Extra Lessons

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We continued on like this for days until the Provisional license exam. UA had special classes for those who wanted to train during summer vacation as well. Of course, I decided to take it as well. 

"We'll be running this course multiple times with small groups from our class. Today it will be the seven of you. Just so you know, this will be harder than a regular class. Prepare yourselves." Mr. Aizawa said.

It was Me, Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugo, Iida, Tsu, and Uraraka. "I wonder what we were going to do today?' I thought to myself. "In this master class, you'll be tasked with saving innocent bystanders. And capturing a villain." Mr Aizawa explained. "Huh?" Bakugo asked. "We're not just studying--we're playing heroes!" Midoriya and Uraraka exclaimed in unison.

They were super excited for this. "This should be obvious. But villains commit many different types of crime. You seven will be dispatched to a scene and will need to determine what happened there. Whether or not a villain was actually at fault. Whether or not you should fight. We will be judging your ability to assess the situation as well as how well you diffuse it. Welcome your instructors." As Mr. Aizawa finished, the back door to our classroom opened, revealing All Might in his buffed-up form.

"I am here, sneaking in through the back door!" All might said. "All Might's teaching us?" Midoriya asked. "You're looking extra muscly today! Yowza!" Uraraka said. All Might started laughing. "He's not the only one today. Cememntos, Midnight, Present Mic and Yukio will be assisting. They'll be acting as special trainers." Mr. Aizawa explained.

Oh, that's good to hear--Wait! What?! Nii-chan was here?! "Y-Yukio?! W-What are you doing here?!" I asked, completely shaken up by the fact that my big brother was going to be a part of this training. 

"Didn't you hear Mr. Aizawa? I'm also going to be a part of this training." Yukio smiled at me. Oh, well that was going to be just great. Now I had to work my best, and try not to yell at Bakugo.

We wore our Hero costumes and went to the training grounds. We were in a fake city. "Let's get started. Head to ground Beta and we'll begin." Mr. Aizawa said. Midoriya, Uraraka, Tsu, Iida and I took a look at the situation. "I see cardboard police cutouts." Midoriya said.

"This must be where the crime is taking place." I said. "I'll brief you on the situation. There's been an attack in this jewelry store. The employees and customers have been taken hostage and are barricaded inside. The number of villains and bystanders is unknown. As pro heroes, you have been asked by the police to intervene and resolve this incident to the best of your abilities." Mr. Aizawa explained.

Iida raised his hand. "Excuse me, Mr. Aizawa! Our teachers--are they playing the roles of hostages or villains--" "I won't be answering questions." Mr. Aizawa quickly replied. "Verify the situation yourself and act accordingly." "Yes, sir!" We all said. "With that, let the capture training begin." Mr. Aizawa announced.

The buzzer blared. "Okay. What's our first move?" Iida asked. "That's easy. First we need to figure out how many villains and hostages there are inside." Midoriya explained. 'Uraraka. You go." Bakugo said.

"Me by myself? Why can't Akia come with me?" Uraraka asked. 'If we all run in, the villains'll notice us. If Akia used her blue flames to fly up to the window, she could get spotted. But you can float up to the top window and not get caught." Bakugo explained.

"Yeah. You're right! I'm on it." Uraraka said. "Isn't that dangerous?" Tsu asked. "It is. But we can distract the villains." Todoroki said. Todoroki used his phone to call the jewelry store phone. Someone picked up. "All Might's pretending to be the criminal." Todoroki said. "I'm a pro hero. And you are?" Todoroki asked.

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