Chapter 47: Apologize

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up with arms wrapped around me . I look around and I see Luke with his arms around me . I am still tired so I gently got his arm and lifted it up so I can turn to the other side . Facing Luke . I close my eyes and go back to sleep . But yesterday kept replaying in my head . It all felt like a dream but I know it wasn't . I don't know how I am ever going to forgive Ashton for what he has done to me and Luke . I guess I'm going to have to if I am going to be around them . How about I just keep my distance . I lay there sleeping but thinking of that at the sam time I feel Luke's arm . I slowly open my eyes and see Luke looking at me . 

'' Hi beautiful . '' I smile at him . '' Hi Lucas . '' '' I love it every time you say that . '' '' Calum calls you that some times and you're not this happy as you are right now . '' '' Well I am with my girl and its cute when you say it . '' '' Yeah I'm your girl . '' I say to him not looking at him . Luke moves my head facing him by grabing my chin . '' What's wrong . '' '' Nothings wrong its just it feels weird saying it . '' I say to him . '' Well it feels the same as saying 5sos . '' '' Oh really . '' Smiling at him .

I get up . Luke pulls me back in bed . '' No Luke we have to get up you have rehersals today anyway so get up . '' Luke has a pouty look like always . I just laugh at him . Before getting ready I grabbed my phone and put on some music . Then I turned around looking at Luke waiting for him to get up . But instead of just laying there he puts the covers over his head . I walk over to the bed pulling the covers off of him . Which is hard . I finally do . There's no bankets just pillows . '' Oh I see how it is . '' Luke says .

                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

I see Katherine standing there at the end of the bed . It was on . I had no blankets so I had pillows . I grabed one and through it at her . It missed of course it did . I kept throwing the pillows at her . I got her with the last pillow . Everything was on the floor and it was a mess . I got on my knees and crowled over to her . I was on my knees on the bed and Katherine standing and I was still taller then her . I started to laugh . '' What's so funny ? '' '' Nothing its just I am still taller then you . '' I tell her . '' I can't help it that you are so tall . '' Before Katherine turns around . I grab her waist and pull her in to kiss her . She kissed back . But right away she pulls away . I almost fall . I do get up and get ready same as her . I kept watching her .

After I was all dressed and Katherine was too . Her back was facing me . She was just staring at the wall . I could hear sniffing . I gently put me arms around her like a back hug  . Katherine lets go and then turns around facing me . She starts cring even more . '' I don't want to be around Ashton . '' She tells me . '' It's ok baby I got you . You and Bethany can go somewhere or something while we reherse . '' I tell her . '' No I want to be around you I feel safer when I'm around you . '' Katherine says . I wonder what she ment by safer .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I didn't want to say anything about those texts . Now I am really scared thinking about it . I don't let go of Luke . I don't want to . Who would send those texts . But then I thought of Crash . I try to get it out of my mind . I guess its going to stay there intil I figure it out . I pull away from Luke . I whipe my eyes . I grab my phone and me and Luke head to rehersals .

As we walk in the building . Luke grabes my hand . I look down at our hands and smile . I look back at Luke which he is looking at me . I lean my head on his shouldier as we were walking to the room . Luke opens the door with his other hand . His other is still locked in mine . I look around and see them messing around like always I laugh at them . Luke looks at me then says to the guys '' keep making her laugh she needs it . '' Luke starts to let go . Before I let him go . I pull him in for a kiss . I let go of his hand while kissing him . I put both hands on his cheek . Luke's hands go to my waist . '' Could you two please stop , this isn't to make out its for the band to reherse . '' Ashton says . That doesn't make me stop . '' That's not going to make them stop if you can't see that . '' Calum says to Ashton . The both of us pull away . They go on to reherse . I see Bethany in the corner watching them . I sit beside her .

'' So you and Luke I like it . '' '' Thanks Bethany I do to . '' '' Has Ashton said sorry yet ? '' '' Nope and I don't plan on it and just  saying sorry is not going to help . '' I said really mad . The both of us laughing at the four of them messing around . They all stop . Luke and Ashton come over to me . Bethang gets up and walks to where Calum and Michael are. I start to get scared of what might happen . Luke starts to talk . '' Ashton needs to talk to you and I remember what you told earlier so thats why I am here . '' I turn my head facing Ashton . '' I am so sorry for hitting you and Luke I was just mad and I guess jealous . '' Ashton says as he is feeling my cheek . I jerk away . '' Don't touch me . '' I say very demanding . '' I know you hate me but I am sorry and I am going to say that everyday in til you forgive me . '' '' It's my turn to talk . I am never going to forgive you and yesterday you acted like kept hitting Luke but you didn't . '' I stode up without asking . I pulled up Luke's shirt showing Ashton . Ashton just stared . I sat back down . '' I would never actually hurt any of you guys . '' '' Oh really the what about me cheek ? '' I say furious at Ashton . '' I didn't mean to hurt you it was for Luke . '' He says '' Didn't you just say you would never hurt anyone . '' Luke starts to grab my hand . I squezze his hand . Of course Ashton looks . '' Why do you try to apologize I can't never forgive you . '' I stode up pulling Luke with me I see a sop of a corner . I know its not much but I need to be in a spot where Ashton can't touch me . I back to the wall . Luke beside me facing me . I look into his blue eyes . I ignore everything else around me .  I just kiss him . I don't want to leave at all . But Luke does pull away after a few minutes later .

I stand there facing Ashton . '' Why willn't you forgive me ? '' '' Because after all that you have done to me but I should be thanking you for that because I wouldn't be with Luke now , can you please just drop this , this wasn't for you to talk to me it was for yall to reherse . '' I saw to Ashton feeling proud that I said that . I just watched them the rest of the time the rehersed . In the middle of time I got a text from a unknown number saying '' Good job Katherine it's good to see him sufer . '' I look around the room to see if there is any windows . There is none . So how can this person know . I started to freak . I got up fast and walked out the room . Into the lobby . I looked around . Only a couple of people were in there .

I ran to the tour bus outside . But as I was running . I saw a guy in a black hoodie as the one's I saw before . Same shape same everything about that person . I starred at it . In til he saw me . I walked quickly in the tour bus . I sat there in the tour bus looking at those texts . I heard noise by the door . I jumped . I walked slowly to the door . Some opened it . I whispered saying I half to tell the boys . Out of nowhere I got a text back saying if you tell I'll hurt one of them maybe the one you care most about . '' I got really scared . Luke came in the door . I calmed down a little bit . '' When do we get out of here ? '' '' Tomorrow . Why ? '' '' Nothing I just want to get out of here . '' I can't say anything to him about it . '' Can we stay right here ? '' '' Yes . '' The both of us sat down and just layed there in silent . I didn't want to talk . I suddenly feel asleep .

A/N= Hay sorry it took so long for the next chapter and sorry I didn't say anything about the other chapter . It was really late when I made it and It's late now . But what do you think of those texts or who do you think is sending those . One hint for the next chaper ( Katherine missed her . . . . . ) I hope you guys like it . Vote and Comment what you think .

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