Chapter 25 : Kiss Me Kiss Me

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                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I still couldn't go to sleep . Every few minutes I would wake up . When I did I felt Ashton's arm go around me . I turned my head . He was cute sleeping there . In til he started to snore . I laughed . I tried not to be loud but it's funny when he snores . I lift up his arm to move to the other side to face him . As soon as I start to close my eyes . I feel him looking at me and he moved his arm . I didn't really want to force my eyes closed so I open mine . Ashton still looking at me . '' hay beautiful . Couldn't sleep ? '' I said '' yes . '' very quietly .

'' come here . '' Ashton turned . Laying on his back . I leaned over to him laying on his chest . His arm over my shoulder . Down my back to my waist . He lifted up his hand rubbing my hair . Slowly puting his hands on my eyes . Lightly petting them . Making my fall asleep . I finally went to sleep . I think he went to sleep after me . But before I went to sleep I looked at the time . It said three in the mornig .

Morning . I woke up . Still tired but enough energy to get up and start the day . When I got up I looked beside me . Ashton wasn't beside me . All of a sudden I hear the shower start . I decided to just to lay in bed in til he came out . I scruched up my pillow and put it in the middle of the bed . Scouted in that spot . Under the blankets . Just thinking about how much fun yesterday was . I realized it has been the best birthday ever . I hear the shower stop . I stopped thinking and look at the door . Ashton comes out in just a towel . Still wet .

'' hi handsome . '' Ashton looks at me . I smile at him . I'm still laying on the bed . He comes over to the bed . I sit up . He kisses me . I kiss him back . It starts to get deep . Ashton lifts me up from the bed . My legs around his waist . He starts to slowly kiss down my neck . I move my hair out of the way . We both go back on the bed . He lets go of the towel . I look down then back at his face . Me laying on the bed him on top of me . I sit up . Ashton lifts my shirt up . Laying back down . Ashton kissing my next down by my waist . We roll in a circle . Having me be on top of him . I kiss him . Then randomly but slowly down his chest . The both of us roll back again . Where he is on top of me . Him doing the same thing . 

I suddenly start to have thoughts of when I was younger where my moms boyfriends would touch me in places that I didn't want them to touch . Like rape . I feel Ashton squeezing my waist . I look he isn't . Then I start to feel him suficating me . But he wasn't . It was just going through my head . I wanted it to go away . But it didn't . I thought I could take it . But I couldn't .

I tried to pull Ashton away from me so I could breath and calm down . He finally let go . I got up grabbed one of the blankets . And ran to the bath room . Locked the door . Sliding down it crying . Ashton knocking on the door . Asking if he could come in and help me  . He asked if I was ok . I ignored him for a few minutes . But the knocking was annoying . It made me think of my past of bad memories . '' no go away Ashton . '' '' I am never going to go . I need to make sure you are ok . '' '' I am fine no just leave me alone please . '' '' I will never leave you , I love you . '' '' If you love me you would go and just listen to me . ''

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I don't know what was going on . Did I do something wrong or to scare her . I had no idea . All I knew is that I had to make sure she was ok . She said '' if you love me you would go , '' My heart cracked . Because to me that thought that if she said that , that means I willn't be able to help her . I decided to go in the boys room for her .

When I went in the were all just sitting there talking . I told them what happened between me and Katherine . Luke jumped up and headed to the door . I grabbed his arm before he could leave . I asked what he was doing . '' she might need me , just because she doesnt need or want you doesn't mean she willn't need me to help . '' Luke said to me . '' ache that hurts . '' I told him . But I don't think he was listening .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I heard nothing for a while so I slowly opened the door . Looked around no one was there . I still had the blanket around me . I curled up on the bed . Having flashbacks in my head of when I was little . I hear the door open . I look at Luke . He is just standing there looking at me . I smile but cry at the same time at him . Luke comes over to me and hugs me . Suprisingly . I hug him back . I feel shoked because I was scared around Ashton and I couldn't be around him . But its different with Luke .

We both pull apart . And look at each other . But then he looks at the bed . '' did Ashton tell you what happened ? '' He nodded his head . Luke kept looking at the bed . Seeing it all messed up . With clothes on it . I move his face where it is facing me . '' are you ok what happened ? '' Luke asked me .

'' when I was younger my moms boyfriends would rape me . I'm guessing I had to do things to not remember it or something . In till now I remember it all now . That's why I ran in the bath room . ''

'' do you want me to go get Ashton ? '' Luke asked me . I nodded my head no . He looked suprised . '' what I don't know why I am scared to see him . And you are the one that is helping me . Yeah I don't know that stuff . I am not a scientist . '' Luke laughed . '' some time I have to go back in the room and tell them . But I will stay right here with you . '' '' thank you Luke . ''

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