Chapter 16 : End Up Here

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                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

It hurt that I saw Katherine kind of kiss Luke . But I can tell she was just happy that he found the locket . I was just showing Katherine around the tour bus . She asked where she was going to sleep . I said '' with me of course . '' and I kissed her on the cheek . It looked like she was thinking of something . I just couldn't get what she was thinking .

I asked her if she was ok . She just nodded her head . She just sat on couch near the window . Watching the world go by . I had to go to the bathroom . And when I came out Katherine was talking to Luke . She looked like she was laughing and smiling . I felt like it should be me making her laugh . But I just didn't let it worry me .

                                                                       Katherine's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss well it's not really a kiss but I did . I don't know if I should regret it or not . I didn't really want to talk about it with Ashton . To me it would be awkward or weird . I love Ashton and that is not going to change . I wish I could but I can't . The only person I can talk to about it is Luke which I am . I just starred in the window thinking about it . All of a sudden I feel some one sit by me . I look at see Luke .

He asked the same question as Ashton . I did the same thing I did to Ashton . '' good luck with Ashton . '' Luke said '' what is that suppose to mean . '' I said back . '' he snores really loud . '' While I laughed I said '' yeah I know . I have been with a long time . '' He put his lips together and made a pouty face and said '' not uh . '' All I did was laugh that time .

When I got up I said '' you are such a kid . '' I went to go look for Ashton . He was in the back room with Calum and  Michael . I was just standing there in the middle of the door way to the sleeping section . He turned his head my way . The back where he was looking before . Then back at me and smiled . Then he just looked with out a smile .

Luke was beside me . I looked at Luke . He looked at me . I rolled my eyes . And walked Ashton's way . I got right beside him and sat on his lap . He put his arms around me . I leaned back on him looking at the side of his face . He whispered in my ear and said '' every time you sit on my lap I think of our first kiss . '' I smiled at him and kissed him .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I could tell she loved me . I loved her too . She was mine and I was hers . I was happy that I have her in my life . I can't stop thinking of what she was thinking about . And why did Luke make her laugh and not me . I'm trying not to worry about it but I can't help it .

I looked in the window it looked like we were almost where the first show is . I can't wait to get to the hotel . So me and Katherine can have our own time . I asked the guys how are we going to sleep . Calum said '' well me and someone else and you two and someone else with you guys or it can be just you two . '' I said '' just us two . '' Katherine smiled .

The bus finally stops . We grab some things and go check in to the hotel we are staying in for the first show . I grab me and Katherine's key for our room .

When we get in there just layes on the bed . I lay beside her .  She leans up and gets on top of me . I rube her arms . She puts her hands on my chest and lean down and kissed me . I kissed her back . I started to kiss her on her neck .

Out of know where we both hear the door knocked . Katherine took a deep breath . And got up to open the door . I got up fast . To fix her clothes so it doesn't look like anything . Or the guys will think anything wrong . Before she opens the door I kissed her .

She opens the door . three of them standing there . I walk back to the bed . She starts to laugh . They all come in . We all sat in the bed watching tv and talking about things . It was all quiet . In til Katherine said '' I love you guys so much . Thank you for making my word better then it was . '' We all sat by her and hugged her .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I say that then they all give me a hug . They squeeze me to dealth . I couldn't breath . They all said '' You very welcome . We love you to death . '' I just sat there beside Ashton and Michael . Luke and Calum in front of me . Michael asked me and Ashton what we were doing . I just smiled and said '' nothing . '' I looked at Ashton to what he said . '' what she said . Calum and Luke look at me . I just layed my head on Ashton's chest . I slid down in the middle of Ashton and Michael to get comfortable . Ashton leaded on . Michael laying on the other side . But his butt in my space . Luke laying on my leg . Calum is just on the bed . We were all watching tv together . I asked Ashton how did we end up here . He didn't know what to say . He just shruged his shoulders .

It started to get late I tried to get up . They all looked at me . I said '' it's time for you guys to go I'm tried . '' They all got up . And left . '' gosh Katherine . '' Luke said . I just rolled my eyes . Got ready for bed with Ashton .

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