Chapter 53 : Telling

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes . I look around and Luke is standing by the window looking down out the window . '' What time is it ? '' I ask him because I have no idea or how long I slept . '' You're awake finally but it's only eleven something . '' Luke tells me . '' Did I sleep that long ? '' I asked .  Luke walks over to me sitting next to me . '' Yes you did but you needed it . '' Luke says . '' You could of woke me up I need to get up and eat man I'm hungry . ''

'' Well lets go get something to eat then we can tell the guys . '' Luke says as I nodd . I get up and grab Luke's shirt and some skinny jeans . '' Soon you are going to have to buy me more close the more you wear . '' I don't say anything I just look at him . I put my hair up in a bun the brush my hair and teeth . The both of us walk out of the room . And head to the car . As we walk Luke grabs my hand . I squeeze them not wanting to let go .

As I open the door of the car my stomach felt weird for a sec but then stopped . '' Are you ok ? '' Luke asks me . '' Yeah I'm fine I just felt weird for a sec . '' The both of us get in the car . '' I kind of forgot I was pregnant but then that weird felling happened . '' I tell him wanting to cry . '' It's ok baby we will get through this together . '' Luke says making me not wanting to cry . '' So where do you wanna go ? '' Luke asked me which I had no clue . '' Olive Garden ? '' Luke asks me before I could respond . '' Luke no thats expensive . '' '' It will be my treat . '' '' Fine Luke but why so expensive ? ''

'' I don't know maybe I just want to do something for my girl can I ? '' Luke asks me making me laugh . We pull in the parking lot . We get out and head in . It was frezzing inside . I tried not to make it show it was . The waiter walked to our table and ordered our drinks . I ordered water and Luke ordered coke . I need to ask Luke but I'm scared he will get mad that I'm talking about it . I have to . '' Luke are you scared or mad that you are going to be a father ? '' '' No I'm not I already told you I'm ok with it and yeah I'm scared I will suck at it but o be a father of your baby is amazing . ''

I just had a huge smile on my face . A few minutes later our food came . I started eating . Luke was already almost done . '' Damn Luke slow down . '' I look at him then at his plate then back at him . I ate as much as I could . I decided to take it to go . Luke payed for our food . As we were gettig in the car I said '' Thank you Luke and not just for lunch for being mine and being here for me . I thought when I would tell you , you would just run off . '' '' I love you to death I would do anything for you and I would never do that . '' Luke says

We go back to the hotel . I start to get nervous to tell the guys . Luke grabs my hand as we walk to the guys room . Luke knocks . Michael opens the door . Man he always opens it . '' just in time everyone is here . '' Michael says . I walk in first with Luke behind me . Calum and Bethany are cuddled on one of the beds and Ashton is sitting in the chair . Michael walks around us . '' So what do you wanna talk about because from your faces somethings up . '' Michael says . I look over at Bethany . Then to the spair bed . Luke sits beside me . '' We have something to tell you guyss . '' Luke says first .

'' Ok tell us we're waiting . '' Calum says making me laugh . '' Let her tell you don't rush her . '' Bethany says to alum hitting him in the arm . I put my hand on my stomach . '' I'm . . .  pregnant . '' I look at everyone . '' So it's Luke's ? '' Michael says '' Yes of course it is . '' Ashton just rushes out of the room . '' let me go talk to him . '' Michael says .

                                                                        Michael's P.O.V.

I follow Ashton out the building . '' Dude where are you going ? '' I ask Ashton . '' I don't know I just want to get away from everything . Everytime I see them together it hurts because that use to be me and her . '' Ashton says '' I know you're hurt but . '' I tell him . '' But what Michael theres nothing I can do besides stay away from them . '' '' How can you , you are in a band with Luke and what you can do is respect them and at least care . '' Ashton just stared at me then said '' I can't its not that easy . ''

'' Oh my god why can't you see she doesn't feel the same for you as she does Luke . They are happy together . Just suck it up and be here for her . Right now she needs all of us most of all . I can't help that both of yall fell for the same girl . '' I tell him being pissed off . I just turned around and headed back to the room . Katherine , Luke , Bethany , and Calum were just talking when I came in . Once Katherine saw me she asked if Ashton was ok . '' He is going through a lot I tried to make a point but maybe tomorrow it will get through his head .

A/N= Hi guys . Yep a Michael's point of view . I wanted to have it since Luke already talked to Ashton . Hopefully soon I will have a Calum's point of view . But just letting you know in the next chapter I might skip a lot of things . So I hope you guys like it for this one and next one . I have a idea for a new 5sos story so I'm just deciding once this story is done should I go straight into the sequel or wait and have my new idea then have a sequel . But you guys should read my new R5 fan fic . I really hope you read it and like it . Its ok if you're not a fan or have no idea who they are . Vote and Comment what you think or liked about it .

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