Chapter 29 : Time

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up and feel an arm around me . I jump to the left . Then realixe its not Ashton's its Luke's he fell asleep with me last night . Suddenly I hear '' are you ok . '' from Luke . Half asleep with his eyes half open . I laugh . He opens his eyes more . Turned to lay on his back . I kept smiling at him . He puts his arm around my stomach . I look down at his arm . Realize I don't remember taking off my pants or my shoes last night . I looked back over to Luke asking what happened last night after the kiss . Luke said '' you wanted to go to sleep so I went in the other room to get my stuff and when I came back you were asleep so I took off your pants and shoes . '' '' oh why did you do that ? '' I ask him . '' so you can be comfortable and get some sleep after what happened yesterday . '' He said yesterday slowly . It was kind of like he wasn't sure to say yesterday .

'' can we please not talk about yesterday please well not now . Lets just enjoy this moment please . '' Luke agreed to do that . I just layed back down with him . But my head on his chest . I didn't really care at the moment what I was doing or who I was with . Luke's arm starts to move down by my tickle spot is . I didn't know he was going to tickle me in til it happened . I jumped and laughed at the same time . After he was done tickling me I was on top of him . We both looked at each other . Me looking down at him . Him looking up at me . '' you know how you wanted to do something last night , well I want to do something now if you would let me . '' I nodded my head slowly . Luke leaned up now sitting up . Me still on top but in his lap facing me . Kissed me . With his arms around my waist . I put my hands around his neck . I don't want to pull away but I have to . I don't want it to go farther then it is if I don't even know about me and Ashton . I finally have the erge to pull away . So I do . We both look at each other . Me looking at his beautiful bright eyes with the light shining on him . '' so what about that ? '' Luke asked me . '' trust me I wanted to but first I want to see where me and Ashton will be in the next few days or so . '' I tell him '' oh . '' Thats all he said . I got up and pulled him up .

I go in the shower . Washing my self . Just thinking about how it was when it was the first day I meet them and now . I probably stode in the water for about five minutes . Longer then I normally would . I got my self out of my mind and finished washing my hair . When I got out . Luke scared me so bad . He was going to the bathroom . I guickly rapped a towel around my self . And walked out of the tube . Waiting for Luke to finish . He finally did . When he washing his hands he kept looking at me . I tried to get him to go out fast because I was cold . But then he thought he would rap me up and warm me . '' Luke listen I really have to get dressed please go . '' Luke just rolled his eyes and left . I put on new clothes and dried my hair .

I get out of the bathroom and Luke is changing . I just block him and sat on the bed staring at the ceiling . After he was done he came over to me and asked what did the girl do that made you so upset ? '' nothing . '' '' it can't just be nothing show me . '' Luke stode up pulling my arm to the middle of the floor . I agreed to do it and I have no clue why I did at all . I just told Luke to stand there . I did everything I saw . It was weird I have no guilt of doing it to Luke . '' oh I can see why . '' Luke said . '' yeah and Ashton just stode there looking like he just enjoying it . I know he was drunk but still . '' I started to cry talking about it . Luke came to me with his arms around me . My head in his chest . Probably making his shirt all wet . But my arms around his neck with my hands through his hair . '' it's ok I got you . '' Luke said to me . I felt comfort . I moved my head to his shoulder .  I pull apart right when the door knocked .  I looked at the door then at Luke . Instead of going to the door I went to the window . Just starring at the window . While Luke opened the door . It was Ashton .

                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

I opened the door because I knew that Katherine didn't want to open the door . It was Ashton . '' can I please see her I need to . '' Ashton said . He started walking in . I stopped him . '' she doesn't want to see you she is mad at you . Go . '' I said to him . I could tell he was mad . He started to have tears go down his face . I felt so bad for him . I wanted to have him be happy and talk to her but I couldn't do that to Katherine . I felt Katherine walking behind me . Ashton is just staring at her . '' I need to see you or talk to you or touch you please . '' Ashton tells Katherine . I look at her . She is holding her breath and having her mouth closed . But then she says to Ashton '' not now I am sorry but I can't just come to you the next day after what happened well what you did . '' Katherine shut the door on him . She was crying like she did last night . I could hear Ashton saying please a few times .

Katherine just slides down the wall with tears in her eyes . Looking up at me . I go down to her . I just sit beside her . She still looking at me . I just hold her in my arms . I feel wettness on my neck . I see and feel her lips on my neck . I look at her . She looks at me . Our lips touch each others . I pull away and get up . About to pick her up to go on the bed . '' no stay here . '' she tells me . Of course I listen . I put my lips back on hers .

After a while we do pull away . Her tears all dried on her face . But after all that I do see a smile . '' theres that smile I know . ''' Katherine laughed . I asked her if we can watch a movie or something . Katherine nodds her head yes . We both get up . She gets the bed fixed . I pick out the movie from the movies I brought . I turn around and see her taking off her pants . I ask her what she is doing . '' well you said sleeping with pants isn't comfortable . '' I laugh and do the same as her . I get on the bed first . She lays right beside me . We watch 22 jump street . I got a movie that she could laugh at . Well she did . Right before the movie was over Katherine fell asleep . I just turn off the TV without taking the CD out . Drifted off to sleep .

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