Chapter 24 : Birthday

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up and I hear whispering and people saying shut up . I realize its Ashton saying that to the boys . I open my eyes and I can see the top of their heads . I smile . As soon as Luke looks up to see if I am awake . I close my eyes fast but its to late he already seen my eyes open . They all jump up and yell supprise . They all run up to me and jump on me giving me hugs . I laugh . '' Happy twenty-first birthday Katherine . '' Luke says to me . '' thank you Luke and thank you all  . '' I look over at the chair and see gifts all neat and fixed in the shape of a K . '' I can't breathe . '' I tell them

We all get up . I head to the bathroom to go get ready because it looks like they are all ready . I jump in the shower . I try to make it a fast one . After that I get my clothes and get dressed . Brush my hair and teeth . When I walk out . They are all sitting down waiting for me . I look over at the dresser and see a cake . I walk over there . It says '' Happy Birthday Katherine . And it has a picture of all of us . '' There is a two and a one of candles . After I look at it I look at the boys . They are just looking at me .

I walk over to them and stand next to Ashton . Leaning on his shoulder with my arm . '' presents or cake first . '' Michael asked . I thought for a minute . '' cake . '' I was hungry . Ashton sliced five pieces of cake for each of us . There was still more cake left .

We were all done with the cake . The next thing was presents . Calum gave me his first . It  was a skull neckless . '' aww thank you Calum . '' I went over to him and gave him a hug . The next gift was from Michael . The rapping paper was funny . I opened it and it was earings of skulls that match the neckless . '' thank you Michael . '' I went over to him and gave him a hug like I did to Calum .

The next gift was from Luke . I opened it and it was a mixed CD that looked like songs he had made . I opened the CD and there was two All Time Low tickets . I probably had the biggest smile on my face ever . I looked up and Luke and actually ran to him . Probably squeezed him to death . My arms rapped around his neck and his arms around my waist . '' Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much !!!!!!!!!! '' After we pulled way I looked over at Ashton his face was down but smiiling too . I sat by him .

Ashton gave me his gift . Before I opened it . I kissed him . Then I opened it . It was a picture of my and him when we first met . I had tears going down my face . Thinking about when I first met . He looked at me and saw I was crying . Just a little though . He whiped the tears off my face .

All of a sudden we hear a knock on the door . I get up and go open the door . I see Crash standing there in a orange suit . With police behind me . He just looks at me . '' how are you ? I can tell you and that band have been getting close . Is that why you can't see me now ? '' I had no idea what to say . I was just shoked he was here . '' how did you know I was here ? '' I asked him '' Bethany told me . '' I knew he was lying I just didn't say . Crash handed me a paper . That looked like a letter . '' what the hell you don't just come here and act like everything is ok . It hasn't but ever since you left my life has been the best as it can be and its all because of these amazing guys behind me . '' His face looked supprised that I said that . But he wasn't looking behind me . He was looked at Ashton . Ashton got up and walked towards me . He was right behind me having his hand around my waist . I know that Ashton wanted to let him know that I was taken but by not saying it . Crash looked down at my waist . '' I think you should leave . '' I told him . I shut the door on him . I didn't want to read the letter so I ripped it up and through it away .

                                                        Later That Night

We were all asleep well besides me . I don't know why I couldn't . I looked over at Ashton . He was asleep . I wanted to go for a swim so I got up and realized I didn't bring my bathin suit . So I grabbed Ashton's jacket to just have on to head to the pool . As I walk to outside to the pool . I hear someone walk behind me . I look and it's Luke . We both head to the pool .

Now since Luke was out here I didn't want to take off the jacket . I went over to the edge and put my legs in . Luke did the same thing as me . He asked me why I was up . I told him I couldn't sleep . '' same . ''  '' I don't think I can stop saying thank you . '' Before he could respond I said '' why are there only two tickets ? '' '' Because one for you and one for me or anyone you want to go with . '' I just smile at him . I pops in the water . His arms are on my legs . '' why don't you get in ? '' I look at him and realize I don't care whats under here . So I get up un zip my jacket but barly . I try to pull and pull it but it doesn't work . Luke ask me if I need help . I nodd my head yes . He gets out of the pool all soaking wet . The zipper is stuck right where my bra is . He puts his hands right where my cleavege is showing to un zip the jacket . But the both of us can't . So I just decide to lift it . As I do Luke is just staring at me . I ask him what hes starring at . He just walks backwards landing in the pool . I walk towards the pool but laughing at the same time . Im at the edge . I don't see Luke in the pool . When I notice he pulls me in . I fall face first . Luke is laughing . I just glare at him and roll my eyes . I splash water on him . He splashed the water back on me . We went back and forth . For the past few minutes .

The both of us hear someone coming out . I look over and see Ashton shirtless n just his underwear on . I smile at him . I get out of the pool and I go up to him and kiss him . He looked at me then kissed me again . Luke just stared at us . He got up and headed back to his room . I just stayed out there with him for a few minutes . Then went back to our room . The both of us took a shower together . Then headed to bed .I still couldn't go to sleep so I just layed there .

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