Chapter 63 : In Daddy's Arm

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I get woken up by Elena crying . Man I haven't gotten that much sleep and I don't think Luke has either . I'm proud of Luke though he has been stronger then me with all this . Crying . Elena kept crying . '' I got her you need rest . '' Luke tells me . '' No you are the one that needs sleep I need it to we all do but please let me do it . '' I tell him looking into his puffy blue eyes .

I got a hold of Elena . I start to shake her so she can go to sleep . But she doesn't so she keeps crying . Luke started to close his eyes but then once she started to cry he woke up . I rock her . She starts to fall asleep . I let out a breathe mouthing thank you . '' But I think I jinked it because she started to cry right after .

                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

Listening to Katherine and Elena . Well Elena crying the whole time . It makes me think of when I was younger . It's great to see Katherine trying to be strong with all this . I'm proud of her for doing all this . I'm surprised I have been through all this . It's so hard .

'' Katherine let me see her . You need sleep . '' I told Katherine . '' No I told you that don't copy me . '' Katherine says with a smile . I don't know how she can keep a smile on her face I can't even hold my eyes open . '' Man how can you keep a smile on your face ? '' I asked Katherine as I lean down and kiss her forehead . '' I don't know maybe I pertended tomuch when I was younger . '' She told me .

I felt bad for her when she said that . I hope she never has to do that again . '' Wait what what do you mean ? '' I asked her . '' No time for stories we have a baby to take care of . '' Katherine says . She was right . Elena kept crying . '' Katherine let me see her and I don't care what you told me . '' Katherine handed me Elena .

A few minutes later the nurse came in . '' We could take care of her for a few hours . '' The nurse said . Thank god the both of us need sleep . '' Yes we need sleep . '' I tell her . I give Elena to the nurse . It all of sudden quiet . I went back to the chair to fall asleep . '' Sleep beside me . '' Katherine says in a sleepy voice . '' Is there room ? '' I ask her . '' I will make room . '' She tells me .

She moves over to the right and the blankets so I can lay beside me . I walk over to the other side . I crowled in beside her . She layed her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her hair . She felt so tense . '' Relax Katherine . '' I tell her . '' shh I will soon just sleep . '' She tells me and I do so .


                                                                        Katherin's P.O.V.

I open my eyes from the light shinning on me and talking . After a few minutes a waking up my eyes I notice who was talking it was the guys . I sit up and look around . Elena is in Luke's arms sitting by Michael . And Ashton is sitting on the edge of the hospital bed . Calum is just sitting in one of the chairs . Ashton looked at me . '' Hay did you have a good sleep ? '' Ashton asked . They all looked at me . '' Yeah . Yeah I think I did . '' I say with a smile then I look at Luke and Elena . '' I can tell she is going to be a Daddy's girl . '' I whisper . '' I hope so I won't this girl to love me and not hate me . '' Luke says . Michael kept looking at her . I think he loves her which is a good sign . '' And I'm going to be the best uncle . '' Michael says with his arms up . I just laugh .

'' No I am . '' Calum says . '' Hay hay both of you guys calm down I am . '' Ashton says . They just start arging of who's going to be the better uncle . '' Luke what are we going to do with theam ? '' I asked Luke . '' I don't know but I can tell she will have three awesome and weird uncles . '' Luke tells me . '' I guess so . '' I tell him .

'' The three of you guys calm down she will love you all equally . '' I tell them as they all look at me . They all stay quiet . I roll my eyes at them .

A/N = Ok so I know these past chapters have been really boring just stay and keep reading till the end . I'm kind of excited for the end and just letting you know chapter 65 is when it all gets more . Uhhh I don't really know the word for it . But I hope you guys like it . I tried to make this the best I can . Have you ever had something like this and you planned the ending and you want the ending to happen like now but you still have more chapters till it . Well thats how I feel now . I still can't believe that its almost the end of this book . But make sure you read the sequel that I will probably post days later after the last chapter . 6 more chapters left . Can't believe it .

Sorry that it's always it's like four or five days till I post the next chapter . It's just I have so much homework and with school going on it's kind of hard to do . And some days I have to be in the mood to make the chapter . Vote and Comment what you think . :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

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