Chapter 15 : Packing

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

going to go with you guys so its a yes I will go . '' They all smiled . It was cute for all of them to smile . Ashton just huged me tightly and kissed my forehead . I gave a hug to everyone . Luke seemed really excited but holding it in . Michael said '' we need to pack then . '' All of ran up stairs and started packing .

I started to back . Since I didn't have that much I brought everything I had . I want to be organised . So first I started with My jeans and shirts . Then my bras . Then all my needs . I grabbed my tooth brush and brush . My charger . My straightner .

I looked through all in Ashton's room if I am forgeting anything . I ran down stairs if anything was down there . Ashton asked if I was ok . I said '' yeah . '' I felt my neck . I realised my necklace was not on me . I ran up stairs to the bathroom to see if I forgot it there . Because I take it off when I get in the shower . I didn't see it anywhere in the bath room .

I started to freak out .

                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I watched her why she looked in the bath room . She looked like she was going to freak out . I asked her if I could help . But she just ignored me . I tried to get her attention . Katherine finally acknowleged me . She was breath hard . I went close to her . She kind of pulled away . I asked her what was she looking for . '' It's a locket that my gramdma gave to me before she died . '' she said . I told her I will help look . I went in the room to look for it . I heard Luke go up to her and ask whats going on . She just says it like she isn't upset . Which I thought was weird .

'' a locket . '' she told him . He left to go look to like me . Katherine came in and started to cry . I sat on floor next to the bed . Katherine sat next to me . Having tears falling down her face . I asked her about the locket . '' my grandmother gave it to me , she said it will keep me safe . Which it has out of all the bad thing that had happen to me . ''

After sh told me that . I realized that locket ment the world to her . '' She also told me to have pictures of people mean the world to me and I need one of you . '' Katherine told me . I felt like my heart closed so nothing can come out now . I had a deep smile on my face and so did she . Our foreheads touch . We our about to kiss but then Luke comes in holding the locket .

Katherine asked him where was it . Luke said '' In the corner by the shower . '' She had the biggest smile on her face I have seen .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I was so happy that I didn't know what to do . I gave him a huge hug . He squeezed me back . I just froze there looking at his blue eyes . I kissed him on the check . But not where I wanted to . I kissed him on his cheek but the side of his mouth . I felt his lip ring .

I didn't want to look back at Ashton so I just left the room . When everyone was puting things on the tour bus except Luke . I was sitting at the top of the stairs . I opened my locket up . It had one picture of Crash and the other side is nothing . Thats why I need a picture of Ashton . Luke came to sit beside me . I closed my locket fast . I didn't want him to see who's in the locket . I said '' thank you for finding it . '' Luke nodded his head and said '' you are welcome . '' I was about to get up in til he asked what happened back there .

I said '' I don't really know my self . I was just happy that you found it and I wasn't wanting to kiss your lips . I was going to kiss your cheek by saying thank you .  '' Well you might need to talk to Ashton then . '' Luke said . I was really confused .

Ashton was standing in the middle of the door way . I looked at him .

                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

It hurt to see Katherine kiss him . In front of me but I know that locket means a lot to her and she was happy . When she headed out the door . I grabbed her hand . All of us told her how we were sleeping on the bus . Katherine asked where she was going to sleep . I just said '' me . ''

When the bus started to go we all hung out .

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