Chapter 3 : Getting To Know You

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke really uncomfortable in my bathin suit . I wondering why didn't wake me up to change or help me change why I as half asleep . But then I realized why would anyone want to do that and I wouldn't let anyone do that .

I got up and toke a shower . After I got out I heard a couple australian accents . So I put on my clothes and shows to go down stairs . When I got down there they were in the living room talking to my mom . I was supprised to see my mom here she hasn't been here in like a week . I asked her what she was doing here . She said " Eddie and me broke up and I left our house to be here . " Then I said " I thought it was drugs or something and what do you mean by you left your house to be here ? " The boys was just watching us go back and forth .

My mom said " well this is kind of your house you are over 18 . You have to pay the billings and everything . " I gave her a really mean look . And said " that's a really dumb excuse mom or you shouldn't even be called mom cause this is how you are and you are baraly here . "

My mom started to have tears in her eyes . I just looked at her like why is she crying . I am the one that should my crying after everything she has done . I know she doesn't care at all . She is just doing it infront of 5 Seconds Of Summer . She just left out the door whiping her tears .

                                                                  Ashton's P.O.V.

Katherine just walked over to sit by us . I was suprised that she wasn't upset like her mother . I asked why . She said " This is my life I guess you just learned something new about me and maybe more because I bet all of you guys will ask questions . My mom was just acking that way in front of you guys just so you guys think she is a good mother . She isn't at all . I am mostly here by my self . She is either drinking or getting drugs or with her boyfriends . "

Luke asked why did she say boyfriends ? Katherine said " because she has so many and what I mean by that is she has a boyfriend then he sees how terrible she is they dump her and she comes back here asking for help . " Luke said " I feel so bad for you . "

Katherine said " thanks ." I said " you can- " I was stopped by the door . Some one was knocking on the door . Katherine open the door . Me and Luke and Calum and Michael couldn't see who it was at the door beside Katherine cause of the way we were sitting . I saw Katherine with a huge smile on her face . Then huged that person . They both walked in . It was a guy with blond hair and blue eyes that was tall with a gray t-shirt on and jeans with converse on . Katherine said " his name was Crash .

We all just looked at him . Katherine said to Crash " this is Ashton , Luke , Calum , and Michael . " And pointed at each of us when she said our name .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

They boys looked at Crash . They all looked ok with meeting with him but Ashton . I don't know what's wrong but he better be happy cause it's Crash . He is kind of like a guy verision of me . He has mostly the same story as me . Michael asked how did we meet . Crash said " a junk yard . " 5SOS boys had a shoking face on them . Then Crash finished " We started talking and we pretty much have alot in common and the same story . Katherine is like a girl verizion of me . " I had a big smile on my face .

Ashton asked if he could finish what he was saying before Crash came in . I said " sure . " Ashton said " I was saying after you told us about your mom that you could stay with us but I guess you willn't be doing that because Crash is here . " I said " when he leaves I can maybe . "

Crash said " well can we do something just us ? " I said " NO I can't just leave 5SOS thats rude and we were going to hang out maybe you can come with us . " Crash got a texted from some one . I saw who it was . It was a girl asking if they could hang out . I looked at him . He said " Lets hang out tomorrow then so you can hang out with 5SOS  . I wish we could hang out . " The kissed me on the cheek .

When he left I started to have tears in my eyes . I turned around where I am not facing them went in the kitchen in the corner . They all followed me in there . But Ashton put his arm around me for a hug . I let him . I huged him back . When he tried to pull away I didn't and he stopped pulling away . The boys just stood there . Calum said " I think we should leave you guys to have your time . Me and Ashton didn't respond . I just kepted getting tears on Ashton's shirt . The rest of the boys left .

                                                                    Ashton's P.O.V.

I felt like a good person trying to make her feel better hopefully . When we both pulled away . I asked her if she was ok . Katherine just grabbed my hand and I followed her up stairs to her . We both just sat on the bed and she said " the reason why I am crying cause he just left is because do you remeber the whole mom thing well he is mostly the happiest thing on earth to me besides Bethany . " I was hoping she said me but I guess not yet maybe soon . I said " well can I make you happy today or everyday that I got with you . " Katherine had a big smile on her face . And said " sure . "

We both leaned in slowly . We were both about kiss in til Katherine stopped asked  What we were doing . I said " about to kiss but you stopped us . " She looked at me . Said " I know that but why would we kiss ? " Man that hurt when she said that but maybe she doesn't feel the same way as I feel about her but I can wait . Then said " I don't know I guess we were in the moment . " I shrugged my shoilders .

I just asked her if we could do something . We decided to watch a movie . Katherine mostly just had scary movies . Which I didn't really like because I don't like them . I desided to watch it because I was with her . Both of us sat on the bed.

After about thirty minutes after the movie started . I grabbed Katherine's hand . When it was the most scary parts . When it was about  was like the third time  I grabbed her hand she didn't let go . She looked at me but when I did she looked away and let go of my hand . The movie was about thirty minutes before ending . Katherine leaned her head on my shouilder . I looked down her eyes was closed .

I just stoped the movie and had her lay back . I layed there beside her why she was asleep . I started to drift off to sleep .

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