What the Hell is wrong with Endevor?

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As I was going to Recovery Girl to heal my sprained leg, Todoroki came up to me. He had guilt written all over his face. "I'm sorry..." He said. "It's fine." I said, heading towards Recovery Girl's office. "Do you need..."

"No. I don't need your help." I said, refusing him to take me to Recovery Girl's office. I still was mad at him for being cold to Midoriya. After I was done being healed by Recovery Girl, I headed back, to have lunch. 

We were taking a lunch break. Midoriya went off somewhere. Last I saw, Todoroki wanted to talk with him. I was walking to meet up with Uraraka and Iida when I bumped into someone....Endeavor.... 

"Oh..I'm sorry...I should probably get going...I..uh..." Endeavor grabbed my wrist tightly, not letting me leave his grasp. "Wait there, child." Endeavor spoke to me.

I was just dumbstruck. What did Endeavor want from me?

"Your blue flames..." He started, "They remind me of someone. Someone that I absolutely despise more than anything in the world." Endeavor coldly told me.

"Oh um... I don't know what you're talking about." I said, trying to leave, but his grip on me tightened. It started to hurt, then, I felt a burning sensation on my arm.

'This guy...is he really trying to hurt me right now?' I thought. I look in Endeavor's eyes to see only hatred, before he let my arm go, leaving me in the hallway.

I look down to my arm, to see that it was burnt pretty bad. I didn't want to miss the matches so I decided to leave it to my healing.

I was hanging out with the girls, when Mineta and Denki came to us. They told us that we were supposed to dress up as cheerleaders because they heard Mr. Aizawa talking about it.

I didn't believe it, but some of the girls heard about it. Yayorozu created cheerleading clothes, only to find out that we were fooled.

I was about to kill Kaminari and Mineta, but Uraraka held me back. If it wasn't for Uraraka, I would have killed those two, and wiped the smiles off their faces.

Soon, the brackets were shown who we were fighting. I saw who I was fighting and smirked, hearing Kaminari freak out.

That was right.

I was going to avenge the girls after this public humiliation.

They told us that the matches would shortly start, and in the meantime, there would be minigames. I didn't want to participate.

Instead, I wanted to get out of this uniform. But of course, I had to bump into Shoto Todoroki before the matches started.

He stood there, looking at me. Normally when he talked to me, I would see him look in another direction. 'Was he seriously checking me out?' 

He then noticed the burn on my arm, and grabbed it before I could pull away. "What happened to your arm? Who did this?" Todoroki's eyes narrowed down on me.

"It's nothing!" I lied, finally jerking my arm away from him. "It will heal, eventually." I said. 

"Look, if you want me to be your friend, you can't hide things from me." Todoroki said.

"And you can't be cold to me and other people." I said back.

We started glaring at each other.

"Why don't you use your left side? It will come extremely useful during the matches." I asked.

His expression turned even colder. 

"It's none of your business." He hissed.

"Well, it is my business now, because I could clearly see how much pain you're in! Let me help!" I yelled.

"I don't need your help!" He said, walking away. 'Great. Now two Todorokis hate me.' I thought as I made my way to the seats. 

The first match, Midoriya was against Shinso. He was saying bad stuff about All Might, and Midoriya snapped, and talked back.

He then froze. I didn't know what was wrong until I heard Shinso say commands and Midoriya listened to him and started to walk out of the arena.

I became agitated, was Midoriya going to lose, just like that? Just as Midoriya was about to step out of the arena, a force was emitted from Midoriya's fingers.

Midoriya had snapped himself awake by breaking his fingers. We were all relieved. Midoriya started to push Shinso out of the arena.

Shinso fought him back, but Midoriya managed to pull it off and throw him out first.

I decided to catch a break, walking to the bathroom. As I was heading towards my class, I heard two people talking.

"What do you want?" I heard a familiar voice say.

It was Todorki.

"You're acting disgracefully, Shoto. If you simply used the power in your left side, you would've had an overwhelming victory in both of the first rounds. It's time to stop this childish rebellion of yours. You have a duty to surpass that imbecile All Might. Do you understand what I'm saying? You're different from your siblings. You're my greatest masterpiece." I heard Endeavor say.

I quickly hid behind the wall, to listen to their conversation.

"Is that all you have to say to me, you bastard? I will win this match and advance using only Mom's Quirk. I won't give the pleasure of seeing me use yours." Todoroki said, coldly walking away. 

"Even if that works for you in this tournament, you'll soon find the limits of that power." Endeavor said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt pain inside my chest hearing his father act that way towards him.

I let my body slide down on the ground, and I started to quietly sob.

Todoroki needed my help more than ever.

I'll push my problems away for now and focus on helping Todorki.

I went back to watch Todoroki's match.

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