Chapter 33 : Questioning

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                                                               Katherine's P.O.V.

As I get out of the car slowly all I can think about what will happen when me and Luke walk in . Luke opens the door for me . I thank him for that . Luke is walking fast to the door . And of course I walk slow . But I don't want to rush in there . I am finally at the door and Luke is waiting with the door open . But before I do that . I kiss him on the check and thanking him for the best concert ever .

As I turn my head I see Ashton just standing there . With a smile but he looks worried . I just stand there looking at him and still walking slow as I did when I was walking to the door . I just froze there when I got close . His smile started going away . Luke was right behind me but more beside than behind .

                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

Just standing there looking at Katherine then at Ashton . I did have a smile on my face because I was happy . I probably didn't want to come here as much as her . But I do have a band that I'm in and love them like brothers so . I look at Katherine and I all I see is regret . After a few minutes Michael and Calum come out . I see Katherine just smile . Michael looks at her with his arms out and running towwards her . I just start laughing . I finally see Katherine smile after that ackward moment . Michael spins her round . I just quickly take out my phone and record it . But all you could probably hear is me laughing hard .

'' put me down put me down . '' Katherine tells Michael . He puts her down and Calum pulls her in for a hug . '' I can tell you guys missed me . '' Katherine said as we were walking back to the room . I realize that Ashton already went to the room . '' well it was really boring with mr. worried . '' I knew he was talking about Ashton . Katherine looked at him like who . I lean in to her ear '' Ashton . '' I tell her . She just has a sad look on her face . As we all walk in the room Ashton is just sitting on the bed starring at the ceiling . But as we sat on the bed he sat up just looking at Katherine .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

Ashton is starring at me . I don't really look at him at first but then I do '' what ? '' I ask him '' what happened when you guys were gone ? '' Ashton ask me . '' nothing happened we went to the concert then it was raining and I didn't want it to have Luke to drive in the rain so we stayed in the car and talked . We went to sleep then woke up and went to go eat and a drive thats it . '' I said to him in a mad way . That's as simple as I can make . I didn't want to tell him all the details of what really happened . That all was true but I didn't say the details . After I told him that I turned my head to Luke . Which he was beside me . Luke was just looking at me well I don't know what extactly he was looking at . Ashton asked him if that was true . Luke looked at Ashton then at me like about twice .

I saw his adims apple move so I know he was scared to say the truth or a lie but what I told Ashton is the truth . '' that all happened . She is telling the truth . '' I take a deep breath and let it out . I lay back on the pillows . Luke leans in and whispers in my ear '' you are welcome . '' I just smile at him . '' is that it nothing more are you serious after the things that happened between you to there has got to be something . '' Ashton said to me and Luke . It looked like he was happy he let it out . '' oh my god nothing happened he took me to the concert because he knew I needed it and if I went with you it would be . . .  '' I was trying to think a wright word to say but I couldn't think of any . '' can we just drop it please and watch a movie or something . '' I said to him in a agrevated way .

                                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I knew she wasn't telling me all of what happen I could see it in her eyes and Luke's . I am more mad at him for lying to me then her . Well they probably were telling the truth just not all what happened . I just need to let go of this anger . Okay yeah something must of happened but I can't just get mad and jump to conclusions if I don't know what happened or not . But it definitly seems like something did happen after I asked what exactly happened and she didn't say .

'' what movies do you guys want to watch ? '' I ask everyone . They dont really care so I just picked a random movie .

                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I lay there besides Luke and Calum . I couldn't really move . I wanted to lay and snuggle with Luke but I just couldn't do that to Ashton . Yes I do still have feelings for Ashton but I don't know anymore I am just going to go through each day like I should and think everything that will happen will happen for a reason . As I open my eyes back up . I hear Ashton ask Calum if they can switch spots . The do I fell the bed go up then back down again . I want to just be in Ashton's arms but at the the same time I don't so I kind of force my self  to do it . I turn my body around and look at Ashton . I smile . he moves his arms so I can lay around him . I just close my eyes and slowly tears fall . I can't take holding in my tears so I just get up fast crawl over Luke and run the other room . I quickly get undressed to go to bed . As soon as I am under all the blankets I just let it all out . I hear the door open and close . I don't really care who it is . I just ignore that person in til that person lifts the covers and get in bed beside me . I don't look and I don't want to look . '' I am always here just be in my arms . '' I stop crying . Realizing its Luke . I turn around fast into his arms .

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