Chapter 61 : Labor

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

The docter asked if I was ready . Of course I was ready . I was ready to get her out . I love her even though I haven't even meet her . She's my daughter I have to love her . The docter was fixing everything . '' Just take deep breaths . '' The docter told me .

Luke is beside me . It looks like he is crying . '' You ok?'' I asked Luke . '' I'm just happy . I wouldn't ask for anyone else to be the mother of my daughter . '' That was so sweet . That made me happy that he said that .

At first I was scared he will leave me and go live his life without me but he didn't and I'm glad . 

'' Push . '' The docter tells me to do . I push all that I can . I just scream . '' Come on Katherine you can do it I believe in you . '' Luke says beside me . I try to ignore it . Because right now it's annoying . '' Push push . '' The docter tells me . I push all the energy I can . I feel like I'm going to pass out . 

'' I got you Katherine . '' Luke keeps telling me that . I know he does . But it's annoying . I can't take it I'm trying to push out the baby but he just keeps talking . I love him but right now isn't a good time for talking . I scream and push all at once . '' Baby come on . '' Luke says again . '' Luke if you don't shut up I'm going to . '' I didn't really know what I was ggoing to do . I can't do it when I'm trying to get the baby out . Now I know how all moms feel . I have to be better then my mom . Wow I'm going to be a mother . 

'' Almost there Katherine . '' The docter tells me . '' Just a few more pushes . '' The docter tells me . I squeeze Luke's hand . I look at him . It looks like he is in pain . Maybe I'm squeezing his hand to much . '' Once more I promise . '' The docter says again . Is this how my mom felt . I push all the energy I have left .

'' Done . '' The docter tells me . Now I can relax . I take in all the air I can and let it out . My eyes start to water . I close my eyes . I could hear the crying so I look at her . She is beautiful . I look over at Luke which he is crying . '' We did it . '' I tell him . '' Yes we did . '' He says back . I stands up and leans down and kisses my forehead . 

The baby is in the docters arm . '' Here . '' The docters says handing my over the baby. 

A/N = Hi sorry this chapter is so short . I wanted to have them in sperate chapters next one I probably will post later today . I'm not sure but I'm excited to make the next chapter . I have picked the name for the baby . Lets just say she has one thing from each of them and one she got both from can you guys guess what that is . hair or eyes or skin color . Oh yeah I forgot about height . But you will figure out the height thing in the sequel .  

I'm going to miss writing this story but at the same time I shouldn't because there will be a sequel . But it will be different . I hope you guys like it . 8 more chapters left . I still can't believe that this story is almost over and I have been this far with it . I have had a Sam Woolf story but I deleted it after I was done with it . I willn't do that after this one is over well I hope . I have thought of a idea for my new 5SOS story . It's about 5sos that are bullies . well from that you should get the idea . But one of them is not a bully could you guys guess who . 

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