Chapter 42 : Longer Then We Thought

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                                                                            Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up feeling cold . I open my eyes seeing the blanket is on the floor . And the sheet is on only half of me and Luke . I still felt really tired . I grabed my phone to see what time it was . It said it was eight . I curled back in bed . Getting the sheet to cover all of me so I don't get colder then I already was . I closed my eyes . I tried to go back to sleep but all I could think was of last night .

I just got up . I sat there for a minute . Then looked for my bra and panties that were on the ground . I put them on . I started looking for my shirt . But I couldn't find it . I found Luke's . I just decided to put his on instead of keep looking for my shirt . I stode up and buttoned the shirt on . I just stared outside at the balcony . Then walked out there enjoying the cool brezze . As I was looking at the sand . I saw a guy looking at me . I couldn't really see who it was . I had to sqwint my eyes to see who it was . It looked like Crash . I started to panick . Then thought to myself '' It can't be Crash he is in jail , well I think so . '' Before I knew it he walked away . I started to calm down after he left .

                                                                             Luke's P.O.V.

I woke up without closing my eyes . I wasn't tired I just didn't want to open my eyes just yet . I moved my arm on Katherine's side to know if she was there . I didn't feel anything . I opened my eyes quickly . I looked at her spot . It looked like she just got up . I look all round the room . It kind of looked like it was a mess . The blanket was on the ground . The sheet was only on the bed . Our clothes were everywhere . I saw everything besides my shirt . Then I look out by the balcony and see Katherine standing out there in my shirt . I slowly get up trying not  to make any noise .

I get up find my underwear and walk out there slowly . I just stand there waiting for her to notice I am here waiting for her .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I just keep starring at the water intil I feel arms go around my waist . I turn my head and see Luke right behind me . '' hay you did scare me . '' I tell Luke . '' well I'm sorry . '' I laugh at him . '' nice ninja turtle underwear . '' still laughing at him . Luke walked backwards and went in a circle doing poses saying '' do you like . '' All I do is laugh . I couldn't stop laughing . I go to the ground . Luke binds down . '' your face is red . '' Luke tells me . I try to stop laughing . I grabe my phone and ask him to do it again . Which he did . I toke a video of it . I still laughed maybe not that much as the first time .

Luke helps me up off the ground . I go back to watching the ocean . Luke puts his hands back on my waist . But he puts his head on my shouldier . I try to turn my head to see him . But his head is in the way . '' can we go back to bed ? '' Luke pulls away from me asking me . I follow him back to bed .

I pull the blanket back over us . The both of us get in . The both of us just look at each other . '' do you know today we do have to leave ? '' '' yes I know we do you remind me every day . '' '' I'm sorry babe .'' I look down under the blankets . Then looked back up into his eyes . '' so you came here for a question that you couldn't answer before . Now can you ? ''

Luke just asked me that . I knew the answer to that question . I don't answer that I just kiss him . I put my hands in his hair . Luke starts to kiss me agresively . I don't stop him . His hands slowly go down from my cheeks to my knees . Pulling me closer to him . We made out for a few more minutes . I finally pullled away . '' does that answer your question . '' I tell him . Luke grabed his phone . Well tried . We were still in the same spot . I had to grabe his phone for him . He asked what the time was . It was like ten . I told him . Luke got up . Me laying down . '' we have to get up and go back home well to the boys . '' I just sat there sitting watching him . I reached out my hands for Luke to help me up .

I got up and put on my jeans packing my bag . Luke got all his things together before me . I still couldn't find my shirt . I asked Luke if he could help . Luke found it . I still had his shirt on . '' do I have to change my shirt now ? '' I asked him . '' no you don't , you look better in it then I do anyway . '' I smiled . The both of us grabed our things and left to go to the car .

A/N= I know I don't normally have these at the end of each chapter but I try to do this more . I might forget though . The shirt that's Luke's is the shirt he wore in the Good Girls music video . Just letting you guys know if you're wondering problby not . But please comment and vote what you think .

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