Chapter 5 : Nightmare

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

When all of us got us out of the car . I took a deep breath and walked in to their house . I looked around like I am in a new place but I have been here a few times . I just stood there in the living room . The guys just put my things up stairs it looked like they were putting it in Ashton's room . But I wasn't sure from the angle I was . After they were done putting my things up they came down and played video games .

Michael asked me if I wanted to play video games . I said " no thanks I am going to go up stairs and is it ok if I take a shower . " Ashton said " sure that bathroom is the first room . " So I just walked up stairs and went to Ashton's room first to get my PJ's then to the bathroom . I toke off my clothes and went in the shower . It felt so good to be in a warm shower . But it did hurt my body because of my cuts . After I was done . I stayed in the shower for alittle bit .

A while later I can here someone come close to the door and knock . Ashton asked if I as ok . I looked at the door and said " yes I am fine . " When he asked if I was ok I got out and changed . When I opened the door he seemed like he was waiting for me so I just said " hi . '' and walked down stairs .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

Katherine was taking a long time in the shower so I went up there and went to check on her . When she came out she looked mad at me like I did something wrong . Right when I was about to ask her whats wrong she came back up stairs . She just starred at me . I looked at her . Katherine asked if I can move probably because I was in her way . After I moved she went in to my room I followed her in there . She noticed that I was in the room so she looked back then turned around . And said " you don't have to sleep on the couch you can sleep in here with me without anything happening if thats why you decided to sleep on the coach . " I said " that is not why , I was just being nice and thanks but if I am you are sleeping on my bed and I am sleeping on floor whether you feel bad or what . '' Katherine laughed . I smiled in side that she smiled . And what did she mean by anything happening wait did she mean . . .  I just asked what she ment by anything happening before I start thinking of things I shouldn't .

Katherine gave me a really confusing look but then said " anything could happen and something that I don't want to happen in til I am ready . '' I walked towards her and put my hand on her check and said '' we are not together but if we were I would only want to do it if you wanted to . The both of us just looked at each other in til she yawned . I asked her if she wanted to go to sleep . Katherine shock her head no . Then said " well maybe I will get in bed and see what happens . ''

I helped her . I asked her if she needed anything after . I looked at the time it was about ten thirty so I decided to get ready for bed . I started to take off my shirt but Katherine asked what I was doing . I said " getting ready for bed . '' Katherine just looked at me and closed her eyes

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

When he started to take off his shirt I was kind of freaking out inside but in a bad way . I closed my eyes but the opened them right when he looked away . But when he started to take every thing off I turned the other way . When I moved it was loud so Ashton asked why I moved . I didn't want to look in til I knew he was dressed . Ashton said '' I am dressed you can turn around then . I slowly turned around to just be sure . And he was . I wispered '' thank god . '' to my self . The rest of the boys came in . I just looked at them then started to laugh because they had pouty faces on them . Luke asked if they could come in and hang out and watch a movie or something . I just laughed and laughed . Calum asked what I was laughing at . I said " you guys . "

Ashton gave them a look like he as mad that they came in but happy . So they left . I asked if Ashton can turn out the light . After about thirty minutes I finally went to sleep .Pretty much the hole time I as thinking of Crash I started to have tears . But I did got to sleep . I started having a dream that my mom and everyone that i regected in my life or who walked out on me was trying to kill me . The next thing I kne is Ashton waking me from it . I felt wet . Probably because I had a night mare . Ashton asked if I was ok and if I needed anything . All I said is '' stay right here . '' He did well he layed don right beside me .

                                                                             Ashton's P.O.V.

I heard her breathing really hard and screaming and moving really fast . So I looked up and got up really fast . I shoke her to wake her . I was suprised she said for me to stay right beside her because lately she doesn't really want me near her . I layed right beside her . Put my arm around her . A few minutes later she started getting really close to me like putting her head and arm over my chest . Her leg over my leg . I decided to not make a big deal about it so I just driffed off to sleep .

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