Chapter 11 : Plane

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                                                               Katherine's P.O.V.

When I woke up I was happy and it looked like Ashton was smiling in his sleep . It was cute . I kissed him on the check . Layed my head on his chest again . I couldn't stop thinking of yesterday . But even though it's in my head it's not a big deal because me and Ashton are together even if the world doesn't want us to . A few minutes later Ashton woke up .

He opened his eyes and looked at me . I looked up at him . He rolled over . Ashton said '' do you know that the tour is next week right . '' I nodded my head I felt sad because we are finally happy together and he has to go . '' well all of us are going to visit our family . I want you to meet mine . We are all going home to visit our family and I was thinking you could go with me . '' I leaned up but looked down at him . '' I would love to go with you what day our we going ? '' He said '' today . '' I took a deep breath . The both of us got up .

I decided to take a shower . When I went in the water was frezing cold . I jumped out . Opened the door slity trying to get Ashton to come here . He finally did . I told him about the cold water . He rolled his eyes and screamed Luke . I laughed .

Luke came here and asking whats wrong . I told him the cold water . Luke made a sad face and said '' sorry . '' Since me and Ashton had to go like n a hour I just sucked it up and took a cold shower . After I was down I jumped out to rush and I couldn't take the cold water anymore . I went in Ashton's room to change . I grabbed my favorite All Time Low shirt and skinny jeans with converse . I mostly just wear these kind of clothes . Ashton came in .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I came in it looked like Katherine was getting ready so I decided to pack my bag . She asked me if I could pack hers why she was getting ready . I had no clue of what to pack for her so I just grabbed things . After she was done with getting ready she finished packing her bags . I said '' sorry I don't really know how or what a girl brings . '' she laughed .

When we were done packing our things we went down stairs where it looked like the boys were already packed and ready to go to there houses . I gave Luke Michael Calum a hug bye . Katherine gave them a hug to . I heard Katherine whisper in to there ears thank you . I am not going to ask why she said thank you because I don't want it to seem like I was being noisey .

All of us headed to the car . I drove us to the airport . Katherine kept looking at me in the car . We got to the airport , checked in . Got o the plain . Katherine sat by the window . I sat next to her . Michael sat behind me . Calum and Luke sat in front of me . Katherine's hand was on the rest . I put my hand on top of hers . She seemed really tince . Squeezing my hand . I asked her if she was ok . Katherine looked at me and said '' this is my first time on a plain so this is kind of scaring me a little . '' I just put my arm around her and said '' it will be ok I got you . '' She put her head on my chest .

The plane started to go . I kepted looking at her why the plain was going up in the sky . Once the plane was up in the air . I think Katherine was ok . She kept looking out the window . I asked her what did she think . she said '' I am still scared because when I was younger my mom would always tell me bad things that happened would happen in planes . She told me that because she didn't like or want me to go in a plain and go off somewhere . But that was when she was better then she is now . '' I just gave her hug . I tried to make her laugh by telling her jokes . It didn't really work in til Michael told her something . She laughed .

                                                A Few Hours Later

Katherine asked me how much long we have . I just looked at her and said '' only a few more babe . '' I leaned over to kiss her . She kissed me back . After that we both started to fall asleep . It only felt about thirty minutes of sleeping but it wasn't . Luke shoke us to wake up and told us we were here . Katherine slowly opened her eyes . Katherine looked through the window . '' wow . '' I smiled . All of us got of the plane . We headed to where our things were . After we got our things we waited for our moms to come to see us and gets us since we didn't have a car here . A few minutes later our moms came and got us . I introduced my mom to Katherine . My mom gave Katherine a hug . I knew that Katherine needed a hug . So I was happy my mom gave her one . The three of us headed to my house .

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