Chapter 4 : Trying

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up from someone walking down stairs loudly . I tried to crowl over Aston to get to the door . But it toke forever . After about a minute or so all I could hear is Ashton's snoring . When I got out of my room I was at the top of the stairs and I saw Crash about to leave . He looked really mad so I called his name and asked him what's wrong ?

Crash just looked at me then ran out the door . I ran down the stairs and out the door . I grabbed Crash's arm and kissed him . He pulled away . I let go of my hand and he went in side I followed him . I asked him why is he mad at me ? He said " I just can't do this are you with him or not ? If you aren't then it sure seems like it . " I didn't really know what to say after that all I knew is me and Ashton are not together .  But then I said  " I am not with Ashton we just fell asleep watching a movie that's it . Why are you so mad that I am hanging out with them anyway don't you already have a girlfriend ? " " I am not mad I just want to hang out with you and be with you . I don't have a girlfriend where did you get that from ? Crash said .

I said " those texts that I saw and I want to be with you to . " Then Crash said " then do it forget them and lets go . " I started to freak out because I can't I don't know why I can't but can't . Right when I was about to say something Ashton came down stairs and said " hi . " I said " hi . " back and smiling . Crash saw and said " forget it . I am done . " Crash left . Ashton came over to me when I started to cry .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

When Katherine started to cry I gave her a hug . It is just like how she cried yesterday and why she cried . I said " Is this yesterday because it feels that way and I can't keep up probably because I am with you Katherine . " She looked up at me and smiled and laughed a little . I whiped a few tears from her face . I asked her what was the whole thing about this time ? Katherine said " You . The thing is you are a great friend but I love him so much and we are fighting because of you . I am being with you so I need to be alone right now but can I call you when I am ready to be happy . But the thing is I am never happy . I keep my sadness in when I go places . " I walked away to go up stairs to go get my things but I don't really need to get anything because I didn't bring anything just me .

Right when I was about to go walk in her room I realized I am bnot going any where I am staying right here or where ever she is so I can make her happy . I will do what ever I have to do to make her happy . So I walked down stairs and said " no you need to be happy and I am going to make that happen . " Katherine  didn't look she was just curled up in a ball on the coach . I tried to get her attention but it didn't work so I decided to call the boys to come . I had to call a few times before they answered . First I called Luke then Michael then Calum . Michael finally answerd and I asked them if they can come over . They all agreed to come . When I was in the middle of talking to him Katherine looked at me and got to go to her room . I just let her so the boys and I can help her laugh and be happy .  After about five minutes they came . I went to go up stairs to go get Katherine . I knocked on the door a few times then she finally answered me . I said " Luke , Calum and Michael are here . " She said " I don't care . " But I kno she does it's just she willn't amit it . I said to her '' I'm trying here . '' She asked what was I trying to do but before I could answer she said '' What to make me happy that's impossible to make me happy , I am never happy . " I tried to open the door after she said that but it was locked .

                                                            Katherine's P.O.V.

Seriously why would anyone want to help me . Especially Ashton it's like they came here to record and stuff . But he is here with me . What I should do is go out there and suck it in and enjoy that someone actually cares for me besides Bethany . Then I thought to my self why should I suck it in I have been doing for ever now and 5SOS have seen me in my worst well mostly Ashton . So I got up unlocked the door . When I opened it Ashton was leaning against the wall waiting for me . hen he saw me he looked at me like he was sad that I am like this because of him which it's not . I told him I have to go to the bath room . He let me . I didn't even have to go I just wanted to look at my self . When I did I had dried tears on my face , My eyes were red .

I came out of the bath room and went down stairs . They were all there waiting for me to come out . Luke said " why you were in the bath room we were talking . " Then Michael said " It seems like you shouldn't be alone so . " Then Calum said " We just think you should be happy so ... '' Then Ashton said '' we think you should stay with us . It is up to you but you are welcome anytime . " I smiled after that and said '' sure I will but I need help getting my things together . '' So me and 5SOS grabbed mostly all my clothes and things that I needed . After that we but it in the van . Ashton drove . I sat in the passenger seat . The rest of the boys sat in the back . I just layed me head on the window . I curled up in the chair . In the corner of my eye I saw Ashton look at me . I didn't really want to look so I didn't .

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