Chapter 51 : Listening

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

My heart started to race once Bethany left . I was scared . I needed her to help my through this .Man I don't know how Bethany could do all this . I just have to focus . I stared at the door trying to keep tears back from escaping . I don't want him to think something was wrong right away . Byt nothings wrong its just me being stupid and not using protection .

My phone buzzed . It was from Bethany saying '' Calum is here . '' So that means Luke is close or on his way here . I looked back at the door and the door knob moved in a half of a circle . It opened and it was Luke standing there with a smile on his face . Things were going in and out of my head like a water fall . I didn't know what to say him first .

'' Hay baby . '' Luke says to me . Luke sits by me . Then I realize this isn't good to sit down and talk about it . I still had my answer behind my back . I quickly got up . '' Luke we need to talk . '' I tell him . '' Can we do it once we got some sleep ? '' Luke ask me . '' This can't wait anymore time . '' I tell him as he stands u infront of me . 

'' Are you breaking up with me ? '' Luke asks me . '' No no no I would never do that . '' I could tell by Luke's face he was happy it wasn't that . '' Luke do you remember when we went on our trip ? '' I ask him . '' Yes of course favorite time ever besides being on tour . Especially our time . '' That did make me smile . Only a little bit though I was still scared of how he will be once I tell him that I'm pregnant. '' A beautiful smile . There it is . '' Luke says to me . '' Luke this is important please listen to me . '' I tell him a little irritated that he willn't let me talk . '' Ok what is it ? ''

I didn't know how to tell him so I am just going to show him . I removed my left arm from behind my back and showed him it . His face wasn't what I expected . He had tears in his eyes with a smile . I thought he would be mad and storm out but I guess I was wrong . I just watched his expression . Luke looked at me . I started having those tears fall down instead of keeping them back . '' Why are you crying ? '' I asked him .

'' Because I am going to be a father and the mother is someone that I'm in love with . '' I just had a huge smile on my face man I can't hold it in anymore I'm happy . '' I thought you wouldn't like what I was going to say . At first it seemed like it . '' I tell him as he is whiping my tears . I rap my arms around his neck and Luke put his hands around my waist .

Luke leans in to kiss me . Of course I do kiss him . But I can't stop smiling . I know I was scared at first but I think it was just worrying about how Luke will be . '' Is that why you have been distant lately ? '' Luke ask me .

                                                Luke's P.O.V.

When Katherine showed my it . I was surprised at first . But it made me think of hen we were on our trip just the two of us . To be honest I am scared . I am not sure if I can handle this . I don't even think Katherine can . Or if we are both ready for this . But if we do it together we can do it . I asked why she was acting very weird lately . Even though I now know the answer to that but I asked her anyway . '' Yeah thats why and I was scared . '' Katherine tells me .

'' If you were scared you could of came to me I'm always here for you baby . '' I tell her . '' Thank you Lucas but that was different then anythig I was ever scared about . '' She tells me . '' I know . '' I kiss her on her forehead . '' So how are we going to tell the boys ? '' I ask her . '' I don't know but the question is when are we . We can't wait a while soon it will start to show . If we tell them sooner maybe it might mess up things . '' Katherine says

'' Well how about in a few days but the only problem is how will Ashton feel or act . '' Katherine says before I could speak . '' That sounds like a good idea but Ashton can just deal with it and I know he doesn't take those things well . And if he gets mad then I will talk to him or Michael or Calum . Just not you . '' I tell her .

'' Wait what no I want to be the one because its me . '' Katherine says in a stubborn way . '' No Katherine you have already had so much stress from arguing with him , you don't need to be in that mush stress since you are pregnant . '' I tell her . '' you don't have to say I'm pregnant like that and you're right about the stress but maybe I can just talk to me no yelling . '' Katherine says . '' No Katherine and thats final . I care about you so much . I don't want you in any stress ok . '' I tell her firmly .

'' Wow thats the first time you said no to me I like this . '' Katherine says with a girn on her face . '' I'm the same old I guess I'm being over protective . '' It all became silent intill we heard . . .

A/N=What noise do you think they heard ? Who do you think it was ? Vote and Comment what you guys think .

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