can't just say it to him . Can this please be easy . And him just except what I say and go along with it . I know we had a past and we loved each other but still . I just stand there looking at Ashton with the door half open . I told my self I'm not moving well enless somone comes in .

'' Since it seems like you know the answer then tell me but at the same time it seems like you are scared to say it . I bet its a lot easier saying it in your head then out loud . '' Ashton says to . He sounds annoyed now . I must of pissed him of . Well he pissed me off as well . '' Well why do you keep asking if you already know . '' I tell him '' I do know I just want to hear it loud and clear . '' Ashton starts coming closer to me . He gentlly touches my arm . I felt scared . I knew I said I wouldn't move but he is mad and he does some stupid shit when hes mad . The corner of my eye I see every one watching . I close my eyes . Holding back the tears . I felt movement and someone beside me . I open my eyes seeing Luke . Ashton lets go and walk backwards . '' Is he here to save the day again . '' Ashton asks me but looking at Luke .

'' He's not here to save the day he's here to make me feel safe and I bet he heard every would we said to each other well everyone . They are all out there . '' I tell him . Just to say because I am waiting for the right moment to say . '' Do I give a damn who's out there I just want to know the answer . '' '' You do know the answer you just want to hear it from me don't you so you can see how it hurts everytime I see you like this . '' Ashton starts to have tears in his eyes not hiding them .

'' Now you are crying I bet you're really sad and hurt and want everything to go away well that's how I feel right now everyday before I meet any of you my life was like this . With my dad leaving and never coming back and my mom coming then leaving again and again . '' I say to Ashton leaning down where he is at the moment . Luke still by me .

'' I know you had a bad life trust I have to before the band but now you think you can mess up mine . '' Ashton says to me standing back up . '' Oh no I would never do that I am not that kind of person . I care about you all . Well I'm sorry your life sucked to but I can't help it you liked me I can't controll that only you can . '' Ashton doesn't look at me he just looks at the ground .

'' I'm sorry Ashton but yeah you told me to go with Luke and I did . I'm not going to say anything that happened besides that helped me figure it out . I know you are hurt but I'm sorry . It is Luke I love him . He makes me happy . '' He doesn't say anything either . So me and Luke turn around and walk to our room . But as we are about to leave . Luke falls back . Ashton pulled him to the ground .

Ashton kept pulling Luke and hitting him in the stomach . I try to pull the apart I scream help . Michael and Calum and Bethany come running in . I literally crying . Trying to see with tears in my eyes . Michael and Calum pull him away just enough time for me to get infront of Luke . '' What are you doing ? '' Luke asks .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

When Katherine got in front of me . I was surprised to see her . I asked her what was she doing . She said '' Now it's my time to save you . '' We both smile at that . I looked back at Ashton . He was fighting his way out of Mike and Cal . Ashtom came running about to hit me but he hit Katherine instead . Ashton slowly backs up . Me and Katherine go to the ground . I put my hand on her cheek . Rubbing my thumb on her cheek . Where Katherine got hit . Katherine just cries and cries . I hold her in my arms . Calum is behind her asking if she is ok . Bethany is sitting right beside her saying . '' It's ok baby . '' Michael is petting her back . I rock her for a few minutes .

I see Ashton leaving . With his eyes all red . Bumping into walls . Not watching where he was going . It looked like he didn't know what he just did .

                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

Ashton literally hit me in the face . I couldn't believe he just hit me . I pulled away from Luke and asked him if we can go to our room . Both of us walked slow . I bet his stomach hurt from Ashton . I ran to the bed and pulled Luke with me . I sat there on the edge of the bed . '' I'm going to get some ice for you . '' Luke says to me . '' What about you babe ? '' Luke looked at me like he was shocked that came out of my mouth . Luke sat back down . '' That's the first time I heard you say that to me . '' says Luke . '' What you are so is there a problem . '' I say with a smile . Luke came back to the bed . '' no not at all . '' '' Please no ice , I am fine its just a little hit . But you might need some . '' I pull up his shirt to look at the bruzes . But the was only one . I looked at him . '' I don't think he wanted to hurt me he was just mad . I think he hit once but then stopped but acked like he did more . '' Luke made since it does make since that he would but why that punch I ask myself . Maybe that one was real . I did hurt like hell but I can live .

Me and Luke go comfortable . Just layed there talking about what happened today . '' Did you mean all those things you said back there ? '' Luke asks me . '' What things , I said a lot of bad things back there . '' '' I know I heard them all but I ment the ones about me . '' As Luke starts kissing my neck . ''Umm all those things are true I do love you . you do make me happy , you always save me . '' '' why did you say umm ? '' '' Because It's hard to think when you are kissing my neck . '' '' oh you want me to stop . '' '' oh no keep going . '' I turn to face him and kissed him . My phone made noise .

I picked it up and read the message it was from an unknown number . '' Well you get him good ! '' I stared at the phone in till I got a new one . This one said '' next time lets see if Luke can save you . '' That one got me more scared . I hope Luke can't see it on my face . I put my phone away . Luke got up and turned out the lights . We both layed there in the dark . '' we go back on the tour bus for the rest of the tour . '' I just sigh . I am happy they are going but I even have to be close to Ashton . '' so are we going to bed ? '' I ask Luke . '' only if you want to but thats my job . '' I roll me eyes . '' no not tonight to much happened I need sleep . '' I turned on the lamp and changed . I didn't feel like going through my suirt case so just grabbed Luke's shirt to wear to bed . ''' wait what are you doing that mine do I gotta put my name on everything now . '' '' well you steal the boy's underwear . And like I said I'll wash your underwear and clothes . '' '' thanks . '' As Luke pulls me in bed . As I fall he gets up and takes off his clothes . The both of us go to sleep from a long day .

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