Chapter 50 : Answer

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A/N= Ok this might be a short chapter because I put the answer in the last chapter and a couple weeks ago I planed for it to be in the chapter but I forgot about it so I know it says answer for the chapter and I already said it I know I know . I think for this chapter I am going to have her talk to Bethany about it all .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I sit there on the floor with Bethany and me crying . I can't believe I am going to be a mother . I asked Bethany what time it is so I can have plenty of time to think of what I am going to say Luke then the boys . Hopefully Ashton doesn't get mad but I am pretty sure he will .

'' It is seven we have a hour or so intill they come back from rehersals . '' '' Can we please go the room ? '' I asked Bethany . The both of us walked out of the bathroom . I ran to the bed and put my head on the pillow . '' Come on get up you need some one to talk to about this . '' Bethany says to me . I didn't want to move but I knew I needed to . I slowly moved around . Sitting up . '' What are you going to tell Luke ? '' Bethany asked me . I looked at her like seriously you just asked that . '' Thats why you are here . '' I tell her . '' Maybe I should just sit down with him and just tell him . Man I don't know . '' I tell her . '' That sounds like a good idea . '' I said to myself '' Well thats a good idea but I don't really want to sit for that . ''

'' So now lets talk about Ashton . '' Bethany says . '' I know thats the one thing I am really scared about . '' I tell her . '' Me too . '' I sat there and thought of all the reasons of what could happen when I tell Ashton . I thought of all bad ones no good ones . '' Maybe he will be ok with it and realized you moved on . '' Bethany tells me . I was surprised when she said that because she just said she will be scared too . '' What why would you say that you know that will never happen . '' I tell her . '' You are right . ''

I whisper under neath my breath . '' He will probably blame him self . '' '' What ? '' Bethany ask . I look up at  her . '' I said he will probably blame him self . '' '' Why ? '' Bethany ask . '' Because he told me and Luke to go somewhere and we did and it happened . '' '' How could that be from that ? '' Bethany asked again . '' Me and Luke have not done it only then and it wouldn't be Ashton's cause me and Ashton haven't even if we did I would know if I am like a month ago . '' '' Oh you do make a good point . '' I looked at my phone we only had like thirty more minutes intill their rehersals would be .

                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

We were in the middle of playing Dissconnected and Ashton stops playing . All of us look at him . '' Do you know why Katherine hasn't been coming or haven't been around you ? '' Ashton asked me . '' No I don't but I will when she tells me I may not know when that will be but she promised she will tell me . '' I tell Ashton . '' Yeah yeah she promises a lot of things you believe it then she breaks your heart . '' I know Ashton is still upset but he shouldn't act like this . '' She maybe promise you somethings but all that is behind her now . '' I tell him '' I'm just looking out for you Luke . '' Ashton says to me . I just ignore it and we finish laying that song .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

'' How long do we have now ? '' I asked Bethany . I didn't really feel like looking at my phone . '' Only a few more minutes . '' I just took a deep breath . '' Can you stay here intill he comes ? '' I ask Bethany . '' Yeah sure . ''

A/N= I know I said about it before this chapter but what do you think . It would be awesome if you guys read my R5 fan fic I just started it like a few weeks ago . If you do read it I hope you like it .

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