Chapter 64 : Check Out

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

Today is the day I get to go home . Even though I probably won't get sleep when I'm at home I will still feel comfortable . Since the baby is born . The guys decided to stop the tour intill the baby is older . I am happy that they decided that because I can't do this on my own . And Elena would need those crazy weird guys in her life . They just came in . '' Hi guys . '' I say in a happy mood . '' Well someone is happy . '' Calum says . '' I guess I am . '' I tell him . '' Yes are you happy that she is . '' Luke says while putting Elena in the carrier .

I grabed the bag that Luke had brought for us that has all are clothes in . I grabed some clean clothes for today . I can't wear a gown everyday . I went into the bathroom to change . But someone had to follow me . Luke . '' Luke I have to change go . '' I tell him while laughing and pointing at the door . '' Don't you need help ? '' Luke asked me even though he knew I didn't need any . '' I can take off clothes and putting them on . I have been doing it for twenty years . '' I tell him . '' Well I'm better at it . '' Luke says with a smirk .

'' Luke I want to get out of here but you're not helping . '' I say being a little annoyed at him . I move my arms so I can untie the tie of my gown . But I think it's stuck . Oh great now I have to have Luke to help me . Man he wins . '' Luke . '' '' Do you need help ? '' He asks me as he saw that I was strugling .

I turn around so my back is facing him . '' Nice . '' Luke says . I turn back around and slap him in the chest . '' Uhhh that hurt . '' '' Did it really ? '' I ask him eyeing him having my arms folded . '' No it didn't but am I going to help you . '' Luke says . I roll my eyes and turn back around .

Michael knocks on the door . '' Is everything ok in there ? '' Michael asks with a laugh . '' Yeah Luke is just acting like he's five . '' I tell him through the door . '' Well we are all waiting for you guys so please hurry up . '' Michael says .

Luke untied the knot and it fell to the ground . I grabed my bra and put it on . I put on sweat pants and ACDC t-shirt . I didn't really know what to do with my hair so I just put it up in a bun . Luke was just looking at me . '' What are staring at ? '' I ask him as I open the door . '' You . '' '' Thank god can we leave ? '' Michael says . We all walk out of the room . I go to the nurse so she can check us out . Luke's hand is in mine and he is holding the carrier in his other hand . '' The next oppoment you have for the baby will be in a few weeks . '' The nurse says . She had me and Luke sign a paper for it .

'' So how are we all able to fit in the car ? '' Ashton ask while we are walking to the car . '' I don't know . '' I didn't really think about how we will fit in the car . We have to figure out something . '' Maybe Elena can be in the middle of Michael and Calum and Ashton can drive and my and Katherine can share a seat . '' Luke says . '' Wait what how can we fit in that same seat. '' I asked him being surprised at what he said . We all did what he said . I guess there was no other way . Michael go on one side while I was buckling the carrier to the seat . Calum was waiting beside me . Luke and Ashton were already in their seats . After I fixed it Calum went in his seat . I climbed in the passenger seat on top of Luke . I had to sit on him . Ashton started to drive . I had a feeling it was going to be a long drive because we were not in my town . I don't even know how long it will take . Michael and Calum were talking to Elena which I think that is like the cuttest thing .

I'm happy the guys are good with her . But I'm scared they will do something wrong . Wait I'm the one who should be scared if I do something wrong . I stare out into the window just to think . '' You ok ? '' Luke ask me . '' Yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking . '' I tell him  Luke moves my hair to one side . And rest his head on my shouldier . I lean my head on his . '' I love you . '' I whisper to Luke . '' I love you to. '' Luke says to me back kissing my cheek . '' Ashton so how long will it take to get home ? '' I ask him .

'' Only a few more hours . '' He says . Since it started getting quiet . I looked in the back the three of them were asleep . I turned on some music to have the time pass .


I open my eyes feeling the car stop . I look to see my old house . It feels weird looking at this house . I let out a breath . '' You ok about coming here ? '' Luke asked me . '' Yeah . '' I tell him . We all get of the car Luke grabes the carrier . We all walk inside . I look around to see my old house . '' So which room is ours ? '' Calum asked . '' Well there is three rooms so one is mine and Luke's and the Elena's for right now but once she's older she will have her own . But you guys can figure out the other two rooms . '' I tell him . I walk up to the stairs and up to my room . I look around to see how I left everything . Seeing the picture's on my wall and my dresser . I notice I still had one of me and Crash . Luke came in the room . '' So this is you're room ? '' He asked me . '' Yeah this is it . '' They all come up following Luke . '' Wow last time we were here I was- Nevermind . I'll shut up now . '' Ashton says .

I grab the picture and open the frame and grab the picture . I went down stairs to the kitchen and got a match and burned it but but water on it so the fire will just burn the picture . I turn around and Luke is standing right there . '' What picture was that ? '' He asked me . '' Crash . '' I answer him . I pull him closer to me and kiss him .

A/N = Hi guys whats up . I like this chapter better then the last one . But how do you feel about them coming back home . Well Katherine's home . 4 more chapters left . Getting closer to the end . I can't wait . I'm so excited . I'm really excited for you guys to read the sequel . I'm just saying there is much more that has to happen in Luke's and Katherine's relationship before a happy ending . So vote and comment what you think . I hope you guys like it .   

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