Chapter 44 : Best Friend

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                                                                               Katherine's P.O.V.

I open my eye's seeing Luke infront of me . I just lay there looking at him . Thinking about what I am going to say to Ashton tomorrow . I can't saying anything in til I talk to Bethany about all this . I'm just going to say what ever I'm thinking about him and Luke . Last time Luke told me that it worked well I did almost kill my self . But now I do have someone . Luke . As I was about to go to sleep . Luke wakes up .

'' Oh great . '' I say to him with my eyes closed . '' Ehh what was that for ? '' I open my eyes . Luke has his lips all pouted . I move my head over to him . And kiss him . He moves his lips back to normal . '' I didn't mean it like that I just was about to go to sleep and you woke up . '' '' oh it's all right I don't get mad at you like Ashton . '' I didn't respond and took a deep breath . '' If you wanna go back to sleep we can . '' I have a smile on my face . I lay on Luke's chest and close my eyes . I don't know if Luke is going back to sleep but I don't care . I'm tired .

I could tell Luke wasn't sleeping because he was petting my hair . I removed my head from his chest and looked at him . '' What ? '' Luke asked '' Nothing I just thought you would go to sleep . '' '' No I'm good just go to sleep you need it . '' I lay my head back . '' Should I tell him first or when we are all together I'm with you . '' '' That just sounds mean to so you should talk to him . '' '' But that sounds like he has to aprove . '' '' I thought you were going to go back to sleep . '' '' I thought I was too but I guess not . '' I got my phone from the table and texted Bethany '' are you up yet we need to talk . '' I put my phone down and closed my eyes .

A few minutes later I got a text back from Bethany . '' yeah I'm up Calum is sleeping and lets talk I have lots of question's for you where you wanna talk . '' Right away I got a text back . '' your room Calum is still asleep and I don't think I'll get him up . '' '' My room is good Luke is up I'll tell him to get up and go to Calum and you can come ok . '' '' Ok .''

I got up . Put on sweat pants and a t-shirt . '' What are you doing ? '' Luke asked '' you gotta get up and go to Calum , Bethany is going to come here so we can talk . '' Luke quickly got up and got dressed . He left to Calum . Afew minutes later Bethany came . The both of us sat on the bed talking about everything .

'' Tell me everything . '' '' Tell me what you wanna know . '' I told Bethany . '' I just said everything . '' Bethany said . I laughed . '' It's way to mush you got ask more detailed questions . '' Bethany had her thinking face on . '' What happened between you and Ashton ? '' I thought for a minute . '' Well everything was ok but then me and him almost had sex but I freaked out . Luke was the only one that could help me . I went to a therapist and she said my body was feeling things my mind wasn't feeling just yet . '' '' Did you figure what she ment . '' Bethany asked . '' Yes and it was Luke but there is more . '' Bethany's mouth dropped . '' after that we tried to go back as we were before but then he wanted to go to this club for my brithday . He drank more then me . He wanted to dance with me but I'm not really a dancer . So I let him on his own . '' I was scared to say the rest . '' Is that it there's gotta be more . '' Bethany said . '' don't worry there's a lot more . I was really bord , So I went off to the boys . Then I saw Ashton dancing and kissing this girl . It got me really upset . Luke drove me him . And again Luke helped me . '' '' That's not what Ashton said . '' says Bethany . I paused for a sec . '' Wait Ashton said something , what did he say ? '' I asked her .

'' he said he tried being there for you and you just ran to Luke anytime he did something . He also said he loves you and your the love of his life thats sleeping with his best friend . '' That hurt what Bethany said about what Ashton said . I can't believe he said that . I was so pissed at him . '' That is not true . He did much more as you can tell by what I said and I can be his love of his life but I don't care . Cause I have a person that makes me happy and I love . '' I say to her with anger . '' Don't get mad I know what he said was wrong now tell me how Luke makes you happy . '' Bethany says to me . My mood just changes to happy . '' Luke makes everything better for me . Like I said he always rescue me form anything . When we were gone we laughed , we played . Luke is romantic . '' '' What do you mean you guys played ? '' Bethany asks me . '' I mean messed with each other not with dolls or anything like that . '' As we finish talking I still have that anger in me .

                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

Me and Calum are playing video games . I don't know what Ashton or Michael are doing . I think it's best to stay here . '' So what do you think the girls are talking about ? '' '' oh I know they talking about what happened to her and Ashton . '' '' Oh do you think Katherine will get over Ashton ? '' '' She already told me and she's going to talk to him about it and I believe her . '' I tell Calum . The both of us starring at the screen playing video games . In till we hear a knock on the door . Calum pauses the game while I go up to the door . I open the door Katherine marches in like she mad . Bethany slowly walks in .  Katherine falls on the bed face first . Kicking and screaming like someone is trying to kill her . I walk over to her . I hold her legs so she will stop kicking . I can't understand what she's saying . Katherine is talking in the blankets . Bethany is beside me and Calum is just sitting there starring at her . '' What is she saying ? '' I ask Bethany . '' She's saying she hates Ashton . ''

I quickly turn her over . Katherine having tears in her eyes . I lift her up . But she is still sitting on the bed . I put my hands on her check . '' what did Ashton say to you ? '' I asked her . '' He didn't say it to me and said it about me to Bethany . '' '' But what did he exactly say to you ? '' '' he said he tried being there for me and me just ran to Luke anytime he did something . He also said  I'm the love of his life thats sleeping with his best friend . '' That hurt me and if it hust he it will hust her twice as more . '' I quickly turn around and head to the door . Katherine stops me . '' What are you ging ? '' I ask her . '' stoping you it's my job to talk to him . ''  The both of us walk back to the bed . '' Wait I have to talk to him now I'm so mad at hi it's perfect to tell him he diserves it . I can't get the anger off of me in till I talk to him . '' Katherine gets up quickly and opens the door . I stop her like she stoped me . Before I could speak she says '' Go with me just stand by the door and listen . '' I though that was a great idea .

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