Chapter 28 : Mistake

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                                                                          Katherine's P.O.V.

Me and Ashton woke up at the same time . It didn't feel the same being with him last night . It felt like I was forced to sleep next to him . I still couldn't stop thinking of what the therapist said . I didn't understand at all . Maybe I will soon and I need to . I hope it is going to be a better day then yesterday . I will just have to wait see but the thing is nothing happy happens to me . '' hi Ashton . '' He just looked at me . Got up and dressed . I watched him thinking of what Ashton has planed today for us . After he go dressed he sat next to me at the end of the bed . Me still in the clothes from yesterday . '' so today , you know how you are twenty one and now you are able to drink in the US well I'm taking you out and the rest of the boys can come with us . '' I was surprised he said that . It seemed like fun so I agreed to go .

 I got in the shower . When I was almost done I didn't want to get out . It felt good when the warm water was hitting me . After I got out I changed in to new clothes . My black and white skull shirt with black skinny jeans and black converse . I plugged in the blow drier . And put it on high so it can dry fast . I couldn't hear anything besides the blowing . All of a sudden I hear banging on the bath room door . I opened the door and it was Luke . He asked if he could take a shower . I let him . I unplugged it and went out . Before I did Luke said '' you don't have to leave you seen it before . '' I laughed . '' umm I remember Ashton said you make a mess . '' Luke rolled his eyes . He went in the bath room . I just finished blow drying my hair . Ashton came back in . He came over to me and kissed me . I hesitated for a moment . He looked at me with a confused look . '' sorry you just came up . '' I felt bad so I kissed him back

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I was confused of why she did that . Does she still love me or ? I don't I am just going to go with life . I believe everything happens for a reason . She kissed me back . And of course when we are right in the middle of it Luke gets out of the bath room and just stare at us . And Katherine backs away from me . Michael and Calum finally walk in . They just look at me and Katherine then at Luke thats naked .

I looked at my phone to see what time it was about six . I was a little shocked of the time . But we did wake up late and it did take a long to get ready . We all left to go down to the lobby . Before we went out to the car . I went to the bathroom . I didn't really have to go to the bathroom I just wanted to think of how this can turn out bad so I don't screw it up . I couldn't think of anything . So I just left the bath room . We headed to the car .

When we got out I opened the door for Katherine . All of us walked in together . I just held Katherine's hand in till we sat down . I asked her what she wanted . She didn't know . I just said a couple shots .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

The bar person gave us our shots . Of course I drank it . But I was slowly taking a time or two after every one . But Ashton was doing it fast . It was kind of funny to watch . '' what are you laughing at . '' Ashton said in a drunk voice . I couldn't stop laughing . He came up to me . With his alcohol breath . I tried not to look at him . To stop laughing but it didn't work . He pulled my arm for me to get me up from my seat . Ashton was pulling my to the dance floor . I pulled back . I didn't want to and ever want to . Ashton just let go and went to the dance floor . I just decided to go where the boys were . Of course the are drinking but Luke isn't that much as everyone else . I asked Luke if I could have a drink of what he has . He gives it to me I just want to see if I like it and I did . '' can I have that back now . '' '' oh yeah sorry . ''

I looked back at the dance floor . Ashton is dancing with a girl . But not just dancing kind of like strip dancing . I feel my heart crack . I look over to Luke and ask him if he can take me back to the hotal . '' whats the matter . '' I point over to the dance floor . He looks . We both go . Luke gets a cab . I start to cry when the cab driver is driving .

We finally arrive at the hotel . Luke has is arm around me . I am whiping tears from my face . I walk in to the room crying and crying . Luke just has his arms around me rocking me . We both pull apart from each other . Luke whiping the tears from my face . '' why did he do that ? '' I ask Luke . '' I don't know . '' I just get up and walk back and forth from the bed to the dresser . Pulling my hair . A minute later I hear the door open . It is Ashton . '' I am so sorry . '' '' why did you do that wait don't answer that I bet I already know the answer to that just get out . '' '' I'm not leaving . '' '' yes you are and ... '' I get his stuff and hand it to him . I ask him for the key . He does give it to me which is a shock . Luke said '' if she wants you out the go . '' ''shut up Luke you are not in this . '' Ashton says to him . '' no I am in this because it seems like I am the one that comes to the rescue . '' I just stand there . '' both of yall stop and Ashton just get the hell out . '' Thats when he does with his things .

Luke sits back on the bed . I just stand there in front of him . '' man I want to do something so bad but if I do I have a feeling I will regret it later . '' '' do it and after what just happened then do it . '' Luke says to me . I look at him . Then kiss him . He doesn't hesitate one bit . Luke stands up still kissing me . My hands slowly go under his shirt up his chest . His hands around my waist . But suddenly under my shirt. Feeling his cold ring down my back . I remove my hands . We both pull apart .Luke said  '' I wish that was our first kiss . '' I said '' it was . '' '' no our first kiss was when I found your locket . '' I laughed . Then said '' no I kissed you on your cheek I didn't mean to kiss wright where your lip ring was . ''

'' can we go to sleep . '' '' Yeah sure but can I get my things from the other room . '' Luke goes to get his things .

                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

I can't believe that just happened . I am happy that happen . Am I falling for her ? I like so . Does she still love Ashton though . Even back there when Ashton was in the room . I know she still oved him . Does she love me ? Well I guess we will find out . I grab my things . Ashton is in the room . I didn't say anything in till he said something . He asked me what I was doing . '' Katherine asked me to get my things . '' '' oh well have fun . '' Ashton said in a rude way . I just ignored him .  When I was heading out the room Calum and Michael finally showed up . They were drunk of course . I headed back to Katherine's room she was alseep . I put my stuff down . Katherine was just laying there . She didn't really look comfortable so I took off her shoes and jeans . Because I know sleeping in jeans isn't comfortable . I picked her up putting her in the blankets . I went in and fell asleep .

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